[FIX][4-1-11]Latest ClockworkMod and SuperClean ROM's - Erasing the CWM Confusion


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Jan 11, 2011
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I dont understand this part...

"the atlas_v2.2.pit in PIT, and "Re-Partition" checked"

what is that?

Open ODIN, look right above PDA, what does it say??? PIT. You put the tar file in the PDA section, you put the PIT file in the PIT section, hit start

So, can I just do odin instead? Or are both steps necessary?

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Both steps are necessary if you want to get a deep, clean, fresh wipe and get rid of any traces of the old cwm
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Jan 15, 2011
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Open ODIN, look right above PDA, what does it say??? PIT. You put the tar file in the PDA section, you put the PIT file in the PIT section, hit start

Both steps are necessary if you want to get a deep, clean, fresh wipe and get rid of any traces of the old cwm
oooooooohhhh. So I didn't do the PIT part.
I should go back? poo.


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Feb 25, 2011
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Open ODIN, look right above PDA, what does it say??? PIT. You put the tar file in the PDA section, you put the PIT file in the PIT section, hit start

Both steps are necessary if you want to get a deep, clean, fresh wipe and get rid of any traces of the old cwm

I'm not near a computer so I could not get to Odin to see that was an option... but now I know, thanks

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Jan 11, 2011
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Yeah, this was a complete clean Adrynalyne had everyone use who had problems after flashing sc 2.7. You'll notice you can't find 2.7 anywhere. He got rid of it.


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Feb 24, 2011
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Downloaded it, flashed it with CWM and my phone went into the endless reboot loop after rebooting from CWM. Tried reflashing the new CWM fix and then 2.9.2 and nothing worked, kept rebooting. Just went ahead wiped and reinstalled the FIX ALL and then 2.9.2 thru Odin. Everything back up and running but I think I will leave my CWM alone !

This Newbie survived his first crash !

CWM is much simpler to use than Odin if you are trying out different themes etc.. and updated ROMs.. ie:2.6 or 2.??? ..
it has a recovery option that will allow you to go rith back where you were before you looaded something that was not good for you.. we all know that as much as we'd like things to be the same on Android Phones but it is not..what will work for you might not work for me...

i once hit a soft brick, i stopped everything and did a reset on my phone back to stock by entering the *228 send and letting the phone recieve roam updates.. which are more than roam..
so dont give up on CWM.

as for your problem you must "enable lag fix" to run Voodoo""""
and run "disable lag fix" to run Non-voodoo""""
dont let voodoo scare ya .. if you dont like it or everything goes nuts ..
just disablle lag fix and flash the Non-Voodoo rom of choice..

it works..
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Dec 15, 2010
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Yes. I just started the process and realized I didn't do that. So it looks like I'll be starting over :'(

Shark, hit me in the head with a shovel please! "atlas_v2.2" I have no idea where to get it. I've searched everywhere but everything points back to the threads that say "put it in Pit of Odin".....:(


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Jan 11, 2011
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Isnt this on jaekars page... Isnt anybody gona give gizmo **** 4 posting this... I was gona post it before he had but decided against it b.c if the negative reaction of me bein the AC *******.for postin bout EC10... Not tryin 2 start something cuz I love this community I just dnt c y im the ******* for doin something I perceived as good... Guess maybe its cuz gizmo is accepted in the elitist clique of ACs finest

I just searched the first twelve posts of Jaekar99's thread and did not see one single mention of this method, the new cwm-all from GizmoDroid, or the sc 2.9.2 that includes the new cwm-all. The first 12 posts of Jaekar's thread are where he maintains all the main information and constantly updates it. The method, the cwm-all, and the sc 2.9.2 with the new cwm-all were all developed by GizmoDroid and he had every right to start a new thread to detail all this information in a separate thread. If Jaekar99 had any of this information in the first 12 posts of his thread, it most likely would have been just a link to this thread. You'll notice Jaekar99 has links to other informative and helpful threads in his Themes, ROMs, Kernels, Boot Animations thread such as DroidXcon's clockwork thread, Sheepdog Elite's beginners rooting thread, and gunnermike53's voodoo thread. But those links are in addition to his helpful original information. He didn't start a thread just to say hey, look at this great thing I found which oh by the way already exists here at AC. When you start a whole new thread to make available to everyone at AC something that someone else took the time and effort to already make available to everyone at AC it only accomplishes two things: 1) Tells the original person their hard work was meaningless; and 2) Clutters up the forums with unnecessary threads.

