Email Setup Problem


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Nov 15, 2009
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I am having difficulty setting up an email for my Bresnan (cable carrier) account. It tells me "setup could not finish - unaable to open connection to server," then there is an option to edit details. Any suggestions?


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Nov 16, 2009
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Bresnan setup

I had the same problem, but only with outgoing server. Bresnan said to use "" for both incoming and outgoing servers. They also said to change the outgoing port to 25 and that worked for me. My incoming port is 110. Hope this helps!


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Nov 16, 2009
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Hi again loco90,
Did that work? Another thing, when I send a message from the Droid using my Bresnan account, there is no record in the sent folder on Bresnan itself, only on the Droid. So there appears to be no synching sent items like there is with gmail. Alas and Alack!!


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Nov 15, 2009
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It worked

Sorry, I didn't get back sooner. It worked, but now I am getting a connectior error everytime I send something so I can't send a message, just receive.


** Superhero **
Oct 22, 2009
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Something in here may help -- Just got this off Google:

E-mail Settings:
POP3 (Incoming Mail) Server:
SMTP (Outgoing Mail) Server:
Your E-Mail address: 'username'
To configure Outlook Express, refer to the Outlook Express setup walkthrough.

Configure E-mail in Microsoft Outlook 98 in Windows
Reconfigure Outlook Express
Configure E-mail in Microsoft Outlook 2000 in Windows
Configure Outlook Express 5.x for Macintosh
Configure E-mail in Microsoft Outlook 98 in Windows:
Open Outlook Express by clicking on the icon located on your desktop or click the ENVELOPE icon wrapped with a blue arrow located on your toolbar next to the START button. If this is your first time launching Outlook Express, the Internet Connection Wizard will open to guide you through configuration. If you do not see this window, please proceed to Reconfiguration of Outlook Express.
In the Internet Connection Wizard, type your name in the Display name field as you would like it to appear when you send e-mail and then click NEXT
Enter your e-mail address in the field provided in the
Click NEXT
In the Incoming Mail (POP3, IMAP or HTTP) server field
In the Outgoing Mail (SMTP) field
In the News (NNTP) server field, type:
Click NEXT
Enter your username in the POP Account Name Field and your password in the password field (If you do not wish to supply your password each time you check for incoming mail, verify that the REMEMBER PASSWORD box is checked)
Click NEXT and then select FINISH
You will now receive any e-mail currently on the server.

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Reconfigure Outlook Express:
If you have an existing Outlook Express account that needs to reconfigured to retrieve e-mail from the server, follow these steps:

Open Outlook Express and select the Tools menu
Click the Mail tab to make it the active window
Click to highlight the account name you want to verify or reconfigure and then click the Properties tab
Note:If you do not see the e-mail account listed, remove any accounts in the dialog box that are not being used by selecting the account and clicking REMOVE. Then click ADD and select MAIL. You may now go to First Time Configuration of Outlook Express to proceed. If you do see the e-mail account listed, selected the account, click PROPERTIES and continue with the steps below.

Verify that the General tab is displayed. If you wish to change the Account name to a more easily recognizable (for example, Bresnan), change the name displayed in the Mail Account field

If you wish to edit your name and e-mail address settings, use the fields provided under User Information
If you do not wish to edit information on other property tabs, Click OK
To edit the mail server address information, select the SERVERS tab
Verify that the Incoming Mail (POP3) field displays:
The Outgoing mail (SMTP) field should display:
The Account name should display your username
If you have elected to save your password or if you are entering your password in this field for the first time or replacing it, it is displayed as asterisks
To verify that your e-mail is removed from the Bresnan OnLine mail server, select the ADVANCED tab and make sure the box beside LEAVE A COPY OF MESSAGE ON THE SERVER is not checked
When done, select APPLY and then click OK

Configure E-mail in Microsoft Outlook 2000 in Windows:
Bresnan Communications does not provide support for Outlook, and our customer care specialists are unable to provide assistance for Outlook-related issues. If you require further assistance, please visit the Microsoft Outlook Support Center.

Open Outlook
On the TOOLS menu, click SERVICES
On the Services tab click INTERNET E-MAIL INFORMATION SERVICE and then click PROPERTIES
If Internet E-mail is not listed, click ADD, then click INTERNET E-MAIL and then click OK
On the General tab in the MAIL ACCOUNT FIELD type a name for this account
In the NAME field type your full name
In the E-MAIL ADDRESS field type your username
In the REPLY ADDRESS field type your
On the Server tab in the OUTGOING MAIL (SMTP) field type
In the INCOMING MAIL (POP3) field type
On the Incoming Mail Server area type your username in the ACCOUNT NAME field
In the PASSWORD field type your password
Click OK

Configure E-mail in Exchange for Windows:
This program is no longer supported by Bresnan. The mail server settings are same, however program setup may differ.

Configure Outlook Express 5.x for Macintosh:
To configure your Bresnan OnLine E-mail account within Outlook Express 5.0 for Macintosh, please follow the steps listed below:

After opening Outlook Express 5.0, select the ACCOUNTS option from the TOOLS menu
Click NEW. Press the ASSIST ME button to proceed

The Account Setup Assistant will appear and will prompt you to select a name for your e-mail account. This name will be used to identify the account in the folder list and in any menus. When complete, click the small right arrow at the bottom of the window to proceed to the next step.

Select the option I ALREADY HAVE AN E-MAIL ADDRESS THAT I'D LIKE TO USE and enter your Bresnan Communications e-mail address in the box below. When complete, click the small right arrow at the bottom of the window to proceed to the next step.

Verify that the Incoming Mail (POP3) field displays:

The Outgoing mail (SMTP) field should display:
When complete, click the small right arrow at the bottom of the window to proceed to the next step.

Enter your username in the Account ID box, and your password in the Password box. If you do not wish to supply your password each time you check for incoming mail, select the SAVE PASSWORD check box and then type the password for your mail account in the Password box. When complete, click the small right arrow at the bottom of the window to move to the next step.

Enter an Account Name into the Account Name field, and place a check mark in the box labeled "Include this account in my send & receive all schedule," and click FINISH

Your Bresnan Communications account should now be configured properly within Outlook Express 5.0 for Macintosh!

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