google talk wont stay signed out


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Jun 7, 2010
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Unless some credible source were to say that uninstalling GTalk would be safe and have no bearing on the functionality of the other google apps and services, I'm holding back from actually proceeding with the uninstall.

I don't need it. I sure wish this issue was more popular, or at least enough to warrant the attention and thus action to address it. :(


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Apr 29, 2010
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I also saw a huge increase of battery life turning that stupid service off. I went from 6 hours of battery life in a poor coverage area (while I am at work) to 10 hours in the same area while at work... when I am not at work I can get up to 14 hours with this service off.

I guess this means we keep forcing the service to shut down after reboots. Kind of lame, but it gets the job done, and my battery lasts much longer!

At least for me it is more than just on boot...I'd be happy for that. My talk turns on every few minutes after I turn it off

evo be me

Jun 23, 2010
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yea i was posting this same issue on another thread yesterday .. still no solution. this is definitely a bug and needs to be fixed. how do one go about requesting a fix to HTC or Sprint? any take?


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Apr 29, 2010
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Who is bitching? I was just trying to figure out why it was staying on...but thanks for your useless post, it sure did contribute to this thread.


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May 3, 2010
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Yeah the guy is just trying to figure out how to close gtalk. Why are you getting so touchy Gekko?

Anyway, I just unchecked auto sign in and menu then close.
Then if it decides to show up on a task killer, then I kill it.


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Apr 11, 2010
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I did a search and got this thread. I have Verizon and Droid incredible. Anyway, when I sign out (auto sign in unchecked) I am listed as idle always on another person's gchat. I think this is related to what you guys are discussing, yes?


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Jun 8, 2010
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How exactly are you guys determining that Gtalk is running? I just checked my Settings-> Applications->Manage Applications, and both the Google Talk Service and Google Talk Storage apps are clearly not running as the "Clear cache" and "Force close" buttons are dimmed.

Under Manage Services the Google Talk Service is running because it is needed. To verify that, just close the service down and it will get started up again later. That only happens if another app needs the service causing the System to start it up.

Sent from my EVO 4G with Tapatalk


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Jun 9, 2010
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There is some definite confusion going on here, people talking about two different things.

If you're talking about the APP running (Settings->Applications->Manage Applications force close not grayed out) constantly, then yea, you might have a problem

If you're talking about the GTalkService (Settings->Applications->Running Services), then you should leave it alone- it is required for many functions in Android (including Gmail and the Market) to work properly. It running constantly is normal and no reason to worry.
XDA thread about this
List of apps in /system/ safe or unsafe to remove

Also, can't we all get along :D

EDIT: Or, you could just read the post above mine (unlike me), which says the exact same thing. Sorry wrecklass :D
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Jun 7, 2010
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How exactly are you guys determining that Gtalk is running? I just checked my Settings-> Applications->Manage Applications, and both the Google Talk Service and Google Talk Storage apps are clearly not running as the "Clear cache" and "Force close" buttons are dimmed.

Under Manage Services the Google Talk Service is running because it is needed. To verify that, just close the service down and it will get started up again later. That only happens if another app needs the service causing the System to start it up.

Sent from my EVO 4G with Tapatalk

I'm with you....kind of. See...your post kind of gives credence to my speculation....that somehow-someway the other google services depend on it and vice versa, kind of like an inter-dependant kind of thing amongst them all. Makes total sense too.

My thing is though, and we've mentioned this time and time again....and it's also where your convictions conflict with performance pre-update. When we'd go into running services, stop wouldn't come up again....ever unless you did a reboot. Otherwise...GTalk wouldn't appear again. Fast-forward to post-update....GTalk comes up after about 10 minutes of shutting it down.

Sprint's stated that it does use up battery juice. You say it doesn't. Who's word should I believe? Who's would you believe? Also...pre-update Sprint gave that tip of closing it through "Running Services". Why would they give that suggestion if it wouldn't close until next boot-up and was as you say, it doesn't shut down but if it does it will come right back up if any other google service kicks up. See...I did was they said and it worked flawlessly pre-update. Since the update, things have changed. I'd like it to not come up any longer. T'is all.
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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2010
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Sprint's stated that it does use up battery juice. You say it doesn't. Who's word should I believe? Who's would you believe? Also...pre-update Sprint gave that tip of closing it through "Running Services". Why would they give that suggestion if it wouldn't close until next boot-up and was as you say, it doesn't shut down but if it does it will come right back up if any other google service kicks up. See...I did was they said and it worked flawlessly pre-update. Since the update, things have changed. I'd like it to not come up any longer. T'is all.

