How can I stop my LG G3 from restarting constantly?


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2013
D-852, Canadian variant. I have had and currently have this exact same issue. This has been an ongoing problem for months. I have 3 batteries; all genuine.
Heads up: Replacing the battery will temporarily fix the issue, but its not permanent. It seems to work for about a month and a half before the phone inevitably goes back to a reboot-loop and I need to purchase a new battery.
Which is where I am at now. Booting the phone while it is plugged in seems to work more often than not, which means carrying around an external battery at all times.I am currently waiting for my fourth battery to arrive and typing this on my tablet.


That sounds annoying AF.


New member
Mar 9, 2016
Hey ,

I have a same phone. it keeps restarting every now and then. Service people told its an issue with the Battery change the battery and issue will be fixed.



New member
Apr 12, 2013
Mine is doing exactly the same thing - about 18 months into a 24 month contract. Could it be a clever in built way of getting us to upgrade early...? :) Will try the battery having seen this - as have tried everything else. Thanks

Calm down love - some people post on here because they don't know and maybe they don't know much about phones at all (even when it comes to what the battery does). Isn't that what this is for - to help people?

Oh - and didn't the person above say it WASN'T the battery...?
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New member
Mar 10, 2016
It for sure isn't the battery. Bought a brand new one today and within the first 12 hours my phone did the restart by itself. Also had factory reset my phone yesterday with no luck. Found a youtube video saying "solved" for the same problem so I tried it and so far so good.
On your desktop or laptop Go to the LG website and search, or search in Google, for LG PC Suite. Make sure to check your model # to know what version to get. (mine is the lg d-852) You want that program to help fix the errors. Once its downloaded and ready, open the program and you should be connected to your device. At the top there will be a pull down menu for "mobile device" and in that menu you will see "restore upgrade errors". The video tells you to have your phone on safe mode by pressing and holding the volume down button right after you power up and i guess for some people that might be your only option to load your phone but i just had my phone on and hooked up to the computer and it worked just fine. It took quite a long time to go through everything but eventually it updated my firmware and rebooted my phone saying complete. If it does not fix the problem I will report back. Fingers crossed this is the answer. Good luck everyone


New member
Mar 11, 2016
In the same boat with most of you. I'm on my 3rd battery in 2 weeks. i guess it's possible the 2 of the batteries are not up to spec for LG as they are aftermarket and the OEM labeled battery could be a knockoff. I even bought the OEM cables to be sure. My phone will power cycle, not connect or "see" any wifi and sometimes it will work for 3 hours, other times no chance at all. This started 2 weeks ago out of the blue. I love the phone any do not want to upgrade (currently 18mo into 24 mo contract). This is so weak


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2013
Buying a new battery worked for me.

Haven't had the issue for about a month now.


New member
Mar 11, 2016
Dang i wish. Has anyone tried to flash there phone back to stock? I'm wondering if the security update might have done this and know its locked into this state. Could just be the life of the phone and I'm in denial.


New member
Nov 23, 2015
I have the same problem. I updated to Marshmallow some time ago (so sorry but Marshmallow won't fix this) and have like 6 batteries, some original and some from TrendOn and the problem happens with all of them. So I'm sorry loop6719 but it's not the battery it's the LG G3. I'm not buying LG again. First it shut down on its own without my knowledge and now this...


New member
Mar 10, 2016
I had factory reset my phone and within a day it restarted by itself. This was on Tuesday. On Wednesday I bought a new battery and even that did not work. Wednesday night I downloaded LG PC Suite onto my desktop from the lg website and once I "repaired upgrade errors" through the program, my phone has not restarted since. 2 days is a record for my phone lately. To anyone having trouble with this, I urge you to definitely download that program.


New member
Mar 12, 2016
I have a problem with my LG G3..two days ago it just froze and I tried to take off battery but it didnt turn on again. It just showed on screen LG welcoming I found out how to hard reboot my phone...I did it and its just still rebooting with that green android logo and nothing happening...its rebooting like 15 hours and when I tried to take battery out and put it back and turn on it just keep rebooting. I dont know what to do.I dont have a warranty anymore.


New member
Mar 14, 2016
Unfortunately I've also tried many of the suggestions above as well. New battery, factory reset, cache wipe, etc. I recently installed Cyanogenmod 12.1 as a last resort. And while it seemed to have reduced the the time between reboots, it did not eliminate the problem. I personally think its a hardware defect of some sort. Just my 2 cents. And like others, this started after about a year of owning the phone.

