External keyboard, esp Dell Axim X5


Active member
Nov 19, 2012
I'm looking for a keyboard. I like what I read about the iGo Think Outside Stowaway; the Dell Axim X5 keyboard looks almost identical and the prices are a lot lower. Neither is currently manufactured, unless Dell has some tucked in a corner.

1. Can I use either of these keyboards with my 2013 Nexus 7? I do well in the technical department, but know nothing about bluetooth and there isn't a lot of detailed info that I've found on these keyboards.
2. Does anyone have any use experience with these keyboards? Do you like them?
3. Do I just enable bluetooth and go? Basic details would be appreciated.

I don't like folio cases, so a keyboard/case isn't what I want. The keyboard would sit in my pocket most of the time, only intermittent use. I'm looking for a folding keyboard that locks in position when open. Ideal would be a keyboard that splits to relax the wrists, but I don't think ergonomics have caught up to the mobile market.

Those keyboards would presumably be compatible. On the Amazon page for the iGo, someone posted a question about Android compatibility, and someone else answered that they were able to pair it successfully. Not sure about the Dell Axim keyboard (wow, that's old--I used to have an Axim X51!).

The downside with these keyboards is that they don't have any special Android function keys (like Home, Back, etc.). There's also no guarantee that directional keys would work--it might only be letters and numbers that work correctly.

I got this Acer Bluetooth keyboard a while ago for my old Acer A500, and it works well with my Nexus 7: Acer Iconia Tab Bluetooth Keyboard for Acer Iconia A500 Tablet LC KBD0A 014 | eBay

Pairing a Bluetooth keyboard is pretty straightforward:

1. Turn on Bluetooth on your Nexus 7, then go to Settings>Bluetooth and tap Search for Devices.
2. Turn the Bluetooth keyboard on, and press the Connect button.
3. On the Nexus 7, when you see the keyboard's name appear, tap it to pair. You'll probably see a message to type in a random code on the keyboard. Once you type that in, it's paired.
4. As long as you don't unpair the keyboard, it should reconnect whenever you turn Bluetooth on and the keyboard is on. Sometimes, you may have to press the Connect button on the keyboard again.
I have the Targus foldable keyboard, it works nicely with the Nexus 7

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