Does the nexus 5 really have a lot of issues?


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Jun 26, 2013
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Form-factor, features, battery life, for some people the screen, etc. It doesn't "crush" the Moto X at all unless all you do is stare at a spec sheet. I didn't say anything about it being well-known, either. I'm speaking of overall which phones are better.

If you want to talk about features, battery life and screen, the Galaxy Note 3 "crushes" all phones currently out there. Form factor is very much in the eye of the beholder. I think the Nexus 5's form factor and build quality are top notch.


May 3, 2010
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Form-factor, features, battery life, for some people the screen, etc. It doesn't "crush" the Moto X at all unless all you do is stare at a spec sheet.
Well, you seemed really impressed with the A7 and the fact that it was 64-bit. Just sayin.

Specs do matter on some things. 3D gaming is dramatically better on the Nexus 5 than it was on the Nexus 4. Even though in every day tasks they look very similar.

I didn't say anything about it being well-known, either. I'm speaking of overall which phones are better.
But a lot of your criteria seem awfully subjective.


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Nov 9, 2011
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Form-factor, features, battery life, for some people the screen, etc. It doesn't "crush" the Moto X at all unless all you do is stare at a spec sheet. I didn't say anything about it being well-known, either. I'm speaking of overall which phones are better.

I traded a coworker my modded N4 for his X for a week. After two days I wanted my N4 back badly, and he is now a Nexus fan (edit; he still loves his X too). I've had my N5 for a week, it crushes the X in every way that I care about in real life, and DEFINITELY on a spec sheet. The dev community for the N5 is still in its infancy and that's where a Nexus really shines. I had no problem getting 4 SOT syncing everything etc on my N4. I expect the N5 to do much better once the kernel devs work their magic. You love the X and that's all that matters, just the facts are against some of the statements you've made about it. I definitely realize the X is much nicer than it looks on paper. Like you said somewhere, agree to disagree lol.
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May 3, 2010
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You love the X and that's all that matters, just the facts are against some of the statements you've made about it.

I actually like the Moto X a lot. Google appears to be using Motorola to test drive new technologies, which is awesome. I love the customization stuff the Moto X can do and that always on "breathing" thing (which you really need an AMOLED display for, and I am a big fan of AMOLED). I am hoping that this stuff becomes standard on Nexus phones as well.

If I was on Verizon I would seriously have considered the X simply because it is closer to Vanilla Android than anything else. It would come down to that or the G2. The G2 has much better specs but I have come to despise LG's UI.


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Aug 29, 2011
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The Nexus vs Moto x argument is a bit silly imo. The Nexus is usually for the tech nerd (no offense) to tinker with and root, rom , kernel and all that jazz. The Moto x is a very tought provoked product aimed at the every day person with really neat features to help you in every day life. The performance of the x seems to be right up there with the best of them. Someone made a car reference and id say the Nexus is the toy in the garage that does 10's in the quarter mile and the Moto X is the luxury every day driver that could hurt your feelings when you try ro race it.

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Oct 5, 2013
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Mine arrived this morning and I've been letting it set itself up with just minimal time given to it. So far no issues (knock whatever this table is made of that looks like wood).

It's a nice size, light in the hand, and so far no complaints. I'm having to learn some of the kitkat differences though, but it shouldn't be that hard.

On another note Google updated their keyboard (the app) and now I keep adding underscores where I want commas. It sort of throws my brain off and it's not auto correcting typos as well as it should.

Back to addressing the op, I haven't played with the n5 yet but I'm looking forward to using it very much. It has a killer processor! Great display! I don't use phone cameras much at all.

The only complaints I have is no replaceable battery and no microsd. But it's an exciting phone from the way it looks and feels to the newness to me of kitkat.

