Great to see not too many complaints about battery?


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2011
I get my note 8 on the 22nd. Coming from S7 edge. I really hoping for at least battery to be as good or better.
I easily get through the day on this battery. Samsung must have really done some optimizations on this phone.
Here's my use after taking it off the charger late last night until this AM. I dunno. What do you guys think? I'm a moderate to heavy user btw.
I have had my Note for over a week now so I can compare it to my S8+.
Typically I would be at 75-80% battery at 5PM when I get out of work. Note is roughly the same. I am not thrilled but I am content.
I can't complain at all. Coming from iPhone 6s and having to charge it by 6:30 pm. Here is my results.


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Still have some juice to burn if I want. Probably get 6.5 hours easy.


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I'm coming from the S8 so the battery on the Note 8 will be much better. No complaints from me. I took it off the charger at 7:52 this AM and my battery is down to 80% with moderate use. Not bad at all. :)
11+ hrs and I'm at 48%. Not to bad.


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I'm getting about the same life as I did my S8+. No surprise there, so I'm quite content with it.
First day I had about 4.5 hours of onscreen time with AoD on, high performance mode, ~90% brightness with auto brightness off.

Now I'm getting 6h 55m onscreen time, (lots of Twitch/ Youtube watching), AoD off, high performance mode and ~75% brightness with auto brightness on and still have about 20% battery left at the end of the day/ night. The battery is great imo. I tend to close unused apps quite often, not sure if it has an impact on the battery.
I've only had mine about 40 hours, so I've put in A LOT more screen time than usual, but so far so good. Seems very comparable to my Note 4, which I just purchased a new replacement battery for like a month ago, so it should be operating at peak performance.

Was expecting worse, so I'm pleasantly surprised.
I get my note 8 on the 22nd. Coming from S7 edge. I really hoping for at least battery to be as good or better.

Had a Lenovo Phab 2 pro with 4000mah battery before the Note. The Note is as good or maybe a bit better on battery. Love it.

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