Is Samsung camera better than LG?
latest ones, S8 and G6
I'd say yes. I know that the S7's camera was certainly better than the G6's. The S8's, based on the comments of people who I trust in such matters, is an improvement over the S7, if ever so slight. So ergo, S8 > G6. From what I'vhe picture quality on the G6's main camera isn't really any different than the G4.. looking back over pictures (I've owned both), the two phones are nearly indistinguishable... both seem to use the same long exposures and take equally heavily processed pictures. And anecdotally, my wife never complained about the picture quality of the S7 Edge she owned, nor has she made a single peep since she started to use my 6P. The G6? She registered complaints near daily.
In terms of straight up picture quality... ignoring camera app features, etc... the 6P is better than either the S7 or the G6 (or G4 for that matter). I haven't been able to take any pics with the S8 to form an opinion there. But I will say that the S7 was much closer in quality to the 6P than the G6 is.
But this is a different topic. This is just a place for people checking out the Google Camera port (the GC has been a Nexus/Pixel exclusive app for a long time now) to see HDR+'s processing methods effect on the G6's picture quality.