Had you taken the time to do a thorough job of reading the threads here in the Fascinate forums, especially the stickies, you would have gotten a good feel for where to find information. And you would have already known Jaekar99 works his tail off to maintain that thread and usually has new stuff posted at XDA linked to in his thread within a day. If he misses something, helpful AC members have mentioned it to him in his thread and he gets right on it. We have a limit of 5 stickies in the forums, so every time someone posts an unnecessary thread, it pushes other informative threads such as the voodoo thread, the battery thread, and DroidXcon's how to install and use clockworkmod recovery thread back to page two and sometimes further back.

When I posted in your thread about the information already existing, it was not meant to insult or belittle you, it was meant to stand up for the work Jaekar99 does and to inform and educate you and anyone else who read that post about searching the forums to see if the information you are about to post already exists. I'm sorry if you took it that way or if I came across a bit too snippy. But really, now you have to go on a rant every chance you get and swear like crazy? Completely unnecessary. You need to familiarize yourself with this:
especially the forum rules & guidelines
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Jan 26, 2011
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1. Normally I would agree with wyllic on this one, but in working with Gizmo on the fix permissions issue and testing out his repairs for it, I have learned to completely trust him. Instructions say ODIN the new CWM after doing the ODIN back to EB01 stock. Normally flashing the cwm in ODIN or your current CWM does the same thing. I'm guessing there is a reason Gizmo is saying use the ODIN package, but I am not him so in my mind it is just better to follow the exact instructions as they are laid out.

2. Totally agree with wyllic. No need to create the disable_lagfix folder. After you flash a nonvoodoo kernel and before you reboot phone, scroll to voodoo from the main red cwm page, hit power button once and just make sure disable is set for next reboot. If it is not, scroll to disable lag fix and power button once. Menu soft key once to get back to main cwm menu, power button once to reboot phone.

3. Agree with wyllic except for one thing (Jampot is a miss, a young lady, our Princess Leia) :) It's really about your comfort level. You really seem to be picking up on all of this and you are asking the right questions. As soon as you feel completely comfortable booting to recovery, flashing ROMs, kernels, themes, patches, and mods in cwm, you should be fine going to voodoo. As long as flashing has become second nature and you don't have to think about it, you are ready for voodoo. I say this as a benchmark only so that when someone switches to voodoo, they don't have to think about how to flash and can just concentrate on the rules for using voodoo. The most important being in wyllic's signature. As DroidXcon said, "Nonvoodoo over voodoo = doodoo"

Mah bad miss, I just go with the safe assumption that anyone on a tech forum asking about modding some piece of hardware or software is male. Cus I'd be right like 90% of the time ;)


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Jan 11, 2011
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In a strange way, this makes me feel better. Sorry :)

I'm glad you can all find humor in my misfortune :':)'(
Because I did too :D:p
Just goes to show you that "professor" tag may not mean much at all. Actually it just means we are all the same. Sometimes we just make mistakes. Won't be the last one I make either, so feel free to call me on my mistakes.........oh and also feel free to point a finger and laugh at me when you do catch one of my mistakes.


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Jan 11, 2011
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Mah bad miss, I just go with the safe assumption that anyone on a tech forum asking about modding some piece of hardware or software is male. Cus I'd be right like 90% of the time ;)

Maybe even 91% or 92% of the time. Hey, that's still an A in my book ;)


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Feb 24, 2011
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alls well

this is all very interesting and as most phones dont act the same i may just ride with my current CWM, it has allowed me to backup/restore with ease and i dont flash themes etc just a rom if new. only problem i have is my GPS is usually off by 6 feet..

so would i need to redo all these steps or ????..
crap i may do them just to kill time but i'm not so sure i'd gain anything.. if someone couolld tell me what i'd gain, then that would be an incentive to rework all. thx in advance


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2011
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this is all very interesting and as most phones dont act the same i may just ride with my current CWM, it has allowed me to backup/restore with ease and i dont flash themes etc just a rom if new. only problem i have is my GPS is usually off by 6 feet..

so would i need to redo all these steps or ????..
crap i may do them just to kill time but i'm not so sure i'd gain anything.. if someone couolld tell me what i'd gain, then that would be an incentive to rework all. thx in advance

Well papa as someone else posted before, possibly in this thread but I can't remember.....If it ain't broke, don't fix it. The problems we were running into involved having a theme in addition to the ROM. So I would say it may be unnecessary for you to go through all the steps. The only thing I might recommend would be to upgrade to the new cwm, whichever method you prefer - flash the tar one in ODIN, or flash the zip one through cwm.

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