How do you get recorded videos to always start at the beginning?


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2014
I recorded some video for the first time on my LG G4 this past weekend. One clip is about 2min 30sec long and whenever someone else wanted to see it, the video would start playing where I ended it the last time. I want it to go back to the beginning each time. Also I can't get the on screen time line and pause/play controls to disappear once the video starts.

Is there a setting I need to change?
I'm assuming you're using the factory camera app which came with your LG G4.. thus the reasoning I'm responding in this manor.. I would suspect that a new camera/video app would be required IF the current app doesn't allow for the options you're speaking of. Please check out Open Camera for way more options for taking pictures and video recording.
How did you send the video to the other people?
For example, if you put the video on, then sent a URL to the video, youtube often will include a starting point in the URL which will be where in the video you were at the time you created the URL.
How did you send the video to the other people?
For example, if you put the video on, then sent a URL to the video, youtube often will include a starting point in the URL which will be where in the video you were at the time you created the URL.

No I haven't sent it to anybody. I was showing it to other friends on my phone or even if I just wanted to look at it again. Everytime I would open it back up it would start at the point where I last closed it out and the timeline ticker and pause buttons, etc would stay on the screen.
I'm assuming you're using the factory camera app which came with your LG G4.. thus the reasoning I'm responding in this manor.. I would suspect that a new camera/video app would be required IF the current app doesn't allow for the options you're speaking of. Please check out Open Camera for way more options for taking pictures and video recording.

Yes I'm using the factory camera app since this is the first time I've really recorded something on a larger scale. I was at a car race. In the video it looks like the camera is constantly trying to focus on the moving cars. I can go back and look at video I shot two years ago at the same race on my LG G3 and it's not doing that. Will the app you suggest take care of something like that or am I just going to have to live with it?
Defiantly a trade off.. we spend X amount of money for a smart phone that has a poor camera and audio which ends up becoming a paper weight.. Might work for you in the beginning.. but the internal mechanics or the lenses tend to wear out faster than a typical camera. Another fellow not long ago was having the same issue with is camera.. it just kept trying to focus on everything instead of what he wanted it to.

Just so you know, that the lens are actuated on a rotating mount. each lens has it's own actuator.. so in order to focus all of these actuator move independently and when these parts become old or worn out.. it simply can't focus anymore.. thus zooming in an out.. then add the fact that you in a sports car and depending on where the cameras is located.. it wants to try and focus on everything and all at once.. best set the focal point or allowable range to focus towards the interior of the car or just outside the front window etc.

I have a feeling this is why most factory apps/camera do not offer anything to help correct this.. Unless an alternative app like Open Camera allows you to set the field of view and range.. thus limiting the focal point. You know the little green blocks etc when you try to take a picture..

I have yet to explore the video mode in Open Camera, but at this point anything is better than the factory version. Unless you purchase a GoPro..
Defiantly a trade off.. we spend X amount of money for a smart phone that has a poor camera and audio which ends up becoming a paper weight.. Might work for you in the beginning.. but the internal mechanics or the lenses tend to wear out faster than a typical camera. Another fellow not long ago was having the same issue with is camera.. it just kept trying to focus on everything instead of what he wanted it to.

Just so you know, that the lens are actuated on a rotating mount. each lens has it's own actuator.. so in order to focus all of these actuator move independently and when these parts become old or worn out.. it simply can't focus anymore.. thus zooming in an out.. then add the fact that you in a sports car and depending on where the cameras is located.. it wants to try and focus on everything and all at once.. best set the focal point or allowable range to focus towards the interior of the car or just outside the front window etc.

I have a feeling this is why most factory apps/camera do not offer anything to help correct this.. Unless an alternative app like Open Camera allows you to set the field of view and range.. thus limiting the focal point. You know the little green blocks etc when you try to take a picture..

I have yet to explore the video mode in Open Camera, but at this point anything is better than the factory version. Unless you purchase a GoPro..

I wasn't actually in a car I was standing on a bridge watching them go by on the track. They were coming sort of towards me at like a 2 o'clock angle.

What about the not starting at the beginning each time I open the video thing?

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