hard time getting data to reconnect.getting fed up.


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Jun 20, 2010
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I'm on my third tb and my second sim card. This phone has a hard time getting its data back when.its transitioning from wifi or 4g. At first I thought it was the phone so I had it replaced . While that was in.the works I convinced the Verizon reps that the sim card might be faulty so we switched that out too. it was working ok for a while and recently started doing it again. I'm about ready to give up on this phone and get vzw to trade me into another phone. I did find however that taking the battery cover on and off always restored the data connection but I feel I shouldn't have to go thru that. Anyone here switch to another phone for that same problem ?


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Mar 27, 2011
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I'm on my 4th (or is it 5th now?) TB and I've always had this problem.

Sometimes it takes up to 5 minutes to transition off WiFi and back onto 3G/4G. Rebooting usually fixes it, but we all know how much battery life that sucks down.

Never tried cycling the back cover! :)

This phone is just a pile of poo.

I'm on my third tb and my second sim card. This phone has a hard time getting its data back when.its transitioning from wifi or 4g. At first I thought it was the phone so I had it replaced . While that was in.the works I convinced the Verizon reps that the sim card might be faulty so we switched that out too. it was working ok for a while and recently started doing it again. I'm about ready to give up on this phone and get vzw to trade me into another phone. I did find however that taking the battery cover on and off always restored the data connection but I feel I shouldn't have to go thru that. Anyone here switch to another phone for that same problem ?


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Apr 2, 2011
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I've not had any problems with mine. If you do want to switch phones, keep in mind, this problem seems to exist in all the LTE phones right now from what I've seen/read. So unless you want to go 3G only, you stand a decent chance of having the same problems.


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Mar 27, 2011
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I've not had any problems with mine. If you do want to switch phones, keep in mind, this problem seems to exist in all the LTE phones right now from what I've seen/read. So unless you want to go 3G only, you stand a decent chance of having the same problems.

I have mine permanently on 3G because on 4G, it will burn up the extended battery in 8 hours of standby...

Unless you meant a 3G-only phone, not 4G in a 3G mode?


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2011
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I'm on my third tb and my second sim card. This phone has a hard time getting its data back when.its transitioning from wifi or 4g. At first I thought it was the phone so I had it replaced . While that was in.the works I convinced the Verizon reps that the sim card might be faulty so we switched that out too. it was working ok for a while and recently started doing it again. I'm about ready to give up on this phone and get vzw to trade me into another phone. I did find however that taking the battery cover on and off always restored the data connection but I feel I shouldn't have to go thru that. Anyone here switch to another phone for that same problem ?

Well the battery door houses the antenna. It could have been.hardware I guess. I have never had any issues.

Sent from my Bolt via Tapatalk.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2010
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yeah its killin me. i think 4g is overrated anyway. not for nothing.im only in a 4g area about 25 percent of the time and of that time 90 percent is at work where i use wifi. that iphone is lookin real good to me right now...lol


Pretty good member
Feb 13, 2011
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This problem seemed to get worse for me with the GB OTA, at least it seemed to be happening more frequently. But, on the other hand, it now seems to be easier to fix in that I oftentimes do not need to reboot. Now, I usually just need to turn mobile data off and on to restore the connection. Note that I have to do this with the stock HTC widgets since my Quick Settings app does not see to be effective in turning off and on mobile data when my data connection is lost.

It's very frustrating when it happens, which seems to be rather random. Sometimes more than once a day, other times it will go several days without any problem at all. I got so frustrated, I told Verizon back in May that I was only going to pay 50% of my data charges until they got this fixed and they agreed that was reasonable.

It is not so frustrating that I would get rid of 4G. I'm addicted to the speed!

Thanks, Robrecht


Jul 5, 2011
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Sounds like a network issue more so than a phone or SIM issue. At least logic would dictate such as the possibility of multiple phones and/or SIM cards (the OP says 3 phones, 2 SIMS) exhibiting the exact same problem is highly unlikely. That and the fact the issue is not isolated to the Thunderbolt either, but all LTE phones in some form or fashion. I'd chalk it up to the new LTE technology and all the ongoing tweaks of the network and the phones (via updates as is evident by the differing phone/network behavior from update to update, ex. mine takes longer now to transition to LTE with the GB update than it did on Froyo with MR2). Any connectivity issues I've ever had were fixed by toggling mobile data or airplane mode on/off, or by just being patient and the phone/network went back to normal operation itself. OR worst case pulling the battery/SIM for five minutes. I would expect that as LTE replaces 3G, these types of issues will become less and less common. It sucks though in the meantime for those experiencing issues.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2010
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sometimes toggling doesnt fix it. as a matter of fact a lot of the time it doesnt fix it. what always worked was taking the cover off and on. thats why i am assuming its a hardware design problem.


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2011
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I have mine permanently on 3G because on 4G, it will burn up the extended battery in 8 hours of standby...

Unless you meant a 3G-only phone, not 4G in a 3G mode?

Yeah, I meant a 3G only phone. It seems like they're still trying to figure out how to get all the different radios to work together seemlesly in all the 4G phones.


Pretty good member
Feb 13, 2011
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sometimes toggling doesnt fix it. as a matter of fact a lot of the time it doesnt fix it. what always worked was taking the cover off and on. thats why i am assuming its a hardware design problem.
It used to be that a battery pull always fixed it for me and that was the usual case even 'though that was my last resort sice toggling usually did not work for me. Since the GB OTA, however, toggling (almost?) always works for me, whereas a restart will not necessarily fix the issue. There are so many variables here and the randomness itself all suggest a variety of scenarios that can result in a loss of connection. I would be shocked if the new network technology is not also implicated in many, if not the great majority, of scenarios.
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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2011
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Yeah, I meant a 3G only phone. It seems like they're still trying to figure out how to get all the different radios to work together seemlesly in all the 4G phones.

Yeah, it seem like the eHRPD protocols are not as well-sorted as the old EV-DO ones, not too surprisingly.

Sad! I wish VZW hadn't pushed out _two_ new radio technologies on the same guinea-pig platform. ;)


May 25, 2010
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Same issues here. I will input my last tb never had this issue but my dumb ass dropped it and broke the screen. My current tb drops data connection all the time and the WiFi is always weak so this makes me think antenna in batt door could be it.

sent with tapatalk.

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