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Aug 22, 2013
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You must be kidding. Even the Nexus is more well known than the X and the One lol. Not knocking those devices, they're both great (esp the One's speakers and X is as close to stock on VZW), but I'd take even a N4 over both of them any day of the week. The devs will have "always listening" on the Nexus 5 in no time if that's your cup of the 800 has the proper capabilities...and really the only thing that I like about the X besides the form factor. It crushes it in every other way. Most people know iphone, blackberry, and samsung galaxy...that's it.

Not to bash you or the Nexus Community and I respect your choice in phones... However, I had never heard of the Nexus line before joining the Android Central community, and this is not because I am not into current technology like most people here... I just live a simple life and followed popular brands before joining Android Central. My work and people on the train would have people that use nothing but Samsung and Iphone products. This doesn't mean the Nexus line isn't popular, but that people choose more popular brands. As for the Moto X, Motorola isn't popular either, but don't hold the Nexus line so high and mighty when there are other bigger brands out there.

Also, the 800 chip may have an always listening low-powered processor like the low-powered processor in the X8, but there hasn't been any tests or uses of it working like the proc in the X8 chip. Until there has been notification or development of such feature working, do not give hope in to something that may not happen.

As for the Nexus 5 and getting back on topic, I am curious if the bad viewing angles and washed out look from the Nexus 5 screen that I have seen in several youtube videos is what it is like in real-life. I was disappointed when I saw a few videos on youtube, and I hope this is not the case. However, can someone with a Nexus 5 let me know if the screen is something that may become an eyesore? I am coming from the Moto X and want to see how the Nexus line is like.

Shawn Magm

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Jan 16, 2013
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The hardware is very nice. The issue I'm having is that some apps aren't working too well on 4.4. However, that isn't anything intrinsic to the hardware. I wish there was an IR blaster included, as that is something that would be useful for me. Overall, it's a gorgeous phone.

Obviously, I haven't had it long enough to comment on the battery life.

Update: A couple apps that I liked to use which initially crashed seemed to have been updated. Flickr is working on 4.4, as well as an update for Pinger Text Free with Voice.
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May 3, 2010
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As for the Nexus 5 and getting back on topic, I am curious if the bad viewing angles and washed out look from the Nexus 5 screen that I have seen in several youtube videos is what it is like in real-life. I was disappointed when I saw a few videos on youtube, and I hope this is not the case. However, can someone with a Nexus 5 let me know if the screen is something that may become an eyesore? I am coming from the Moto X and want to see how the Nexus line is like.
It will not have the saturation of an AMOLED display. You can probably make it like that (you could with the Nexus 4 using the Franco Kernel), but it will not be like that stock. A higher saturation does pop more but at the cost of accurate color reproduction, which is a common criticism of AMOLED displays. I think this is the main reason that the iPhones are still LCD too.

The stock saturation is higher on the Nexus 5 than on the Nexus 4 though. I did not get the feeling that it is washed out.


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May 23, 2010
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Just activated mine on sprint. So far so good. I expected it to be simple though.

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Oct 6, 2010
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After 24 hours of nexus 5 use, I believe it is a real winner. I have a note 3, and I do love that phone, I have had a moto x, again, loved it, but I want my nexus 5 in my pocket heading out the door. It is an incredible google zenion!

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


Jun 2, 2013
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After 24 hours of nexus 5 use, I believe it is a real winner. I have a note 3, and I do love that phone, I have had a moto x, again, loved it, but I want my nexus 5 in my pocket heading out the door. It is an incredible google zenion!

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

wow you sure changed your tune fast! So did I but at least I wasn't actually spamming insults in multiple threads at the phones before I changed my mind.


Retired Moderator
Oct 6, 2010
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wow you sure changed your tune fast! So did I but at least I wasn't actually spamming insults in multiple threads at the phones before I changed my mind.

Be specific. I gave my buddy Chetan a hard time about iOS. And I threatened to never leave Verizon because of coverage. However, no matter how hazed and confused I can get, I know exactly where I have been and what I have said. I would still be on my note 3 if it wasn't for winning ACs nexus 5 contest. As far as I am concerned, the android gods have changed my tune!

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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