Best ICS for EVO 4G


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2011
I have looked around for the most stable/working ICS rom for the htc evo 4g, but have struck out. Could someone post a link to their favorite ICS rom? Thank you!


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2010
I'm also interested in a good stable ICS ROM

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2


Feb 3, 2011
When I was rockin my EVO I used MazWoz's stuff. I thought it was the most stable out there, he had it on ROM Manager so easy to install, and I remember at the time it was the only ICS rom for the EVO that Chrome totally worked. I never had any fc's or issues with any of his stuff. But... I moved to the Photon a few months back so, don't know what's been out since. Check it out and give it a shot. I'm sure its only gotten better.

Also, other than Wimax, I think most of the other bugs that were common with most other ICS roms for the EVO we minimal to none. Plus, given to lack of storage capacity of the EVO, I thought the file was rather light if I remember correctly, so...


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Dec 21, 2010
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Dec 9, 2010
I'm not sure if this is the place for me to ask this question but here goes. My husband had a friend root my EVO and put Android 2.2 back on it but I'm having even more issues than before. The saleswoman at Sprint said I got one of the bad EVO's but they won't replace it. If I have him take my phone to work and have his friend put one of these ICS roms on my buggy EVO is it going to cause even more issues? It seems that the rom is running great for all of you. Thanks


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2010
I'm not sure if this is the place for me to ask this question but here goes. My husband had a friend root my EVO and put Android 2.2 back on it but I'm having even more issues than before. The saleswoman at Sprint said I got one of the bad EVO's but they won't replace it. If I have him take my phone to work and have his friend put one of these ICS roms on my buggy EVO is it going to cause even more issues? It seems that the rom is running great for all of you. Thanks

I'm not sure why they'd put 2.2 on it.... but anyway when it comes to custom ROMs you tend to trade problems for different problems. For instance, those ICS ones won't have a front facing camera or 4g. Besides those it should be fairly stable.

Are you wanting a sense ROM or stock android?

If android I'd say try that ics build that was posted or try cyanogenmod7 (android 2.3)

I'm not sure what builds are available for sense ROMs though since I personally don't like them but xda has plenty of them if you want to look.

What issues was your phone having?

Sent from my EVO


Dec 9, 2010
My husband thought by going back to 2.2 I wouldn't have any issues with my phone but I am. Here are the issues, 4G no longer works, 3G barely works now, 80% of the apps aren't working, I'm getting the android.process.acore error every 10 minutes, the phone will freeze at different times, the camera works but won't share pictures, voicemail works 50% of the time, I'm not getting a lot of my text messages, the phone will freeze and I have to take out the battery, when I'm on the phone with someone it will dial someone else, hang up and then be completely frozen, the battery (its a fairly new one too) will overheat to the point that it is so hot, it feels like it is burning my ear or hand and I have to throw it in the freezer. I know this all sounds crazy but there are so many more issues with 2.2 now than I ever had with 2.3. I think I'll take my phone restarting the blue light and swype not working or changing to spanish randomly over this. I would unroot but I don't know how. My husband won't put an ICS rom on my phone because he said that if the hardware wasn't good for Gingerbread, there is no way it will be stable on ICS. There was an upgrade that downloaded to my phone but then I got the little Android guy with a question mark. I thought my phone was bricked but I removed the battery and when I put it back in, my phone was fine. I can't upgrade until October so I need my phone to work until then.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2010
I had ICS on mine before I changed phones. It was pretty stable except for no 4g or front camera. Besides that I'd recommend cyanogenmod 7. Both 4g and front camera will work in that.

For the service issues try updating your profile and prl while on a sense ROM (or flash the file if you aren't).

My old phone would heat up a bit while streaming music in the car so I'd put it in front of the ac for a while. I'm not sure how normal your overheating is.

As long as you make nandroid backups, I'd just say flash a bunch of different ones till you find one you really like. Make sure it stays charged while you do so and stay away from flashing radios.

Without having the phone it's hard to troubleshoot it unfortunately...

Sent from my EVO


Dec 9, 2010
I have it connected to my computer but I don't see where anything is. I found a folder full of binary code but I don't know if that is what. My phone is running the su binary updater. I am thinking this wasn't a good idea. :eek:


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2010
Texasmommy, yes, it sounds like you are having more than your fair share of problems. If you have already went the Sprint Store route and they won't help, I would say you really have nothing to lose by trying ICS on it. Yes, it works fine for a majority portion of us. If you find you still have errors even after loading another rom on it (sounds like you had issues on 2.3 AND 2.2), then I would say that your hardware is borked and you should plan on finding another phone (from the sound of it, I would say this may be your best plan). FYI, 4G does not work on ICS, so if that is a major item for you, you should pass on ICS right now.

In the short term, you could try a factory reset just to make sure that you are starting out from scratch, but I really doubt that will help.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2010
Oh and another thought. Make sure you wipe your data and cache when you're flashing something new or it'll be all messed up from the start

Sent from my EVO


Dec 9, 2010
My brother actually told me to do a factory reset last night and I thought I had bricked my phone. :(
My husband took out the battery and restarted and it came back on.

Last night I sent a text to a friend and it went to another number although it was her contact information and cell number as well as Swype completely disappearing off my phone. Right now I think I would just like to unroot my phone and return to stock Android. I dont' tinker and he is not technical when it comes to phones either. Hubs doesn't want to unroot though, wants me to go back to and stay with my old Palm Pixi since I can't just be happy with my phone. :/ Sprint did say I got one of the bad EVOs and it should have been replaced but because it had been so long, they can replace it. I don't know why it finally took a lady in sales to figure it out when the technical people couldn't. :/

I'm just not sure that I want to do that after having my EVO.:'(
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Jul 17, 2012
if i were you, id try cm7. its been out for a donkeys age and has been stable as crap for me. depending on which kernel your phone prefers (and yeah, different hardware versions will act differently with the same rom/kernel combo) the tiamat line of kernels work flawlessly for me and have done so for quite some time


and here


Jul 17, 2012
oh, go to a sense based rom first and update the PRL. unless you want to run the verizon prl, in which case youd want to go to the sense based rom first anyways and then do this


Jul 17, 2012
Oh and another thought. Make sure you wipe your data and cache when you're flashing something new or it'll be all messed up from the start

Sent from my EVO

you dont need to wipe data, matter of fact, id suggest that you dont. All you need to wipe are the cache and dalvik cache. Viper wrote a zip file that you can run in recovery called zzzsuperwipe that wipes everything you need to (and then some) 3x. Rather overkill in all actuality, but what the hell, right?
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Jul 15, 2012
im running rom with ICS on it, and have had no issues with it other than no voice mail. (i have to call instead of the auto download) i love the crap out of it and its stable plus google chrome runs on it!

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