Gear VR Promotion Success/Failure Thread: please post whether you are successful ...


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Aug 21, 2014
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Cow Hampshire here or VZlocation code, E247001

I think perusing Verizon on this one is the way to go, Samsung/PL/Ingram/Brighpoint are always going to say “Oh yeah, its on the way, just give us a few more weeks”

But at what point can we really say that the promotion failed? Term and conditions give a window but really we all know that document is flexible.

Eventually we (the ones waiting) will have to convince Verizon that there is a date a line in the sand and say “The promotion has failed to deliver” what is Verizon going to do?

Or they can just keep telling us that “oh yeah it’s on its way”

I’m thinking that line in the sand will be drawn when the Note 6 will be released. Thell want a clean record for when they do there promos for that product, Cuse I am trolling the $#!t out of the boards for that launch.

Much longer and they might as well give us Gear S3's....


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Feb 4, 2014
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Arrgghh! Came so very, very close to getting Verizon to send me a watch.

Spoke to a very pleasant rep who took all my info and kept me on hold for about 20 minutes while she looked into things, then came back and said okay she had all the approvals she needed to get me a watch and what was I looking to get? I was just about ready to propose to her, with visions of a Gear S2 Classic floating before my eyes!

But, you know where this is going. Before I could say anything she asked for my confirmation email from PrizeLogic, which I sent her while we were on the phone. She then put me on hold again when she received it, and came back to say that she couldn't send me anything while we were still within 6 weeks of my submission approval email of 4/18, even thought it's been 11 weeks since I submitted on 3/10. And so my hopes are dashed yet again on the fickle shores of VZW and PrizeLogic!

So, if I don't hear anything by the end of the month, I'm supposed to email her and she can supposedly help me out. So, calling Verizon may indeed bear fruit if you're really lucky. Feel like I just lost out on the lottery by one number!
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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2016
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Arrgghh! Came so very, very close to getting Verizon to send me a watch.

Spoke to a very pleasant rep who took all my info and kept me on hold for about 20 minutes while she looked into things, then came back and said okay she had all the approvals she needed to get me a watch and what was I looking to get? I was just about ready to propose to her, with visions of a Gear S2 Classic floating before my eyes!

But, you know where this is going. Before I could say anything she asked for my confirmation email from PrizeLogic, which I sent her while we were on the phone. She then put me on hold again when she received it, and came back to say that she couldn't send me anything while we were still within 6 weeks of my submission approval email of 4/18, even thought it's been 11 weeks since I submitted on 3/10. And so my hopes are dashed yet again on the fickle shores of VZW and PrizeLogic!

So, if I don't hear anything by the end of the month, I'm supposed to email her and she can supposedly help me out. So, calling Verizon may indeed bare fruit if you're really lucky. Feel like I just lost out on the lottery by one number!

Maybe I was hit on the head today, but I am thinking that us calling Verizon and having it on record is a good thing. They all say that we have to wait for the final date of the 8 weeks from the final approval date as stated. But they do sound like they want to help us. So when that final date comes and if we dont have our S2's by then I think they may come thru for us because they have no more excuses. We did what they asked and waited unitl the date they said. So lets think positive.


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Apr 5, 2016
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Oh and another really good reason to sit here and complain on this forum, I can look back at my own posts. On 3/16/16 my status changed to “approved” shipping “pending” for the first time. So that puts my approval at 10 weeks tomorrow.

In the end it all means nothing. This was a lottery drawing.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2014
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wow! now thats some BS

To everyone else with the mas aproval email on 4/7. 4/7/16 was 6 weeks and 5 days ago. LOL!

Yeah, but at least I have her email address, and she told me to contact her directly rather than go through another rep as she'll have everything on file and ready to go if PL doesn't come through. So, PL is on the clock and if I don't hear anything by Monday I'll be taking Leslie up on her offer.


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May 2, 2016
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If it wasn't for the fact that I am at work today, I would be dialing Verizon now and trying again. I'm past my 6 weeks of waiting. I even messaged PrizeLogic on FB (which I normally get a response from mildly timely) and they've read it, but no response.

Prizelogic's approval date was 4/3 for me, when I submitted 3/9. (I never received an approval email...NEVER) until the blanket ones went out again speaking to the "delay". Other than that and the Activate your S2! email, I've received nothing from PrizeLogic in the terms of emails.

I'm just ready to have my watch and this been done. For everyone.


Dec 28, 2012
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It'd been 11 weeks since my submission date. Is that the time I should use?? I don't have an actual approval date... As I never got an email ... Just what prize logic has told me...

I told him I submitted on 3/18 and was approved a few days later- but received the generic approval email that everyone else got on 4/7. I haven't heard back from Verizon... so we'll see if anything happens


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May 24, 2016
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I really think Prizelogic is processing the orders last in first out.

I submitted 3/9, but got my approval email on 4/18, way after people who submitted later. Seems people who submitted late already go their S2.


