Galaxy S2 Connection and Samsung Tech Support


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Sep 27, 2011
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I am on the phone right now with Samsung customer/tech support with regards to connectivity (3G/4G) issues. The tech person says they have had no reports of this :eek:, and is now making notes about my issue.

Now I know people all over the internet, and esp. on the Sprint community forums (and here) are complaining about this. So I recommend that every SG2 owner with this issue CALL Samsung and let their tech support know that this IS a real issue and that you will be returning the phone immediately if they don't "fix" this. We can't rely on Sprint to do this, as history has shown...and unless people complain directly to the manufacturer, nothing will change.

Here's Samsung's Tech Support number: 1-888-987-4357

The tech person on the phone with me right now is "investigating" the issue and escalating the issue to Tier 3 support.

If everyone else sounds off about this to Samsung, something might actually be done?


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Sep 27, 2011
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So....after 40 minutes on hold for Tier 3 support, I finally spoke with someone. I told him exactly what the issue is, how I moved from a BBerry to this phone and had good data reception on that phone, but not on this. I also let him know that I've spent 6+ hours on the phone with Sprint tech support and we have re-set everything and it didn't help. AND, I told him how I even took the phone into the Sprint store, where they noticed the same data issue with their display phone, but not with the BBerry or the Motorola Photon phones.

He IS Tier 3 - highest level of tech support one can go - and he said their team has NEVER heard of this issue until my call. :eek: He said he can troubleshoot the phone, but not the network (Sprint). I told him that the issue is not with the network (hello, other phones listed above are getting fine data reception). And, I added that I have friends all over the country (NY, Boston, Florida) who have the same phone and have the SAME EXACT issue with data connection, and have been through the same troubleshooting steps with no change in data connection status (particularly indoors).

He said he doesn't know what to tell me, except perhaps the phone doesn't get reception in MY area (um, didn't I just tell him the same is happening to friends in other states?). He suggested I perhaps have a "bad" phone and to exchange it. I said a few friends HAD done that and it didn't help. I told him there are people all over Android Central and Sprint community forums from all over the country complaining of the same issue...and he said, "I don't know what to tell you...this is the first we at Samsung have heard of it". I said Sprint reps on the community forums had said Samsung was aware of this and was working on a "fix" and he said he can't speak to what Sprint reps are saying (in other words, he can't say Sprint is outright lying), but that he was at the highest level of tech support and no one had heard of/or was working on a "fix" for this issue.

Well...then I became snippy (because I'm annoyed with their lack of "support"). I said, "So basically, you're Tier 3...and I've been on hold for 40 minutes while at work, only so you can tell don't know what to tell me?" I'm not proud of getting snippy, but this is so annoying that neither Samsung NOR Sprint want to take responsibility for their part in a REAL issue.

He said he can certainly write a report about this and forward it to their product analysts, but as far as personally being able to help me...he couldn't, because this is the first he'd heard of it and Samsung was not aware of this being an issue with other consumers. :eek::confused::mad:

Seriously?? And Samsung wants to beat Apple with a product like that? (I know, Apple has its own issues)

So I said...I have asked my friends (and people on this forum) to call Samsung tech support and complain about the same thing, so if he hadn't heard of this issue until ME, he will after me..and what will Samsung do then? He said, "I don't know". Great. But he did say it would be a good idea if other people they have as much info as they can on this. It's a case of being the squeaky wheel, I guess.

I suggest everyone call, please. Don't let my experience above discourage you from calling...Samsung needs to HEAR this is a REAL issue so they will have to put out a fix.

This type of irresponsible behavior should not be accepted by consumers. If Samsung can't figure it out or even look into a serious issue such as this...then they deserve to have everyone return their phone.

End of rant. Everyone...CALL!


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Apr 13, 2010
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Well just got done speaking with very nice rep that did trouble shoot with me all that good stuff and has spoken with higher up issue noted.

Once again.
There is no doubt that this device has radio issue if you signal area is not the best.
If you love this device....which I do.
I suggest take 20 min of your valuable time call Samsung let them know of issue so fix arrives.