The fact is there are plenty of tools that you can download that you can verify yourself (dont have to take peoples word for it) that this process takes up practically NOTHING of your processor or battery. why do you want it not running so bad? do you use the market, gmail, gtalk, gvoice? regardless, please stop beating a dead horse. this is not using up any significant battery power or processing power. just leave it running.

you need to understand that linux/android are amazingly optimized to run as efficient as possible (for the most part). What i mean is, boot up your phone, open EVERY application, and watch over the next 30 mins how your phone will start shutting applications down. YES, i said it, it WILL SHUT THEM DOWN FOR YOU. there is something called an idle state on android, which means processes when not used take up NO BATTERY OR PROCESSING POWER.

So in short, forget it is even running, it is not having any significant impact on your battery or processor while running.


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Jun 7, 2010
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I have no problem in seeing it as a plausible notion but what I noticed when applying Sprint's tip on stopping it was that my battery life increased exponentially. I went as far as 26 hours and 22 hours in two full charges. I've posted the screen shot on that not long ago.

Since this has happened, my battery performance isn't the same. I have experimental substance behind my conviction. That and it coming from Sprint themselves. What I see before me is on one side proof and the other theory.

I didn't have to download any tools to verify anything after having excercised Sprint's tip of stopping GTalk. I immediately saw an increase in battery life. Now my battery life is suffering with GTalk coming up non-stop after the update, I'm being asked to download tools, and am being accused of beating a dead horse....also all of a sudden, Sprint's very own recommendations are of no validity, instead just trust that Android will take care of it when all over the net the Evo which runs Android is criticized for having an issue with battery life. Of which I agree IF some tweeners aren't done.

I'm not simply looking to beat a dead horse here. Give me a break. We're discussing about this issue. Both sides are bringing's just that, a discussion. To which I'm weighing in hopes of finding a resolve and if not, at the very least some explanation to why I must accept it for what it post-update.


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May 17, 2010
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I am with you on this. I was getting great battery life before the update. I thought maybe it was a bad app so I reset 3 times so far this week to see what was causing it. Luckily I came across this thread because stopping the gtalk service gave me my battery life back.

I have no problem in seeing it as a plausible notion but what I noticed when applying Sprint's tip on stopping it was that my battery life increased exponentially. I went as far as 26 hours and 22 hours in two full charges. I've posted the screen shot on that not long ago.

Since this has happened, my battery performance isn't the same. I have experimental substance behind my conviction. That and it coming from Sprint themselves. What I see before me is on one side proof and the other theory.

I didn't have to download any tools to verify anything after having excercised Sprint's tip of stopping GTalk. I immediately saw an increase in battery life. Now my battery life is suffering with GTalk coming up non-stop after the update, I'm being asked to download tools, and am being accused of beating a dead horse....also all of a sudden, Sprint's very own recommendations are of no validity, instead just trust that Android will take care of it when all over the net the Evo which runs Android is criticized for having an issue with battery life. Of which I agree IF some tweeners aren't done.

I'm not simply looking to beat a dead horse here. Give me a break. We're discussing about this issue. Both sides are bringing's just that, a discussion. To which I'm weighing in hopes of finding a resolve and if not, at the very least some explanation to why I must accept it for what it post-update.


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Apr 14, 2010
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If you want your battery life back without ATK go to settings --> accounts & sync and uncheck the following:

background data

WAAAALA! gtalk will no longer keep starting.

(disclaimer gmail will no longer auto update nor gvoice, or gtalk)


Jun 13, 2010
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I'm having a bit of a twist on this problem - mine keeps coming up, but when I go into the app it shows me as signed in though all my buddies are offline (but can still message me and it comes right to my phone!). On my comp desktop, they're all online.


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2010
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If you want your battery life back without ATK go to settings --> accounts & sync and uncheck the following:

background data

WAAAALA! gtalk will no longer keep starting.

(disclaimer gmail will no longer auto update nor gvoice, or gtalk)

This is non-sense. Look...all we want is what we had prior to the update, in principle. It would be no different than say our wifi, camera, or any other service or feature behaved differently due to an update. This is not foreign territory. This type of issue is common amongst updatable devices.

Sure we can ignore GTalk, train our subconscious mind to don't give a hoot about it and the toll it takes on our battery, just trust Android is god and knows what's best.....yeah, yeah. Truth of the matter is, we've seen that GTalk can be stopped and still have our Gmail, calendar, and other google related services run while GTalk isn't started up. We might not be signed in, but it's still running when before it didn't. I'm getting a Steve Jobbs vibe from some here...."it's a non-issue....just accept it". :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2010
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Truth of the matter is, we've seen that GTalk can be stopped and still have our Gmail, calendar, and other google related services run while GTalk isn't started up.

Raf, i am trying to help you here but you are confusing terminology to the point that you arent making any sense.

Gmail, calendar, google voice, and Google Talk are APPS. Gtalk is a service that runs in the background. This SERVICE is absolutely necessary to run for the market and other sync's to function properly (gmail, gvoice voicemails, gtalk app messages). It is kinda like you auto ID pusher.

So which is it that you are trying to remove from starting up? the Gtalk app? or the Gtalk Service? If it is the service which is necessary for syncs then you can turn it off how i mentioned in my previous post.

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