Got my EVO today and looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove it. The Pre is cool, but it ain't no EVO. And Mr. Jobs; you and your new iPhone can still kiss ALL of my backside.
Pre is an awesome one hand device.....and great for my shorts in the summer.
I love the EVO but its huge, which makes it an awesome device for Biz users.
The size of the Evo also makes it awesome for us with bad eyes and sausage-thick fingers. lol.
I bought the Palm Pre on day one last year.... Loved the phone to death, but the hardware on the Pre was just terrible. I just purchased the Evo and I absolutely love it! Wasnt sure if I was going to like the 4.3 in screen but it still fits in my pocket and surfing the web, it's like a tablet. If you are on the edge, GET ONE!