CDMA Hero rooted

Jerry Hildenbrand

Space Cowboy
Staff member
Oct 11, 2009
./adb push asroot2 /data/local/ && ./adb shell chmod 0755 /data/local/asroot2
./adb shell
/data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh


mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cd /system/bin
cat sh > su
chmod 4755 su

and you now have su.

I didn't find this. Was just sent to me (6 or 7 times already lol) in my mailbox. If the above steps don't make sense to you, you're better off waiting for someone to create a CDMA specific recovery ROM and flash it. Soon
Just for fun and visuals -

Running PicME as root

SU in terminal

Now to work on the tcp stack, BT file transfer, app2sd, and dialer lock bug :)
quick little step by step to get root + wireless tethering :D :D on your Hero

I'll assume you're running windows.
1. DL the Android SDK here --> Android SDK | Android Developers
2. Unzip the SDK to c:/
3. Download and save it to your desktop as a .zip file
4. Open flashrec and in the assets/raw/ folder copy asroot2 to the C:\android-sdk-windows-1.6_r1\tools directory.
5. Open the command line and browse to C:\android-sdk-windows-1.6_r1\tools (on Vista or Win 7 just shift+right click on the tools dir in explorer and open command window here)
6. Type the following EXACTLY as written:

adb push asroot2 /data/local/
adb shell chmod 0755 /data/local/asroot2
adb shell
/data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh

you will see a friendly message telling you to enjoy your root. Notice the root prompt.

7. Now type:

mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cd /system/bin
cat sh > su
chmod 4755 su

this changes the permissions of su so you call call it and run apps as root.

8. In the Market, download a terminal. I recommend Terminal Emulator. Open it, click and hold menu until OSK comes up. Type in su, and see if $ changes to #. If so, congrats. You're root. Close the term app. If not, you did something wrong. Start over.

9. DL Downloads - android-wifi-tether - Project Hosting on Google Code on your phone.

10. Open the downloads folder, run the wifi-tether.apk (using your preferred installer). Once installed you're done. Run it, surf away. Be prepared for a big bill should you do something silly and get Sprint's attention, unless you have PAM on your account.

protip - dl and install google chrome on your computer to use while tethered. Shows a google footprint instead of an IE/Safari or firefox footprint, and wont raise as many flags to Sprint.
do i need to make a back up or anything im new to this whole android thing but want to be able to do the wifi tether and apps2sd thanks
1. This only works on the Sprint Hero (maybe the Vzw Eris, not at work and can't try)

2. If you have a CDMA Hero, use windows, and follow my instructions above exactly as written you'll have wifi/BT tethering. Still working on apps2sd, will post once it's all sorted.

3. If the above doesn't make a lot of sense to you, I would suggest you wait for a day or so. RA has a recovery image for the CDMA Hero already, and I would suspect in 24 hours or less you'll have your pick of ROM's to flash - most of which will have apps2sd and wifi tether in them. This can brick your phone.
1. This only works on the Sprint Hero (maybe the Vzw Eris, not at work and can't try)

2. If you have a CDMA Hero, use windows, and follow my instructions above exactly as written you'll have wifi/BT tethering. Still working on apps2sd, will post once it's all sorted.

3. If the above doesn't make a lot of sense to you, I would suggest you wait for a day or so. RA has a recovery image for the CDMA Hero already, and I would suspect in 24 hours or less you'll have your pick of ROM's to flash - most of which will have apps2sd and wifi tether in them. This can brick your phone.
thank you i will be looking forward to your post once you get apps2sd fig out
I got as far as Step 6, but it says 'device not found' in command prompt. My phone being connected via USB shows up on the phone itself, and when the connection was initially made, a notification popped up on the computer too. What's up with that?
If a notification popped on you PC the phone is mounted as a storage device. Slide down the notification bar and unmount. Close the cmd line and reopen
Heh. It took me a while, but I eventually learned most people just look at you funny when you start talking about linux commands. I try to moderate everything down so the above-average tech user can figure out what I'm trying to say. BTW - I just heard someone got apps2sd running. I'm getting more info then seeing what I can do here.
I got it to work; I installed HTC Sync, proceeded from where I left off, and it worked for me. Wifi tether runs fine.

Thanks for the instructions. You're right on the money on who's able to use this; I'm certainly above average but struggled to figure out what was going on exactly on the XDA Developers Forum thread on CDMA Hero Rooting

EDIT: Well to be precise the Wifi Tether itself runs (not fine). My Nintendo DS detects the network but won't connect to it. Has anyone had success with the wifi tether, because I've heard from some that it runs technically but doesn't actually function or something along those lines. My computer can connect to it (the connection showed up on the phone and it vibrated), but it wouldn't even load
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I got it to work; I installed HTC Sync, proceeded from where I left off, and it worked for me. Wifi tether runs fine.

