How happy are former storm owners?

Just a Guy

Well-known member
Nov 13, 2009
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Hey everyone,

1st off I've always been pretty happy with my storm and have been lucky enough to not have any major issues. With that being said though I don't think the storm2 is that much of an upgrade over the current storm.

For those of you who have made the switch are you happy with the droid or would you've rather switch to the storm2? What pros and cons have you found?

Also I hate the fact that I'd have to get BES to be able to get my company email to push to my storm and my wife can't even get her email if she switched to BES. Can you sync emails addresses like outlook and zimbra with the droid?

Oh and how is the learning curve? is it pretty easy to get accustom to?

thanks in advance for the help!
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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2009
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I'll give you the same response I put up on Crackberry.....

I first bought the Storm 2 hoping for much better than I got with Storm 1, and I absolutely did. It is definitely a hardware upgrade on a couple levels. Proximity sensor, memory, screen, and of course much faster which (about time) you could say the same now with Storm 1's upgrade.

Storm 2 is a great device. It gives you Wifi, that wonderful Blackberry Email, Blackberry Messenger. It has excellent graphics of course with the very simple, and sometimes unfortunately very old Blackberry Operating system format which delivers ultra slow internet and IMHO programs that could use a bit of an update. You really do get a great device with the Storm 2, it is definitely what the Storm should had been to begin with. The best thing on its release is you are not seeing NEARLY the same amount of problems with this device as you were the first.

I unfortunately found the Blackberry platform a bit old, I felt they threw the platform onto a nice touchscreen, updated a few apps to work with that touchscreen and landscape and released it without anything really astonishingly new. I got sick of the ridiculously slow internet and found Wifi on it to be just as slow. Please keep in mind, this is just my opinion, I am not bashing anything, just posting for comparison sake.

I exchanged the Storm 2 for a Droid, and after the learning curve, I am loving it. You will definitely have to take some time with the hard keyboard and get used to it. It is a bit cramped, but once you know where to press on the keys, you will find yourself up to par with it, which was one of the biggest reasons for my switch, I like being able to type on a touchscreen without losing 2/3 of the screen to look at. With the D-Pad, it makes editing what I wrote 1,000 times better than having to flick through 1/3 of the screen to find what I needed to touch the exact spot which rarely happened and fix it from's a lot to go through to fix one typo. The screen is gorgeous, I like the ability to configure everything to my liking, I love the widgets, the phone itself sounds great, and of course the $10 I saved per month on Navigation was a nice bonus too. I also like having a nice large choice of applications to download, there is much to make the Droid experience better and better.

What does Storm 2 have that Droid dosen't? Easier to input Calendar events....I could push on the Time in Storm 2 and add the event on that 1 screen. Droid I have to push the time slot, and go into the screen not bad....but a couple extra steps.

More options in the Navigation, I could use simple or fastest route, choose highways or sideroads, Google Nav just takes you there.

The Camera.....nice Autofocus with no noise, great photos, and has has image stabilization, if Droid has it, it dosent show.....however, I do feel Droid's camera will improve on software update....judging by the video camera, it certainly isn't the hardware that causes the problems.

Hope that helps....good luck with your decision, and of course, please let us know what you decide.

Ultimately go to the store and try them both....


Nov 9, 2009
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I was very happy with my Storm and never had any issues. The reason I switched was because the BB OS got boring and the browser was too slow. Now, I am perfectly happy with my Droid.


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Oct 8, 2009
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Each device has it's place for sure. Currently running both (Well Storm 1 and Droid). I find I still reach instinctively for the BB for quick business related tasks. The droid interface blows the BB out of the water but I guess I'm still partial to the "feel" of the storm input.

Short: With a little time, the droid rocks the Storm 1/2/.... hands down. Wonder if BB Connector can be extended to it like some winmo devices... Ponder..


Nov 2, 2009
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Only thing I miss is the suretype keyboard when typing with one hand. Yes I tried the better keyboards version but the predictability for the words were awful lol.. just have to get used to it I guess


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Nov 6, 2009
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Loved my storm and tour and definitely miss a couple of things, but like others have said the OS just became too boring. If you're a gadget freak a phone is more than just a phone, it is a toy....and RIM just doesn't make very good toys.


