Call quality (Static)


Well-known member
Sep 5, 2009
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Anyone else experiencing static in their calls? Just about every call I make, I hear a lot of static on my end, the other caller doesn't hear it. It just doesn't happen in one area, I traveled around yesterday and it was the same no matter where I went.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2009
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No static here (Orlando) - the call quality was surprisingly good in fact. I've come to expect smart phones to miss a bit on the phone part, but this seems to be quite good so far (given a small sample size).


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2009
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so much capitalization...

the calls are clear here in southern california on mine too. clear on both ends too, which seemed to be an issue on my tour on the other end.


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Oct 29, 2009
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Anyone else experiencing static in their calls? Just about every call I make, I hear a lot of static on my end, the other caller doesn't hear it. It just doesn't happen in one area, I traveled around yesterday and it was the same no matter where I went.

I did notice these during the calls but lowered the volume and don't really notice it.


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Nov 4, 2009
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Speaking about the volume rocker, anyone else notice that the rocker is a little high or is it just me? I couldn't hear someone on a call and when I tried to raise the volume I kept hitting the lower volume button.


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2009
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I figured I'd bring this to the top as I just got off the phone with my girlfriend and experienced static occasionally throughout the call. It's not overwhelming, very faint but present like I am talking on an analog phone, nit digital.

Now that more people have the Droid and this site is growing.....


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Nov 12, 2009
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I have been to about 15 different states in the past two weeks and I get static on every call. It is most noticeable when the phone is ringing, in-call right before and after the caller speaks, and occasionally when we are speaking. Sound on this phone can be very warbly and clippy. It is really getting annoying.

I have done a soft-reset, battery pull, speaker phone reset, turned off voice privacy, and tried all three vocoders in the programming menu. I still get static and garbly warbly audio. That's the best way to describe it.

Does Verizon give you a refurb when you exchange or a new phone? Everything works good on my phone, but the faint static and overall voice quality is not acceptable. Does anyone else notice how warbly and clippy the audio quality is? It was the same on the demo Droid at the Verizon store; however, there seems to be many of you without these problems.

Someone mentioned that Verizon was going to fix these issues in an upcoming update, but if only some people have this issue then I think it may be a hardware defect?


The bending unit
Nov 3, 2009
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Call quality has been great in Las Vegas thus far, until today. I actually experienced static and a dropped call, while in the Fashion Show Mall on the strip.
My wife on the other end of the line, thought I was just trying to make excuses to not talk to her. So when I finally did get good reception, I virtually got my ass handed to me. :rolleyes:

But now that I think about it, there are a bunch of microwave transceivers in that mall. Enough to cause any static on any phone.


Dec 16, 2009
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I have been to about 15 different states in the past two weeks and I get static on every call. It is most noticeable when the phone is ringing, in-call right before and after the caller speaks, and occasionally when we are speaking. Sound on this phone can be very warbly and clippy. It is really getting annoying.

I have done a soft-reset, battery pull, speaker phone reset, turned off voice privacy, and tried all three vocoders in the programming menu. I still get static and garbly warbly audio. That's the best way to describe it.

Does Verizon give you a refurb when you exchange or a new phone? Everything works good on my phone, but the faint static and overall voice quality is not acceptable. Does anyone else notice how warbly and clippy the audio quality is? It was the same on the demo Droid at the Verizon store; however, there seems to be many of you without these problems.

Someone mentioned that Verizon was going to fix these issues in an upcoming update, but if only some people have this issue then I think it may be a hardware defect?

I got the same thing. I already exchanged the phone once and they sent me another new one. It sounds the same. Sounds little way to much bass and muffled.


Dec 26, 2009
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Maybe try returning the phone? Static isn't a problem you should be having. Maybe you can clarify? Are you getting static as in bad call quality or static like what you get when your TV is on the wrong channel static?


New member
Jan 22, 2010
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Anyone else experiencing static in their calls? Just about every call I make, I hear a lot of static on my end, the other caller doesn't hear it. It just doesn't happen in one area, I traveled around yesterday and it was the same no matter where I went.

I have the same issue with static on the line for every call. I hear it but the other person does not. They do sometimes hear a hiss or a buzz or even some reverb. I'm on my third Droid and I'm debating on whether or not to try the HTC Droid Eris instead.


Nov 8, 2009
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my droid and my wife's droid call quality is horrible. we've both replaced phones multiple times so it seems a consistent problem.

when i call my wife's phone on my palm, the call quality is much better. so i think both our mics are horrible.

the multiple exchanges, horrible voice call quality, and overall bugginess, makes me regret moving us from iphone to droid. iphone had it's own problems, some structural, but the vaunted verizon voice quality has let us down. voice quality is worse than on at&t.

i'm in michigan with full bars and voice privacy off.

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