Different Default Keyboards (by Orientation)


Active member
Jan 14, 2010
Anyone coming from a blackberry storm knows that the landscape keyboard was always a full qwerty, while being in portrait allowed one of three keyboard layouts. (Multi-tap, Full QWERTY, and SureType)

I have swype set as my default input method, but swype in my opinion isn't as useful or quick in landscape. I know the physical keyboard is there and trust me I use that more than anything. But sometimes I want to type on the android landscape keyboard. I know i can press hold to switch the input method, but this changes for both landscape and portrait.

Does anyone know a way to have the set input methods different for the different orientations? Or if its even possible?
I don't think it possible to have different keyboards for different orientation but I would love to be able to do it.
I have swype set as my default but if I longpress in the data entry field (email, sms, browser address, search, etc.) an option comes up for input method. If you press it, you can pick between the Droid or Swype keyboards. I do know that in my settings both keyboards are checked off to use....not just swype.

This would require a few more taps each time you wanted to use the Droid keyboard instead. It would be quicker to just slide out the hard keyboard....but it is possilbe.

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