How do you know when you're on 4G


Well-known member
May 13, 2011
Okay guys... This may be a DUMB question, but when you're in 4G range, how do you know? I'm confused on how to tell by the icon. What is the difference between the 3G icon, and the 4G icon on the infuse?
They have the same icon so there is no way to tell by just looking at screen. You can run a speed test on the network to see if you are getting 3g or "4g" speeds though. I think around 7 mbps is the fastest I have gotten.

Sent from my Samsung Infuse
I was told that when 4G comes to my area Troy MI, that I would be notified by ATT and that I would need to bring the phone back to the store to get a 4G sim card, not sure if this is true or not just what the store employee told me.
There is a 'Mobile network type' entry under the Settings->About Phone->Status menu. Most of the time I see UMTS or EDGE but I do get HSDPA on rare occasions.
I had my old SIM card in my infuse, and I was getting 6-8Mbps down and 2Mbps up on the H+ network in my area - that's got to be 4G. The best I've seen on 3G was 1.5 or so. My only issue, was that my phone would have a hard time switching from Edge back to H+. So I went to ATT, and asked for a new SIM. The guy there said that I should not have been getting those speeds with my old SIM... Well, I was. I think the new SIM just has newer tower routing information, as I don't seem to have as much of an issue now.

A cool utility that I found, is called "Open Signal". It will tell you what kind of network you're on, as well as the signal strength and tower location. But the funny thing is, it shows "3.5 G" for the 4G HSPA+ network. It will change to "3G" if the signal strength falls below a certain threshold. EDGE is listed as "2.5G".

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Visually, I thought the H+ indicator meant "4G", G meant "3G", and E meant Edge. All viewable depending upon your area and how strong your wireless signal is.
maybe there's a widget somewhere for that i dont know i currently get my samsung infuse on the 25th of November :-$
The manual does not show a difference between 3G & 4G. If you see an E, you are on Edge. If you see an H+ you are on 3G OR HSPA+.

RTFM!!!! :D
There is a 'Mobile network type' entry under the Settings->About Phone->Status menu. Most of the time I see UMTS or EDGE but I do get HSDPA on rare occasions.

I'm currently showing HSDPA, is that jsut 3G?

I had my old SIM card in my infuse, and I was getting 6-8Mbps down and 2Mbps up on the H+ network in my area - that's got to be 4G. The best I've seen on 3G was 1.5 or so. My only issue, was that my phone would have a hard time switching from Edge back to H+. So I went to ATT, and asked for a new SIM. The guy there said that I should not have been getting those speeds with my old SIM... Well, I was. I think the new SIM just has newer tower routing information, as I don't seem to have as much of an issue now.

A cool utility that I found, is called "Open Signal". It will tell you what kind of network you're on, as well as the signal strength and tower location. But the funny thing is, it shows "3.5 G" for the 4G HSPA+ network. It will change to "3G" if the signal strength falls below a certain threshold. EDGE is listed as "2.5G".


Can you provide a link for this app? There's not an app that i search for with jsut that name.. sorry.

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