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Nov 4, 2009
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Only thing I miss is the suretype keyboard when typing with one hand. Yes I tried the better keyboards version but the predictability for the words were awful lol.. just have to get used to it I guess

If im just doing a quick app search or name search, that portrait keyboard seems adequate.....Ive even occasionally used it for typing out a quick message, I was surprised at the amount of accuracy I got off it. I wouldn't use it for anything too long....but it's not half bad.


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Nov 10, 2009
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If im just doing a quick app search or name search, that portrait keyboard seems adequate.....Ive even occasionally used it for typing out a quick message, I was surprised at the amount of accuracy I got off it. I wouldn't use it for anything too long....but it's not half bad.

I agree. Though one handed it can be a slight hassle but overall I love the typing experience with all three keyboards over the Storm all day.


Nov 7, 2009
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I am loving this phone more and more. The only ting that was hard for me to get used to was the email. That is the only thing I miss my about my storm, but have gotten used to it already. I don't think you could pay me to go back to the storm. JMO

I hope this opens a lot of eyes on how happy most of us are with the open platform and everything else the Droid does.


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Nov 10, 2009
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I would like to take the time to state this, and it seems appropriate to post here instead of cranking up another thread.

After only two weeks of the Storm 1 being released the CB 9530 forum was SLAMED with threads on problems and solutions. On the contrary, and by comparison, it's been relativly quiet in these parts and I don't think I've read a thread post yet where someone was down right infuriated about the phone/OS/performance ect.

So to me that says alot ;)


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2009
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I would like to take the time to state this, and it seems appropriate to post here instead of cranking up another thread.

After only two weeks of the Storm 1 being released the CB 9530 forum was SLAMED with threads on problems and solutions. On the contrary, and by comparison, it's been relativly quiet in these parts and I don't think I've read a thread post yet where someone was down right infuriated about the phone/OS/performance ect.

So to me that says alot ;)

It's funny, I was thinking the same thing :) Not to mention as opposed to Crackberry Storm sections you don't hear many members saying they are going BACK to the Storm......that also says quite a but ;)


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2009
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It's funny, I was thinking the same thing :) Not to mention as opposed to Crackberry Storm sections you don't hear many members saying they are going BACK to the Storm......that also says quite a but ;)

True lol. In fact I think I've only read MAYBE 2 that said that....but I could be mistaken lol.


Nov 10, 2009
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The Storm is a great business device, where as the Droid is more of a multi use computer that fits in your hand. If your email is business related, or you have a lot of friends who have blackberries and you want to use the blackberry messenger to save on texting fees, try out a blackberry. The OS is very simple and in my opinion, people who never used a smartphone before seem to learn blackberries very quickly. If you are into gadgets, or want a phone that is a "jack of all trades" phone, try an android phone. After a week of owning my Droid, I can honestly say I have never been as satisfied with a phone as I am now. I want my phone to do a little bit of everything, so I will not be returning to my Storm.


Nov 9, 2009
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I had my S1 from day one, and I loved it. Got my wife the S2, and I find it to be pretty similar to the S1, just with hopped up specs. I purchased the Droid for myself last week, and I'm totally blown away. I still think that BlackBerry builds a real nice phone, we all know you can't beat their email, but they don't handle memory usage well. With my S1, I always had to worry about adding new apps, knowing that if I kept adding them, the phone would eventually start to slow down. The Droid is the exact opposite. I can download multiple apps at a time, and it just keeps running like a bear. The internet is blazing fast. You can watch all the comparison videos online you want, but use one and it's clear that the BB browser can't compete, even Opera pales in comparison. Will I miss my Storm? Sure. Do I regret getting the Droid? Not on your life! This thing is a beast, and I think that the Android OS is the future for mobile phones. Oh yeah, one last thing, videos on the Droid look better then ANY phone out there. Including the you-know-what-phone.
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