Battery life keeps getting worse!


Mar 23, 2011
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Just off phone with verizon. Their tech support says engineers are aware of this new radio drain since the 4g network crash. Only advice is to check if flux in/out of connection more than usual, they'll open a problem ticket for your location. Otherwise wait till they get the kinks worked out. Call to log complaint as that's the only way the big V send to hear its customers. Sometimes I think they should be paying us for being the testers on the fancy new network.


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Jan 28, 2011
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Yep noticed this as well recently, definitely related to the 4G network. Before the network crash I would easily get 8+ hours of use from the phone with moderate to heavy use. Now with fairly heavy use in 2 hours my battery is usually around 60% where as before it would've been around 85%. If I use heavily for 3 hours on 4G it will be around 40% (which puts the rate at 20% use per hour = 5 hours max). I notice that when I turn on wifi or 3G however it goes back the pre-crash way of working, been on wifi today and currently have 76% left with over 8 and a half hours off charger. Hopefully they can get this worked out and fixed sooner rather than later


Apr 6, 2011
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I've had mine for a month and right now I'm on 14 hours on this charge and have 35% left on my battery, it's not the extended battery either and I'm in 4G coverage. I turn my screen brightness down to 25%, Fast Reboot app, Advanced Task kill apps, and there is a app called Active Apps, I use all these programs and also do a occasional restart of the phone and it works for me. Try it


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2009
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Supporting material??? What apps are running in the background??? What's using up your battery??? Do you know???

Anyone can make statements like yours, but can you tell us in the same statement what you have running taking up your battery life that you can't live without, or just back off to once every two hours instead of once every hour???

Get System Panel and set it to monitor usage for about a day or so. It will give you a better glimpse of what is eating up your battery. Whether it be a rogue app, network or system issues. If it's the latter two then hopefully the upcoming update will address those problems.

Have you thought about rooting? Running a custom Rom and undervolted kernel has done wonders with my battery life.

It does not really matter, I am not looking for help in finding something wrong, nothing is different on my phone, no new apps....nothing, I don't do anything different!
The fact is I can go a whole day using the phone moderately heavy and have 50% left and then another day after 3 hours have 50% having not used the phone. There is a glitch in the matrix that is for sure

*** I wrote this last night but forgot to hit submit :)

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