Hi From Ireland/Galaxy A3 2016 Memos - Issue in Reading Backup to PC


Nov 5, 2017
Hi all. Just to say hello and best wishes to everybody.

I'm here in the hope that somebody can help resolve a problem with a Galaxy A3 2016. I write, and started in recent months saving thoughts using the tools/memo function - not realising that it's not possible to read them (there's 30 plus) in or copy them from the backup saved by Smart Switch to the PC.

They seem to be in a file or folder named NMemo.nmm

Several days of work have found a few leads, but no definite solution. The question has been asked here at least twice before.

I have to say I'm thoroughly fed up with self interested moves by tech companies which in order to favour themselves make transfer of data off their apps and platforms as difficult as possible. I've run into a whole series of similar problems having recently switched back to a PC from an IMac...
🙋 Welcome! I hope you get some useful suggests, or as a writer might say, suggestions. :)
Welcome to the forums. I would suggest considering changing to Google for your documents. They can be viewed anywhere (mobile or desktop), and as long as you are signed in with the same GMail account, you can read them anytime.

As for pulling your old data from the other applications, I am not sure what to suggest. I did find this: https://us.community.samsung.com/t5...icpage/board-id/GalaxyS/thread-id/9592/page/1

But not sure if that will work for you.
You can share your Memos to Google Keep. While your PC can't read Google Keep from the phone, it syncs to a Chrome App that works on your PC so you csn view and edit it on Google Chrome.

Personally I use OneNote which also syncs to PC.
Welcome to the forums!

+1 for Google Keep, or even Docs. For me this is the easiest way to sync between devices and different platforms.
Welcome to Android Central! Hope you get your concerns sorted quickly! We are here to help!
Hello and welcome to the forums at Android Central!

I agree with Golfdriver.
Thank you very much for the rapid and positive responses guys.

A quick look in here this morning inspired another attempt at sending the memos to a folder on OneDrive or to OneNote. (as well as chanchan there's posts elsewhere about of others succeeding with OneNote too) Both of which initially failed.

I'm not sure why, but a short time later the phone popped up a message offering an update to OneNote (on the phone). I installed this and tried sharing a memo again. Bingo - this time it worked perfectly.

Which solves my immediate problem.

The oddity is that it still won't allow me to share memos with my OneDrive for business account. It asks for the log in details (which work just fine to log into the OneDrive account on the PC) and seems to accept it, but then sits indefinitely showing a spinning circle with the word 'loading'. There's no error messages or anything like that coming up.

I'm going to post on the OneDrive issue again, as I've no idea what's going on and would like to be able to upload stuff from the phone directly into OneDrive folders.

OneNote is an effective method of getting memos from the Memo tool on the phone on to the PC in a readable format. They display fine, and can be copied and pasted from OneNote on the PC to elsewhere as required. (the browser's right click copy command doesn't work, but ctrl+c does)

One advantage of the OneNote option is that sharing from the phone to it doesn't even require the entry of log in information, so it's quick and easy. No idea why, maybe the presumption is that a note isn't going to contain sensitive information?

It's possible to work with the OneNote screen open on the PC so that each memo is seen to pop up once the upload is complete - although this is sometimes a little delayed.

Thanks for the encouragement, finding that something has worked for somebody else makes it a lot easier to persist...

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