Also, just wanted to chime in on my premature battery life... the 20th was my first full day of use with the N20U, mostly transferring basics like messages, call logs, and pictures and other various data. Also streamed Mixcloud to my Buds Live for about 90 minutes while I did some yard work. I was off the charger for about 19 hours and managed 7h 57m of SOT, on WiFi at home and it says 5G but only getting LTE in my neighborhood and with that about 1 or 2 bars in my house. The 21st I was off the charger from 9am till about 2am and I had 7h SOT, and all connections still the same, but I also installed just about all of my other apps from scratch. It is very impressive to me so far, but I have to say last year with the Note10+ I had very good battery life for about the first 3-4 days, and then the next 2 weeks I had a strange battery drain. Only after an update, did it seem to resolve itself. So, I am cautiously optimistic about it at the moment.
I am a little worried about how it will learn my usage because last year I was working on the road daily, and now I am home all day, so usage isn't going to be ideal to my average daily use. But we'll see how everything goes for the next few days first.