Droid 2.1 question?!

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
Is Android 2.1 slated to be officially updated to the Droid at some point or will this always have to be a leak/port???

I would love to have the screen features of 2.1 be native to the Droid. (what looks like a easily accessed preview button for homescreens, more homescreens, slicker photo viewing...etc).

Pretty good stuff
I will be waiting until they have figured a workaround for the gremlins.. then i will gladly rock it!
yea, i want just a little more stability before i try my hand and putting it on the droid.

but man, 2.1 looks to address a lot of the "wow factor" issues people seem to have with android. that weather/news widget looks really handy. plus the gallery and 3d apps screen and expose/card screen viewer...

ugh! i want it now! :p
I'm pretty sure that eventually, every android phone will get 2.1, including the G1. However, since the droid is still pretty new, it's likely that we might get it before some other phones.
I'm willing to bet that as soon as a device with 2.0/2.0.1/2.1 happens, that the exclusivity that the droid enjoyed with 2.0 will come crashing down, and we'll see every google experience device get synced together again.
So in short, I'm sure that 2.1 will come to the droid soon enough.
The Droid is reportedly getting another update in January. I ASSUME this will be Android 2.1. But we'll have to wait and see I guess. I'm excited :D
yea, i want just a little more stability before i try my hand and putting it on the droid.

but man, 2.1 looks to address a lot of the "wow factor" issues people seem to have with android. that weather/news widget looks really handy. plus the gallery and 3d apps screen and expose/card screen viewer...

ugh! i want it now! :p

where were you seeing this? do you have a link?
yea, i'm hoping it did get updated, there's no screenshots of it, and being that they updated the gallery app, i see no reason why they'd leave out the music player, if nothing else but to keep the theme of the new OS intact.

maybe then i'd put more than 10 songs on my droid :p
always so anxious for the next update :) Should we just skip anticipation for 2.1 and get excited about whatever comes next?
always so anxious for the next update :) Should we just skip anticipation for 2.1 and get excited about whatever comes next?

patience, we'll get excited about 2.1.1 AFTER 2.1 comes out. like the day after. ;)

there's far more reason to be excited about 2.1 than there was to be excited about 2.0.1
just hold wait no need to rush for 2.1 other than the wow factor. it will really need some optimization to run good on the droid live wallpapers, the new app draw are alot slower in the ported version and slow the phone down even in roms they've tried to optimize. i bet when we get it were going to love it but i don't want it until it runs good
1. Stop discussing this. This topic has been beaten to death numerous times already.
2. 2.1 will come when Motorola and Verizon think it's ready for us. Don't believe Wikipedia or your rumor sites that say it'll be released OTA in January. "Quarter 1 2010" means shut up and wait until March 31, then start complaining again.
3. Root your phone if you want 2.1 so badly. It's a very simple task if you're not a total retard. You're only going to disappoint yourselves, doing this over and over.
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