gyroscope problem?


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Jul 7, 2010
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The beautiful widget live wallpaper shows that it is off. The water is supossed to be on the bottom and the rain is dripping to the right.

Another thing, when I'm trying to use the gyroscope for playing N64 emulator its off. Like ill move the screen right and the plane will go up playing starfox.

Can anyone with beautiful live wallpaper confirm this?


Well-known member
May 25, 2010
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I have had some games have issues using the accelerometer. I think the problem is that most apps up till now have had a frame of reference of the device in the portrait configuration. Now the Xoom's default configuration is landscape and that throws things off by like 90degrees. I expect fixes to be added soon. I'm sure there is now (if it was not the case already) an api for setting the apps frame of reference to be tied to the device vs an absolute setting.
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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2011
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I have had some games have issues using the accelerometer. I think the problem is that most apps up till now have had a frame of reference of the device in the portrait configuration. Now the Xoom's default configuration is landscape and that throws things off by like 90degrees. I expect fixes to be added soon. I'm sure there is now (if it was not the case already) an api for setting the apps frame of reference to be tied to the device vs an absolute setting.

OMG I bet this is the reason all of our compass apps are off!!!! they are all off by exactly 90 degrees! I could not figure it out, but you are absolutely right, the compass on a phone would normally be made to display in portrait mode but the Xooms are "native" in landscape, why didn't I think of that, it was bugging hell out of me.

Thanks!!! Will be waiting for my compass upgrades now!


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2011
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I have had some games have issues using the accelerometer. I think the problem is that most apps up till now have had a frame of reference of the device in the portrait configuration. Now the Xoom's default configuration is landscape and that throws things off by like 90degrees. I expect fixes to be added soon. I'm sure there is now (if it was not the case already) an api for setting the apps frame of reference to be tied to the device vs an absolute setting.

Yes, I believe you're right. X-plane had this problem but they just came out with an update to fix it and it works great now. I'm sure other developers will implement fixes for this soon as well.

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