Best features of Lollipop on G3?


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Feb 12, 2012
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It doesn't blow the phone up?

LolliFlop, IMO, should have been called with a different theme. (And free bugs thrown in.) I don't see any reason to update. (And that light green background with white font on a white background eats a LOT more battery than a white font on black.)


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Jun 17, 2010
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For me not much. Battery life has gone up noticably though. Apps seem to load a bit faster. But going from half a second to a quarter of a second makes no difference to me. I use nova launcher so even the design changes are moot for me. I am one of the lucky ones whos phone it didn't screw up with lollipop though. I didn't even do a factory reset. Just downloaded it and rebooted once and it's been flawless for 2 weeks now. Better battery, no crashes or misbehaving. Unfortunately everybody isn't having the same experience.


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May 21, 2012
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For me not much. Battery life has gone up noticably though. Apps seem to load a bit faster. But going from half a second to a quarter of a second makes no difference to me. I use nova launcher so even the design changes are moot for me. I am one of the lucky ones whos phone it didn't screw up with lollipop though. I didn't even do a factory reset. Just downloaded it and rebooted once and it's been flawless for 2 weeks now. Better battery, no crashes or misbehaving. Unfortunately everybody isn't having the same experience.

Another fortunate one here. I didn't need to do a factory reset, as it worked great after the update, but as I had backed up all my data prior to updating, I thought, what the heck....better safe than sorry! Lol! Regardless, the update went flawlessly for me, and battery life is better.

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Aug 2, 2013
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Just the new annoying quiet hours thing. Should have just left it alone. Oh, and the trusted places thing too. I've gotten used to lollipop now, considered going back to KK a few times. My battery life seems marginally better too. All in all, lollipop is nothing to write home about.


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Mar 7, 2015
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I just bought G3, so I hadnt time to check battery life without lollipop because at first i didnt knew that would be so terrible and i just downloaded all updates i was now battery loses its life if browsing or playing like 1% in 1 minute..I played Plants vs zombies about 20 minutes and it lost 20% of battery..I think it shouldnt be like this? Should i send phone back and request new one, without lollipop update?

Lucky Lindy

Nov 28, 2013
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I like some of the features of lollipop, but my phone has terrible lag. I didn't factory reset though. I clean the cache frequently which helps for a little while. I almost regret updating. Kit kat was smooth

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May 21, 2012
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I like some of the features of lollipop, but my phone has terrible lag. I didn't factory reset though. I clean the cache frequently which helps for a little while. I almost regret updating. Kit kat was smooth

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I would suggest backing up your data and then doing a factory reset. Might do the trick.

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Mar 3, 2015
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I just bought G3, so I hadnt time to check battery life without lollipop because at first i didnt knew that would be so terrible and i just downloaded all updates i was now battery loses its life if browsing or playing like 1% in 1 minute..I played Plants vs zombies about 20 minutes and it lost 20% of battery..I think it shouldnt be like this? Should i send phone back and request new one, without lollipop update?

This phone is definitely not recommended for gaming. If factory reset does not help you, I recommend to look out for a different phone, sony have z2 which has twice better screen on time but it doesn't look as great as G3 does.

Joshua Kirkland1

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Jul 28, 2013
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Little difference between KitKat and lollipop to me. The G3 to me is like Mario in super Mario 2; not really the best at everything but really good at almost every attribute making him (for me) the most selected character by far after defeating Wart. It lists it after. G3 is really good at a lot of things but not really the best at any. Another thing about gaming on this phone is the GPU heats up the battery thus making it seam like it's bleeding out battery life. You've all become spoiled, get a phone from 2011 like s2 and use it all day and see how great the life actually is on this phone.

g3 fo-real


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Nov 9, 2012
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I just bought G3, so I hadnt time to check battery life without lollipop because at first i didnt knew that would be so terrible and i just downloaded all updates i was now battery loses its life if browsing or playing like 1% in 1 minute..I played Plants vs zombies about 20 minutes and it lost 20% of battery..I think it shouldnt be like this? Should i send phone back and request new one, without lollipop update?

I don't think that battery loss is crazy for a phone like this... The screen uses a lot in that amount of time, combined with game play.

Also... I did the factory reset after the update, my husband and son did not. There are small but noticeable differences now between our phones. I don't think you're getting the full update without the reset.
Feb 16, 2015
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Yeah I'm not really sure what everyone is all up in arms about. My battery life is much better. If anything it let's me know when I have not shut down an app or game that is using too much power. Just yesterday I was playing real racing for about two hours, browsing the web for over an hour, talked on the phone for about 3 hours, sent and received multiple text and picture messages, downloaded a couple pool heater PDF manuals for work, YouTube videos, excetra. The battery was able to get me to the end of the day. So whatever you people are doing is beyond me. This is by far the best phone I have ever used. The capabilities of the G3 far outweigh having a battery that will last for days as in the past. You can't always have your proverbial cake and eat it too. Think about it the phone feels small in your hand but you have to remember this thing has a 5.5 inch qHD display and a processor that probably rivals the one in your desktop all in the palm of your hand what the hell do you people want. The only suggestion that I can make don't keep your screen on 100% brightness, I typically keep mine between 80 and 90 percent with auto brightness on, face auto detect, 15 second timeout. Not to mention with the supplied charger and cord the phone charges from 15% to 100% in about an hour and a half if allowed to cool down first otherwise yes it takes a bit longer as the battery and processor have to cool down.

Posted via the Android Central App from a G3 power user.
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Retired Moderator
Feb 21, 2013
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Cleaned up and deleted posts not on topic. Please keep the posts on topic and that is to help the OP with the question on what are the best features of Lollipop.


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Aug 23, 2013
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Best Lollipop feature for LG G3???

Wowww there are many.
For instance:-
Lollipop kills battery faster than a ninja can do with Katana sword.
Lollipop slows down my phone better than my brakes do to my car
Lollipop heats up the phone faster than my boiler can warm up the water
Lollipop lags up the phone so badly as if I feel I am in the movie "Inception"

And many more...

What a mistake I did by upgrading to this stupid 5.0 :(

Thierry Henry

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Nov 15, 2014
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Best Lollipop feature for LG G3???

Wowww there are many.
For instance:-
Lollipop kills battery faster than a ninja can do with Katana sword.
Lollipop slows down my phone better than my brakes do to my car
Lollipop heats up the phone faster than my boiler can warm up the water
Lollipop lags up the phone so badly as if I feel I am in the movie "Inception"

And many more...

What a mistake I did by upgrading to this stupid 5.0 :(

A factory reset will fix that as my phone runs a lot better than it did on KitKat. Try it factory reset it, it doesn't hurt just backup your files.

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Apr 5, 2011
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I do like the 'Trusted Locations' for my lock screen so I don't have to use the knock code at home or work. Every now and then it "forgets" where I am, it's not 100% reliable.


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2012
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Best Lollipop feature for LG G3???

Wowww there are many.
For instance:-
Lollipop kills battery faster than a ninja can do with Katana sword.
Lollipop slows down my phone better than my brakes do to my car
Lollipop heats up the phone faster than my boiler can warm up the water
Lollipop lags up the phone so badly as if I feel I am in the movie "Inception"

And many more...

What a mistake I did by upgrading to this stupid 5.0 :(

Have you done a factory reset?! It'll fix what ails you.

Lucky Lindy

Nov 28, 2013
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Non tech person question. I have a lot of pics and videos on my SD card and I don't want to lose them by doing a reset. Can I pull the card, do the reset, then reinstall it? What's the best way to back everything up? I've tried downloading the pics to my PC, but it kept giving me an error and wouldn't download all the drivers.

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