

New member
Feb 24, 2011
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I have been trying for 3 weeks now and continue to get the 8507 error, but I believe other folks have been able to update with no issues. I took my phone into Sprint on Tuesday and they tried with the same result and told me to keep trying...they said that a software provisioning tower in my area was down and it would take a few days before it would be back up. I am finding that very difficult to believe.


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Feb 24, 2011
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Thanks to "BeaAurther" a Sprint Rep in Sprint forms ( Sprint Community: Space: Kyocera Echo ), I was able to get my phone updated to Android 2.3.4. He saw my post and called my local Sprint Store to make sure they have the correct equipment to do the update and then opened up a trouble ticket. All I had to do was walk in the store with the ticket number and voila! 2 hours later my phone was running 2.3.4 with all my data in tact. So, if you continue to get the 8507 error, take your phone to a Sprint Service and Repair store and see if they can update your phone via the "Triage Laptop". If they have it in house, then they should be able to do it.

So far, my phone is running better than it ever did. Battery life is a bit better, and it seems to run a little faster.:D