Gmail sync quit on me again


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2010
Earlier today, I all of a sudden got a flood of e-mails on my phone. Hadn't checked my computer in a while, but it's clear these had piled up without getting delivered.

Then just now went to check, and e-mails weren't going through. Did the data clear thing, and back online again.

This clearly wasn't just a one time thing... something's sketchy with gmail sync. Another strike against the Droid/Android that's going to impact my decision about whether to return it in a week.
Thats odd. Are you using any type of task killer on your device?

Also, keep in mind its not official push, its very close but not the same. There will be flaws with it.
Thats odd. Are you using any type of task killer on your device?

Also, keep in mind its not official push, its very close but not the same. There will be flaws with it.

Nope... ran an app killer when i first got the phone, but uninstalled it after reading about it more on the forums. I guess there will be flaws, I have to decide whether it's troublesome enough not to go back to blackberry.

I'm almost positive I'm returning this phone prior to 3/19 (my 30 day date). I also think I may get another one, but no before waiting to see how the N1 and the Incredible look on verizon, and to see whether anything interesting comes out with Blackberry.
You will get the bad on both models. Keep in mind all of the outages that the BlackBerry's have, like the one that has plagued a variety of users over the past two days.

I hope that it continues to work for you. I had an issue once, reset it and have yet to have an issue since.
You will get the bad on both models. Keep in mind all of the outages that the BlackBerry's have, like the one that has plagued a variety of users over the past two days.

I hope that it continues to work for you. I had an issue once, reset it and have yet to have an issue since.

Meh... Had the blackberry for 2 years, and there were no sketchy issues like this. In a way, I'd prefer nationwide outages to vague, inexplicable personal phone problems. Don't get me wrong, this phone kicks my Curves' ass in a million different ways, but it always brought my messages in on time and effortlessly.
This is intriguing, the only problem I have had was that big Gmail outage last week. Prior to that, and since then, no issues with connectivity or syncing. I'm sorry to hear about your issues man.
Dammit, what is causing this? Just realized "hey I haven't had any new e-mails in a couple hours" - went online, and sure enough, there's about 20 e-mails there and at least half a dozen of which are important enough that I should have seen them a couple hours ago.

This is bogus. Whatever's causing this, I use e-mail too much to have this screwed up so easily. Definitely going to return this phone now, but now it's a question of whether I use Android at all.
I seem to be having the same problem. I've only had the Droid for a month, but I've been noticing over the past several days that Gmail is not being "pushed" fast enough to my phone.

Sometimes an hour (or more) goes by and the email has already made it to my desktop computer, but hasn't been delivered yet to my Droid. Usually, eventually most (if not all) make it to the Droid, but I can't deal with the delay.
Coming from a BB, I used to be able to re-send service books, do battery pulls, etc when issues like this occurred, but is there anything like that on Droid?

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