Aug 20, 2015
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I called prize logic today for the first time in about a month. Was curious what they would say. No wait she answered right away, I told her I submitted on 3/12 and got an approval email on 3/22 so it's been 9 weeks since I was approved. (This is for a vr by the way though this has pretty much turned into a watch thread). She didn't make any excuses just asked if I would hold while she talked to a supervisor. A few minutes later she came back and said, if I understood her correctly, they would be sending my case to the help support desk for review to find out why it hasn't shipped and I would be contacted with the results in 7 to 10 days.

So now I get to check my email constantly in anticipation of what their review comes up with. If anything maybe this gets someone looking into my case and gets it shipped because at this point Im pretty sure there are a bunch of us that have been forgotten about.


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Apr 30, 2016
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I tried again this morning. and as I stated yesterday they told me yes order them but before I was able to they said no stop we can't do it. so today they told me they will be investigating and calling them for me from now on. also they said they would have a resolution for me in 5 to 7 business days. the guy talked to was passed I hadn't received them yet. so we will see but if my 8 weeks come and I have nothing then I'm not taking no for an answer from Verizon. I will be getting my watches from Verizon!

Posted via the Android Central App


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Apr 5, 2016
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My after work call to Verizon summery.

I somehow got to a first level supervisor right off the bat (supposedly)(said she was on the leadership team)

Told a story about the promotion 12 weeks 10 weeks bla bla

She offered to speak to "promotions" to find out my "status"

15 minutes on hold

Promotions told her to call Prizelogic


15min of her on hold with prizelogic

Then her back on my line. Do you want to talk to prizelogic?

Me: nope, thanks anyways.

I told the rep that Prizelogic was going to give me the back order story.

I lurk here at work and on my phone but I'm going to limit my phone calls to my commute (I'm in this for the long haul, don't wanna burn out, gotta pace myself)

I went with a third party vendors failed strategy this time. And that eventually Verizon is going to have to do right by the customer.

It didn't work, no watches!

Have a nice day all


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May 24, 2016
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I will update my recent dealings with Samsung in a new post.

Yesterday I posted a message, detailing just some of the things we have gone through to get our items on the Samsung Service page.

They promptly contacted me, and as all of you have surely experienced, received the dreaded link to the Prizelogic submission check page. After they began giving me the run around I informed them that I will be publicly posting that they have failed their customers, and a link to this thread.

I am now resorting to that and trying to find out what options I and we have other than contacting these companies. I have to stay at home to take care of my children all day, which leaves me with enough free time to pour through what I can. Until then, even if I do it alone, I will continue to post to Samsung's walls, Twitter, other social media to remind them that we are waiting.

Update: Not sure if it has to do with my recent posts, but they contacted me about giving me the $100 gift certificate instead. Then, I can just pay $6 and some change to get my Gear VR sent to me. So I was longer than originally told, get poor customer service from everyone involved, then pay extra to get my FREE item? No. I followed the directions for a Free Gear VR for my kid, I expect a free Gear VR. Hopefully more of us will take to social media, it has its purposes and when a company drops the ball in this way and doesn't handle it I think everyone else who are just aimlessly waiting should know they aren't alone.
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Jul 8, 2012
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Add me to the list of "maybe's". I did an online chat with Verizon last night. I told the rep my situation and explained everything to him. He was very nice and understanding and said that he wanted to make it right for me. He said that he was adding a notation to my account that I was owed a Gear S2. He said to print a copy of our chat transcript and take it to a Verizon store and they should see the note on my account and fill the claim. I asked if it could be a Classic 3g model (getting greedy, I know), and he said that would depend on availability at the store I went to. I asked if he could add that to the notation, and he said yes he would. I live an hour away from the closest Verizon store. So instead of driving that far, I called and asked if they could pull up my account to see the notation and just ship it to me. The first store I called immediately said that it was a Samsung promotion and said that they could not do anything. I asked if he saw the note on my account and he said yes, but he couldn't do anything. I called another local store and they transferred me to Samsung, who simply said that my ship date was pending, but I was approved, so I should get a watch eventually. Discouraged, I chatted with Verizon again. I got another very nice representative who acknowledged my notation. I explained to her that I lived far away from any stores and asked if they could ship it to me instead. She said that they had limitations on online chats and that she could not do that. I asked if there was a way for a supervisor to add to the notation on the account that said I was owed a Gear S2, so that when I went to the store, no one would dispute it and I wouldn't get the runaround in the store. She said that she had her supervisor put another notation on the account. I asked her if the original notation mentioned anything about getting a Classic model and she did not see anything about a classic. I am going to try to go to a Verizon store tomorrow afternoon and see if they give me my watch. Hopefully they do not deny me.


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May 2, 2016
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Add me to the success stories! I should have my watch Friday. To what they did was:

3 way with samsung, they couldn't find anything on me, then 3 way with prize logic, 40 callers ahead of us. Verizon rep so Oh hell no, and went to her super while we were on hold. Decision was to bill me and then turn right around and reimburse me for it. No go on the classic, but I don't care, I should get it Friday!! 😆