You can flash the factory images to your phone to break root.
But that being said, I wouldn't recommend going to all that trouble just to get an OTA update. There are so many better ways. It's pretty easy to just flash an OTA update to your phone through Clockwork Recovery.
Nevermind! Phone automattically found OTA while I was getting some leftovers from last night (stuffing, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, Paula Deane ham, and Coke Zero for those wondering). Updated fine and my wifi seems to be working now too. Yay! Just need to reroot since the OTA took it away (someone needs to tell VZW that is anti-Nexus). I bet Google hates putting up with their crap for the Galaxy Nexus
4.0.2 was a Google update that broke root, not a Verizon update. And yes, you will usually be able to let the phone auto-update itself if you are willing to re-root every time. To me, rooting the phone multiple times is incredibly annoying. I hate waiting ten minutes for the thing to boot up lol.
Watch out for the dates. You are replying to a 5 year old thread!
Not really. Who would want to root a phone on 4.02? In fact, how many still run KitKat? Even the article link was 2015. Different Android versions require different solutions
The world outside is irrelevant as is where I live. If you spend time on the forums you will see there is little discussion about Jelly Bean. Go to India blah blah blah. Comparing a PCs life to that of an Android device is irrelevant. You ever tried to add RAM or new graphics card to a PC?
I politely pointed out you resurrected a 5 year old post and you try to make an issue out of it. As someone who posts here quite regularly, this is annoying. It fills the forum with stuff that is irrelevant. Then you try to deflect this by referring to India, Africa and PCs. I'm surprised you didn't mention Antarctica.