After doing some reading here and elsewhere and experimenting with my Galaxy 3 (Verizon Rooted stock 4.0.4) let me note that first, there is no "Accessibility" button on/off. I think that should be stated clearly. In order to make the TTS "Open Folder...." etc. voice go away ALL accessibility features must be individually turned off. My conclusion (for me, others have one or more accessibility app they use) is that if you don't want to hear this, you can either use NO accessibility features or use NO folders. Even though I have created folders, I don't find they add value for me. This a bug not in accessibility apps, but somewhere in the 4.0.4 software code. The bigger issue is that people that absolutely need accessibility features or apps may not be able to use other, built in parts of the OS.
1) Does any accessibility app being turned on cause other problems within the OS that cause undesirable results? This in my view is an ADA issue and should be given high priority by Samsung.
2) I just learned how to change a filename to stop the sound made when the phone is plugged into a charger. I'm sure this requires root and suitable file name/editor. Is there any way to accomplish turning off the "spoken folder" malaise in a similar way (please look up the details, I'm not technical enough to explain).
Is there anyone willing to tell the phone manufacturers to stop releasing software with such ugly and visible bugs with no workaround stated? I just survived three months of Verizon Galaxy Nexus constantly losing mobile data connection, WIFI data connection (and the interaction of the two activated which made everything worse). This progressed to dropped calls and "network unavailable" messages using voice. They changed the SIM (buying time, as it turns out) - no effect. Sent me a new phone - I powered it up, added no apps, made no UI mods and the phone wouldn't connect to data of any kind and wouldn't place or receive voice calls (as had the original unit with or without the new SIM). Granted my Galaxy 3 is better at everything. It does place calls, and it does connect to mobile data and wifi most of the time. I'm guessing the real focus on software quality is 95% done by the manufacturers, and that any push from the mobile network operators is contactual based on testing by the manufacturer being documented to the carrier, and FCC approval, and perhaps some independent testing. I'm sure the loud, strong, and overriding message from the carriers is: New Devices with New Software Yesterday! My previous damage replacement Droid 2 (Moto) came with an OS upgrade (can't remember from where to where) which made the phone inoperable. Having lived through a couple of MS Vista ongoing nightmares, I can only imagine the total time spent by consumers trying to resolve, fix or work around the product sold to them as functional. I think, honestly that regulation or strict enforcement of implied warranties of use/functionality are the two best ways to make this happen. I'm willing, though, to assist any industry or user-based efforts to ensure that what we buy is what we get - it's in everyone's interest. It may make sense to approach one manufacturer to float this idea if it is not already happening. Does anyone know of any such activity with contact information? Any movement in the positive direction on this helps everyone, would improve customer satisfaction, and greatly reduce costs for the carriers and manufacturers. I will not longer accept "we're waiting on a bug fix" from Manufacturer as an answer, because I'm not a beta tester, I demand a new phone and after 2 to 4 calls they send me one. And I hate that I have to do that! Thanks!