How best to test/check out my new Nexus 7?


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Dec 11, 2012
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Got it yesterday! Have 15 days to return if necessary, so I want to really check it out as best I can. Yesterday, I downloaded an app called Dead Pixel Test, I didn't see any, nor dust under the screen.

I'm not sure how to test the touch screen, are there any good apps for that? I have noticed a couple times when it took several tries to get a press on a website button to work.

Also, I've not used GPS before, not very familiar with Google Maps either, what is a simple way to test the GPS function?

I have a couple Bluetooth devices, speaker, headphones, keyboard, so that I can test later today.

Any other tests I should do?

I have not seen the notification light come on, any way to test that?

So far, really liking this tablet!

Sent from my Nexus 7 (2013)


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Feb 6, 2013
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Best Bet would be to actually test it using built in features because eventually your gonna have to learn to use em :) Are you looking to rank up against others like a bentchmark test


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May 21, 2011
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You are over thinking this. If you are happy with it just keep it and stop downloading all the testing apps. No tablet is perfect. If something you want to actually do doesn't work, return it for something that does do what you want.


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Dec 11, 2012
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Best Bet would be to actually test it using built in features because eventually your gonna have to learn to use em :) Are you looking to rank up against others like a bentchmark test

No, don't care about benchmarks whatsoever, just want to be sure the main features are working. I know I can't test wireless charging, but I don't care about that much. GPS I do care about, and it would be nice if the notification light worked, because I'm not that keen on sound notifications.

Sent from my Nexus 7 (2013)


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2012
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You are over thinking this. If you are happy with it just keep it and stop downloading all the testing apps. No tablet is perfect. If something you want to actually do doesn't work, return it for something that does do what you want.

The catch is that there is no other 7" tablet currently made that has the main must have feature, the non-pixelated screen. My eyes can see pixels in the text on my Nook HD+, any lesser resolution is uncomfortable for me very quickly. I've waited two long years for a tablet like this!

I just want to know the main features work. I'm not familiar with GPS much, but I can think it might be useful for me with some kind of offline map access.

Sent from my Nexus 7 (2013)


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Dec 9, 2012
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To test the GPS, turn the GPS on and open up Google maps. . . .

As stated, there is a problem that causes the GPS to get dropped, but it appears to be software related and will be fixed soon.

To test the notification light, send yourself an email from your computer. Wait a minute for it to be synced to your tablet and you should start seeing a flash.


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Dec 11, 2012
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Since you say the GPS is important to you, you might want to take a look at a thread in this forum entitled something like GPS problems in Nexus 7 (2013). Lots of people have experienced difficulties, and it looks as if a fix should be issued relatively soon.

Yes, that is why I have been concerned. Wasn't sure if it was a hardware or software issue. I guess I'm a bit nervous about being an early adopter, usually I am not, but I've waited so long for a 7" tablet with high-red screen.

Sent from my Nexus 7 (2013)


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2012
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To test the GPS, turn the GPS on and open up Google maps. . . .

As stated, there is a problem that causes the GPS to get dropped, but it appears to be software related and will be fixed soon.

To test the notification light, send yourself an email from your computer. Wait a minute for it to be synced to your tablet and you should start seeing a flash.

Great idea, thanks!

Sent from my Nexus 7 (2013)


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Oct 28, 2010
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Light Flow is an excellent app to make use of the led. There is a free and paid vsn. I used the free for a few weeks on my Galaxy Nexus, then bought the paid vsn. You can set up led notifications per app. The paid vsn can be used on many more apps. I even have Light Flow set to display a steady led while charging. When light goes out, I know N7 is charged.

The main drawback is that the N7 apparently only has a white led, so you won't be able to make use of color functionality of Light Flow. Make sure to also keep the "enable led pulse notifications" under android display settings checked on.

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