Google Account Sign-In Error


Mar 31, 2012
Just pressing the issue into this forum, since it's making its mark everywhere else.

Recently updated all Google apps that were pushed out today, and since then, I've ran into errors connecting to my Google Account on my E4GT.

"You entered the wrong password or your account has changed."

I log into my gmail and all other tabs on my laptop, no issues. No changed password.

I'm sure a LOT of people have been having this issue... my question is... anyone figured it out yet?
No issues on my end after updating the apps. Rebooted 6 times. Tried google maps, earth, plus, gmail, books and no issues at all. Try a data reset.

Sent From A Rotary Phone
I had the same issue, but it seems to have resolved itself.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Android Central Forums
Found the issue... Had to force close google+ then re-run the app, seems to be working good now. Weird.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Android Central Forums
I have been having the same error since 4PM EDT yesterday, after all the Google updates. Like others, it appears to be with Google+. Shut off all your notifications in Google+, sign out, then sign back in, and re-enable Notifications, Instant Upload, Messenger, or Hangouts, one at a time to see which one is causing the major problem. So far, I have notifications & Instant upload enabled and no further problems! :p
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I had the same issue yesterday (with my Galaxy Player 5.0). I just opted to uninstall Google+ :p
Same thing happened this morning. It started just after updating the new G+ apps. I thought it was due to my fiddling with 2-way authentication, but nope, that wasn't it. Tried reset/reinstall everything. Also tried changing new password. Same thing happened again after installing with the new G+. That must be it. See if can wait it out for another bug fix update.

(Moto Droid Razr; unroot.)
Turn off background sync for G+ (but keep the others on, incl. Play which needs background sync for it to work) will stop the problem for now until next update.
i have the same problem i restarted my phone and i made a new account and still saying its wrong and type ur password . help it dont work i tried alot

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