Casting Not Working in Apps on Nexus 6P, well Most Apps


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
Curious if anyone has had this issue on their Nexus 6P. I myself haven't, but my manager is. Casting from the phone only works in YouTube and the cast icon on the phone itself. If he goes into Google Play Movies, Netflix, Playstation Vue, etc. the cast icon doesn't show up. We tried the Chromecast here at work and the same thing happens here for him. We've tried it on a 1st and 2nd gen Chromecast and still nothing. I wiped the cache on his device and after the reboot the icons came up in the apps, but he stated that when he went home they were gone again. Still YouTube and the cast icon on the phone itself stay and work. Any ideas and if you've had this issue how did you fix it?

He hasn't factory reset the phone as he sees that as a last resort type of option.
Tell him also to reboot his Chromecasts at home. If that doesn't help, try factory resetting the Chromecasts.

Make sure his Google Cast app is up to date. Try uninstalling Google Cast and reinstalling.
Tell him also to reboot his Chromecasts at home. If that doesn't help, try factory resetting the Chromecasts.

Make sure his Google Cast app is up to date. Try uninstalling Google Cast and reinstalling.

He's done all of that and still the same result. It's an odd bug. Not sure what else to try.

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Maybe it has something to do with his wi-fi network at home. Tell him to turn off the security on his router temporarily, and see if it works.
We tried it here at work and all the apps that should have the cast button do on my 6P, while his phone doesn't show the cast button on any app expect YouTube.
Are you and your manager running the same OS build?
Marshmallow 6.0.1, or the Android 7.0 beta version?
Are you and your manager running the same OS build?
Marshmallow 6.0.1, or the Android 7.0 beta version?

Yep both phones are on 6.0.1, stock, with the August update installed.

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I can't get my 6p to cast to TV. Although my TV is visible in the app. Its driving me mad
I wiped the cache on his device and after the reboot the icons came up in the apps, but he stated that when he went home they were gone again.
You wiped the system cache in Recovery mode? What about the local app cache (Settings -> Storage -> Cached data)?

Have you tried rebooting into Safe Mode? Apps like Netflix won't work but Google Play Movies should work in that configuration.
Starting to grasp at straws here, but make sure Android System Webview is up to date. If it already is, try uninstalling updates, then re-updating.
Well he ended up doing a factory reset on the phone and that fixed the issue for him. What exactly could have done it is beyond me, but based on the Google forums, it's a known issue.

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Thanks for the follow-up - folks don't always come back to report the outcome.

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