Best 2.1 rom


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Mar 17, 2010
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What is the best 2.1 ROM out there?

Also will this ROM be equal to the 2.1 update that will be released soon?

I have my phone rooted now and overclocked just wondering if I should wait for a new 2.1 ROM once the official is released so that I can still overclock. What do you all think?

Se7enth Sinn

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Dec 14, 2009
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You're not going to get the OTA 2.1 because your phone is rooted. You have to wait for the XDA guys to make a new 2.1 rom for rooted phones.


Retired Super Moderator
Jan 15, 2010
What is the best 2.1 ROM out there?

Also will this ROM be equal to the 2.1 update that will be released soon?

I have my phone rooted now and overclocked just wondering if I should wait for a new 2.1 ROM once the official is released so that I can still overclock. What do you all think?

Koush's ROM for now, until they get the OTA version rooted.

Roy Aguilera

I was looking at Cyanogens GitHub and it looks like 5.0.5 will have a hack that allows you to change tracks using a longpress on the volume key.
Apps2SD is also there (not sure if I need it)


Retired Moderator
Nov 22, 2009
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if apps2sd is enabled will it be just as fast while the app is running? i have been wondering that lately because the card that came with it is not the best out there and there other grades for other sd cards so i dont know if this might cause lag issues as well as apps might not function correctly. am i wrong?

Roy Aguilera

if apps2sd is enabled will it be just as fast while the app is running? i have been wondering that lately because the card that came with it is not the best out there and there other grades for other sd cards so i dont know if this might cause lag issues as well as apps might not function correctly. am i wrong?

I am not 100% sure but a part of the app stays in system and the rest goes to the sd card. Allowing for a lag free app usage.
They are testing the apps2sd on the Nexus build now. So it should be working by the time it hits us. The N1 users are like the cyanogen beta team.


Retired Super Moderator
Jan 15, 2010
I am not 100% sure but a part of the app stays in system and the rest goes to the sd card. Allowing for a lag free app usage.
They are testing the apps2sd on the Nexus build now. So it should be working by the time it hits us. The N1 users are like the cyanogen beta team.

Nice way to put it lmao
Well I'm just waiting on 5.0.5 now, looks promising