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Sep 27, 2011
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I called the other day,he said that the high ups are probably working on a fix.Said it might be able to be fixed with a software update.
Then someone is lying over there. Two techs told me they haven't even heard of this being an issue. One tells you they're working on a "fix". Do you know if you talked with Tier 3?

Samsung better not be trying to scam us. :-\


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Dec 5, 2008
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You can also try their twitter account:

They seem to monitor it pretty closely.

I too have been having radio issues. I called sprint the other day and they did a data reset which helped. But today same problem. I called in and they are saying there are issues in my area...we'll see.

The twitter account has been pretty responsive with people. I sent in an email the other day with a list of issues I saw...nothing huge just stuff they could fix/change.

BTW...just got off the phone with Sprint Support...we are having a big outage in L.A. right now. It's spread out.
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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2011
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You can also try their twitter account:
Thanks, I'm going to stalk them now. ;)

I too have been having radio issues. I called sprint the other day and they did a data reset which helped. But today same problem. I called in and they are saying there are issues in my area...we'll see.
Sprint ALWAYS says there is an "issue" in the area; that's their go to. I spoke with a very nice guy on Sprint customer support and he said he sees lots of ticket about outages in the S. CA area, but that all the tickets have been closed without being resolved. So he called over to tech support and they basically told him, "We don't know what's going on". What else is knew? Communication is sub-par in that company.
BTW...just got off the phone with Sprint Support...we are having a big outage in L.A. right now. It's spread out.
They've been saying this to me since July 27 - so I asked when is the ETA for the outage to be fixed? "Oh, it could be 2 weeks, it could be 2 months...we don't know". Thanks, Sprint. Really, thank you.

I'll tweet Samsung now. :)


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Sep 27, 2011
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You can also try their twitter account:
I tweeted Samsung about the reception issue. Their response is, "We will escalate this for further analysis".


I suggest others tweet the same account above...and hashtag it with #SamsungGalaxyS2 for others to see.

Let's get this issue fixed so we can keep our otherwise awesome phone!


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Sep 27, 2011
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My twitter reply from them,
'This issue is currently undergoing analysis. We appreciate your feedback^Janel'
Janel responded to me, too. Let's see what happens...but I might tweet them again, say...this weekend? Just to make sure they don't forget. ;)

Squeaky wheel...


Jun 3, 2011
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Then someone is lying over there. Two techs told me they haven't even heard of this being an issue. One tells you they're working on a "fix". Do you know if you talked with Tier 3?

Samsung better not be trying to scam us. :-\

I believe he was a regular tech. I believe he just told me what I wanted to hear. I just told him I wanted him to put in a report about the problem we are all having!


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Apr 16, 2011
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I tweeted Samsung about the reception issue.

Personally, I'm not entirely convinced it's a Samsung issue. My GS II got great reception (4 - 6 bars) in my city every where except a couple of places, at home being the worst. I've gone to most of my friends homes and my parents home. Except for one friend's home reception was better everywhere.

My girl had issues in most of the same places with her Pre and continues to with her Evo 3D. I'm not saying it's not partially Samsung's fault, but I'm certain that Sprint has some issues going on too.


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Sep 3, 2010
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I knew this issue wasn't going to be addressed in a short period of time. First they have to admit a problem, then play the blame game, then a fix, LOL

That's why I returned mine within the 14days and went back to my Evo 4G.
Make NO mistake, once they fix the issue I'm going right back to the sprint store and getting a new one!!



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Sep 27, 2011
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I knew this issue wasn't going to be addressed in a short period of time. First they have to admit a problem, then play the blame game, then a fix, LOL

That's why I returned mine within the 14days and went back to my Evo 4G.
Make NO mistake, once they fix the issue I'm going right back to the sprint store and getting a new one!!

I wonder if they will fix it, though. I would be sad to return my phone as I otherwise love it. :-\


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Sep 27, 2011
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I tweeted @GalaxySsupport again today about the reception issue. If this doesn't get sorted in the next few days, my phone is going back. It's no good without reception.

Please contact @GalaxySsupport about same on twitter. Or call the number I posted in the original post to let Samsung know reception issues are real on this phone!

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