How do I set my watch back to factory settings?


AC Question

rooted gear back to stock

i wanted to take my watch back to factory. i dl the latest firmware for odin but it failed to connect. I turned the watch off even though it says not to and now it only gives me the issue screen with the yellow triangle of death. It says connect to kies but that wont work either.


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Oct 3, 2014
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Re: rooted gear back to stock

i became a member! ok so after my battery life became short i was going to send my gear in for repair. I created a repair ticket but thought i better put the factory stuff back on it. I went to upload the firmware to the watch and i was having issues doing so. I turned the watch off to try later and now it is stuck in the "firmware upgrade encountered an issue. please select recovery mode in kies and try again" screen. How do i fix this? I am panicking just a little. I think i killed it unless i send it to samsung where they will say its all my fault and charge me or something. Maybe just keep if for a month and do nothing before sending it back unchanged. There must be a way to fix this thing. If i could get it back into download mode i think i could get odin to work.


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Oct 3, 2014
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Re: rooted gear back to stock

bump... because this already on page four and my watch is still very dead. I spent hours on line looking for a solution and everybody says do a couple of easy steps but they all start with put the watch into download mode.

How about a recovery code from one of you guys? I could use the recovery code in kies to restore my watch to your last working point. Using the cloud like recovery feature might work.

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