Sarah Minchom

New member
Mar 16, 2016
This issue just started happening to my LG G3 over the last 2 weeks. I've had my LG G3 for exactly 15 months and all of a sudden it started cycling endlessly and if it did get to my locked screen and i tried to unlock it it would just restart again.

I found that when I plugged in the device to a wall charger or high power power brick, it would halt the reboots but otherwise it would get stuck in an endless cycle of partial reboots (when it did stop after plugging in, I would find all my apps still open and waiting for me, so they weren't real power cycles).

One of my coworkers has a newer LG G3, so we swapped batteries and immediately he had the cycling issue on his phone and with his battery in my phone the issue vanished.

On closer inspection, my battery was a few months past its expiration (FYI to anyone with a LG G3 - your battery will expire more or less exactly as its warranty protection does!), so went and bought a new battery and everything is fine now.

For those of you who have tried replacing the battery and find it still occurs, another coworker said his wife had a similar issue on a different device and it was resolved by having the power button replaced, so it is possible that this could be a factor also and you should have your phone sent in for inspection/repair.

Hope this is helpful for some of you.


Mar 16, 2016
If any phone is powering off randomly- First try a battery, preferrably one from a phone that you know is properly functioning battery. If that doesn't work you could try re flashing. If that doesn't work than it is a hardware issue not related the battery. I suspect many of you have shorted power buttons. Try replacing the top half of the back frame. It is cheap and easy if you have a small phillips screw driver.

Mrinal Bhoolee

New member
Mar 21, 2016
I have the same problem, took it t the store yesterday, they've reset the factory settings, but it still same..
Kindly advice

Marko Peltonen

New member
Nov 27, 2013
I had the same restart issues on two LG G3s.

The first unit started to restart loop almost out of the box. I suspected the battery since the boot loop stopped when connected to charger. I changed the battery from the other unit, which was OK at that time.
The issue followed the battery. So definitely a faulty battery. The seller sent me another battery.
Problem solved..... it was not. After 3 months the second unit started to do the same. And again it was the same battery issue. This time I took a more analytic approach on this case.

I put thin copper wires to + and - terminals on phone and hooked a multimeter respectively. I inserted the battery on phone and put it on. At first the voltage was okay, about 3.7V. But while the phone was restarting, the voltage suddenly dropped to 3V. At the same moment the phone restarted. And the cycle were repeated.

Li-Ion battery will be destroyed, if the voltage drops too much. That's why Li-ion batteries usually has a small control board to preventing them from discharging completely.
I discovered that the battery (before this control board) itself was outputting correct voltage. It was the control board which failed to deliver current causing the voltage to drop.

It looked like the + terminal of the battery was just glued to the control board. I believe that the contact is not perfect and fails to support the high peak of current resulting plummet on voltage and unit restart.

I bypassed the bad contact by soldering a small piece of wire from battery terminal to control board.
No restarts ever since.

I had two "bad" batteries and this way I fixed them both.

LG must have some design fault or bad batch of batteries since lot of similar complains can be found on internet
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Nuve SV

New member
Mar 27, 2016
I had same problem few months ago. Got a new battery, problem gone.

But few days ago, same problem again. And I noticed it only happens if I use one of my older, non lg charger.
Problem gone.


New member
Mar 29, 2016
My phone randomly started rebooting itself constantly (when not charging).

Some things I tried:
1. Factory reset the phone, turned off Mobile Data and all updates right away. I also did NOT put in an Account into the phone. Phone was on for 4 hours with only 20% battery drained and absolutely no sign of glitches or upcoming restarts.
2. First, I turned on Mobile Data, also absolutely no problems, phone working fine, battery drainage is normal.
3. Then, I clicked "Add Account" and made sure that "Automatic Sync" was OFF, within 2-3 seconds of clicking "Done" after I entered my email account, the phone started doing reboots non-stop until I would plug it in. The moment I take it begins doing constant restart loops until battery completely dies.

Fun fact: my other phone (Nexus 5) also was discarded the same way. At some point it started randomly doing non-stop restarts. I actually still have it but haven't used it for this reason.

Is there a virus on my email account? I will try using a different account... Any ideas? It might be the battery but just a week ago it was fine! No problems whatsoever! It seems that it is NOT the battery (even though many say it is) because with no email plugged in and mobile data turned on (receiving texts, calls no problem) the phone is 100% fine.

PS The SYNC was OFF!
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Luca RobMo

New member
Apr 4, 2016
Hey, I just read your answer, I got stuck too, I was wondering how went your problem with your lg g3? Has it passed the 2 days record or just went boot loop again?
I already done the same way you did it, reset factory, stock firmware kit kat... but my g3 keeps booting? so I ask you, could be my battery? Please help me :'(

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