Thanks for the instructions. You're right on the money on who's able to use this; I'm certainly above average but struggled to figure out what was going on exactly on the XDA Developers Forum thread on CDMA Hero Rooting

EDIT: Well to be precise the Wifi Tether itself runs (not fine). My Nintendo DS detects the network but won't connect to it. Has anyone had success with the wifi tether, because I've heard from some that it runs technically but doesn't actually function or something along those lines. My computer can connect to it (the connection showed up on the phone and it vibrated), but it wouldn't even load

I shy away from XDA. Great folks, but if you get active there you spend most of your time trying to explain what some of the others have posted lol. I found out the hard way.

As for wifi tether - Unfortunatley I have PAM enabled on my account at Sprint. Maybe that's why it works for me. I know of others who say they DO NOT have PAM and it's working, but they say they did they same thing As I did.

For now, I suggest stopping for the evening. Tomorrow grab the RA hero recovery and do a nandroid backup, then try to brick your phone lol. Seriously though, you should back it up before you go much further. Who knows, maybe by then someone will have cooked up a nice rom with everything in it. If not, I'll be back at it.

I'm having some issues with Apps2SD. Already ate up 2 cheapo 4 gig sd cards to the point where even Slackware can't reformat them. Something is different here and I don't know exactly what. I'll be back at that tomorrow as well. For now, it's time to get hammered and put the damn phone away for a bit :)

I am glad you got root. Feels damn good doesn't it?
Yeah it feels great. I'm extremely satisfied with the progress that's been made. How much does PAM cost? I'm gonna wait for some ROMs before proceeding any further.

EDIT: It's funny because on XDA, I posted asking for instructions on the same level as yours (which conveniently nobody responded to) and I posted again asking about wifi tether (which again nobody has responded to).
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Not working on HTC DROID Eris

Tried this on my HTC Eris (Verizon) using Android SDK 1.5R1. When I get to step:
/data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh

I get the following message:
[1] Killed /data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh

I then tried the mount command:
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system

and got the following error message:
?mount: Operation not permitted?

Anyone get this to work on the HTC Eris? I don't think this version of asroot2 will work on the HTC Droid Eris.

Tried this on my HTC Eris (Verizon) using Android SDK 1.5R1. When I get to step:
/data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh

I get the following message:
[1] Killed /data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh

I then tried the mount command:
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system

and got the following error message:
?mount: Operation not permitted?

Anyone get this to work on the HTC Eris? I don't think this version of asroot2 will work on the HTC Droid Eris.


Completely possible. I know it won't work on Cell South's Hero. When I go back into the office tomorrow I will be trying it on the Eris as well. For now, it's all speculation on my end.

It appears that the particualr stack bug could have been patched by HTC after the first run of devices.

so whats that mean (sorry for my noobish questions) where do i go from here gbhil??

Don't be sorry. What you will need to do is:
1. Have your phone set up the way you like it as far as apps etc go.
2. Back up your entire SD card somewhere.
3. Follow my instructions near the top to get root, and check as I described using a terminal app.
4. Then using adb push the RA recovery image to your sdcard.
5. adb shell flash_image on the recovery. This will reboot you to the RA recovery console.
6. Run a full nandroid backup
7. Run the fat32/swap/ext2 script from the recovery image.
8. DL mocado's rom
9. Extract and place on sd card
10. Boot into recovery and flash it.

I know all that looks scary. Go through up to step 3. Once you get there I'll either point you to a tutorial to flash the RA recovery, or walk you through it. Then we tackle the mocado rom.

The important steps - BACKUP YOUR SD CARD and RUN NANDROID BACKUP AS SOON AS ITS INSTALLED. That makes it easy to get right back where you were just in case.
quick question guys. If I boot up into recovery to partition my sdcard and do the whole apps2sd thing...

Does that wipe my SD?

just wanna know before I go doing that without backing it up...
quick question guys. If I boot up into recovery to partition my sdcard and do the whole apps2sd thing...

Does that wipe my SD?

just wanna know before I go doing that without backing it up...

YES! total wipe+reformat

*edit* Try with a small cheap sd card if your using the methods known for the dream. I've burned up about 4 of them, something is different. I suggest either using mocados rom or waiting another day or so

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