Droid 2.1 question?!

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Haha I was on crackberry for awhile when I owned one - no, they were much worse. It doesn't look that way now, because either they have succumbed to the idea it will never come, or already running 5.0 cracks...which I had :D.

We are "crying" mainly because so much support was implied for this phone, and yet any of it has yet to materialize. In my opinion.

Well I see complaining here for updates to a phone that right now out of the box works perfectly. Thats what I mean. At least the BB users have a reason to want an update, 4.5 was pretty rough.

Again I'll repeat it..they said 1st quarter. Its February 2nd. They have almost 60 days to make this right.
Patientence? Your joking right? Google abandoned other devices to push their own, plain and simple. They gave up on Droid for Nexus. Droid has been out longer, and has more units sold. There is no reason why Droid should not have 2.1 by now, there is no reason Nexus one should be getting an update to 2.1 ahead of Droid getting the orignal 2.1. The only reason is for google to push their phone over someone elses.

Which company is evil again?

I don't understand how this would be surprising to anyone?!

Google is a business. A big business. They're just doing what MOST businesses would do in their current situation, which is to put your eggs in the basket that will net you the most money! That's just business! :p

The Protagonist's post above mine insinuates that Google is an evil company.... nah. Just put yourself in Google's shoes and you'll realize that they're just living by the same code as The Protagonist's signature...

"I'm not anti-you, I'm just pro-me!" ;) That's just the nature of business folks.
C'mon folks, it's their first update, no? We got ours already. Who knows what trouble they're having with the first release which requires fixing. As I've said before, patience children. Patience.
I don't understand how this would be surprising to anyone?!

Google is a business. A big business. They're just doing what MOST businesses would do in their current situation, which is to put your eggs in the basket that will net you the most money! That's just business! :p

The Protagonist's post above mine insinuates that Google is an evil company.... nah. Just put yourself in Google's shoes and you'll realize that they're just living by the same code as The Protagonist's signature...

"I'm not anti-you, I'm just pro-me!" ;) That's just the nature of business folks.

Businesses usually also focus on their profit leader...the Droid, at this point. So yes, they might be trying to drive sales on the Nexus One, as that would give them the most net profit, but they can't ignore their current profit leader, either.

Anyways, I do hope it is by end of Q1. That would be nice.
Businesses usually also focus on their profit leader...the Droid, at this point. So yes, they might be trying to drive sales on the Nexus One, as that would give them the most net profit, but they can't ignore their current profit leader, either.

Anyways, I do hope it is by end of Q1. That would be nice.

Thank you for making my point for me.
I don't understand how this would be surprising to anyone?!

Google is a business. A big business. They're just doing what MOST businesses would do in their current situation, which is to put your eggs in the basket that will net you the most money! That's just business! :p

The Protagonist's post above mine insinuates that Google is an evil company.... nah. Just put yourself in Google's shoes and you'll realize that they're just living by the same code as The Protagonist's signature...

"I'm not anti-you, I'm just pro-me!" ;) That's just the nature of business folks.

As you stated they are a big business, so they can probably spare a few guys to crank out 2.1 for Droid, don't you think?
Hope they release it (2.1 with pinch zoon like the Nexus gets this week).
Honestly, I don't mind waiting. There have been a multitude of problems with 2.1 running on the Nexus One, mainly because that's the way Google likes doing Android releases now. It seems that what they do is take their newest release, wrap it up with the newest, shiniest phone out there so people willingly opt into becoming guinea pigs for a while, and let the problems roll in. That's how it was with the Droid, that's why we were the only phone to have 2.0.
The way I'm seeing the update to 2.1 on the Nexus is that it had to happen. They add a few goodies like multitouch in to make it seem less like a bugfix, and send out 2.1.1.

Look at it this way: Now that all their users will be happy again, Google and the other powers that be can turn their attention to the Droid again, and get us up to speed with 2.1 goodness. And who knows, maybe getting us up to speed will include multitouch as well?
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I look at this way yes they updated Nexus One, that must mean they got most of the problems fixed, and that must mean the Droid is going to get one heck of an update soon. :)
I refuse to get hopeful, haha. I'm staying pessimistic for now.

If you think about it, the Droid is their only real other "large screen" device with a powerful processor, so 2.1 for us can't be far off. 60 days and counting.
Nexus gets update. Where's our 2.1??

So why does the Nexus One get a 2.2 update before the Droid even gets the 2.1 update? The Droid has been out longer, and you'd think they've had more time to work on 2.1 for it.

I guess that's the benefit of getting the Google 'Branded' phone. Oh well.
Or its the fact that Motorola is optimizing 2.1 for the Droid so its not as slow as it would be without Motorola touching it and just pushing it to us. Let them have their time to work on it and improve it for the Droid. The more time they have the less bugs and Force Closes we will have in the finished product.

If you want 2.1 so bad then flash your Droid with a 2.1 ROM and quit complaining.
It's not even 2.2 it's just an OTA update to fix the problems and add multitouch. Google has nothing to do with 2.1 once it's out of their hands. It's up to Motorola and Verizon to send out 2.1 to the Droid not Google. 2.1 was just released open source 2 or 3 weeks ago I don't remember when so everyone has had that long to work on it. What's the point of this topic other than to complain anyway? It's confirmed we'll be getting 2.1 so just sit back and be patient. We got 2.0 before anyone and there's still those out there with 1.5 and 1.6, it's really not that big of a deal to wait another month.
It'll be out when its ready. The Droid works fine as it is. It'll only get better when this update is out but it isn't urgent. The Nexus one had some major issues it needed fixed in addition to the bonuses they got.
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