Great!! I agree with you on some of these and disagree with you on some. First things first, something I think everyone can agree on -- is that no matter what Sprint does there are always going to be someone who isn't happy (unless they give us service for free

What would I have done? Well lets see....
1) I would taken the amount of the total money and and split it up in 1 thirds and a 2 thirds.
- 1 Thirds would have gone directly to 3G updates that are needed. Mainly in places that might not have been on the 4 LTE roll out plan.
- 2 thirds would have gone to the 4G LTE roll out. mainly the city areas. (NYC, Boston, LA and so on.)
2) I would have posted a perfect 3G upgrade plan. (Releasing what Sprint would LIKE to do.)
- Then release a "here is what we can do this year." And possible even further if they could. (Mainly non metro area's here.)
- Release both plans to the public making it clear whats to be expected.
The problem with this is the people who would be getting the upgraded 3G would be asking -- why not just upgrade us to LTE instead of wasting money/time on 3G. I think this kind of plays into your issues below about how is Sprint going about the LTE rollout. I think we will most likely have to agree to disagree on this item -- I say if Sprint is going to be upgrading all their towers to improved 3G and LTE (NV), why go out and about and only upgrade 3G. I guess maybe the trade off would be Sprint saying "We can upgrade your 3G in two months which means you will not get LTE for 18 months, or you can wait 10 months and you will get upgraded 3G and LTE at the same time". Again, you couldn't satisfy everyone with either option.
I will address the "big city" issue below.
3) Release a perfect 4G LTE plan. (Again....What Sprint would LIKE to do.)
- Then release a "here is what we can do this year." And possible even further if they could.
- Then again release both plans to the world so the world knows what to expect and make it clear what the companies goal is. (This is important. Sprint to some level did do this but they drop the ball.)
I agree that Sprint could communicate better, but what big company couldn't? They have said that NV would be complete (well, would cover 250 million people any way) by the end of 2013 then started releasing in little groups statements like "Market A, Market B, and Market C are being worked on and will have LTE in the coming months". Then a month or so later they release another batch, and so on, and so on. In a perfect world it would be VERY nice if they could give us a proper complete plan as to when they will be doing everything. But I don't think they can do that -- the work is just to completely unpredictable. Good 'ole Hurricane Sandy can prove that all by herself.
So now -- the "big city" issue. Why didn't Sprint go after the big cities first and let Podunk, VT be last? Well, again a lot of things are out of Sprint's complete control. They have to rely on other vendors to provide services. So let's pick big city "Metropolisville" that has 3 million Sprint subscribers. There are 200 towers that cover this city. In Metropolisville Sprint has to work with 10 vendors to provide services such as backhaul, workers to do the installations/upgrades, etc. All the providers in Metropolisville can't provide their services for 6 months. So should Sprint just sit on it's thumbs waiting that six months, or should it go after other markets where other vendors can provide services immediately? Also, big cities like Metropolisville take a lot longer to do 200 towers than it does to do the one tower in Podunk, VT.
4) Make a blog or some where in the Internets where the company can update the public on where they are. Maybe even setup news letters where people can sign up for it. Something along them lines. (Again Sprint is sorta doing this but it could be a lot better.)
I would be willing to bet you've never read
Community Blog List - Sprint 4G Rollout Updates While this site is NOT by Sprint, Sprint should really throw some money that guy's way -- it is awesome!! That site has very up-to-date information about the 4G rollouts. Including why things are progressing the way they are, and why things aren't the way everyone would like (big cities first). In fact, you might want to read this thread:
Apparently sprint is only deploying LTE in small towns *INSERT SARCASTIC EMOTICON HERE* - Sprint 4G Rollout Updates
And thats about it. Now I know its easier said then done. I have put many projects together my self and its not THAT easy. But communication is everything to the customer. That is where Sprint failed a long side with no real 3G updates in areas that could use it. Even here is Vermont a good connection is 150K+....It's dial up speeds.
Further more I'd allow better training for CS reps and make sure they know more about the devices. many times you go in a Sprint store and them employees know less than we do here on Android Central....I find that scary. Its something that needs to be changed.
OMG do I agree with you on these points!!! Communication, communication, communication. They need to improve this, but as I said before, what company doesn't? Read
Community Blog List - Sprint 4G Rollout Updates -- they have tons of information.
Training CS reps? Heck I think we could argue take 1/3 of that money you were talking about before and place it right here. Wouldn't it be nice to connect with multiple CS reps and receive the same answer? Or find someone who doesn't tell you to pull the battery out of our HTC 4G LTE (non-removeable battery) and then have them you that they can't help you unless you agree to pull the battery out.
Now when I say att did it right I mean they rolled out an HSPA+ network update. Did it cost a lot? Yes! But I think having a good back bone is more important than a bigger 4G network. Look at Tmo...They are small and have very little coverage. Sprint is HUGE but coverage is still an issue. Anyways this came out of my head so I may have left things out. I'm sure others would do things differently and I know...Its easier said then done! But the customers don't see it that way sadly. Would I do better than Dan? Who knows unless it happen that way.
Yeah, it's a tough nut to crack -- too many people have too many opinions on how Sprint should do what they are doing -- both of us included.
I'm certainly not a Sprint apologist and think they can improve in a lot of areas -- but I do have high praise for NV and what they are doing. BTW, I am in a "smaller market" that was supposed to have 4G a couple of months ago. When I saw other areas getting it while my city still had nothing, I went to
Community Blog List - Sprint 4G Rollout Updates and asked the question. Robert (its his site) answer immediately explaining that my city had vendors who promised backhaul to Sprint and were not able to provide it when they said they would. Thus Sprint had to delay LTE. But it is now starting to pop up and they have more than half the city covered (unfortunately not at my house though
