How long does your battery last?

How long does your battery last?

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Jul 18, 2010
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How long does your battery last on your EVO 4G? Also, out of those hours, how many hours per day do you actually use your phone? (internet, apps, talking of course)


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2010
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I normally get around 16 hours on a charge with around 5 hours of display time and whatever I am doing to keep it on


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Apr 22, 2010
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I'm averaging about 14 hours, light usage just some downloads, facebook, email, and just playing around with it. Turned on 4G yesterday cause I got a signal along with WiFi, GPS and bluetooth, and went from 50% down to 10% in 20 minutes.. So the 4G, Wifi and GPS will stay off until they are needed..


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2010
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My battery life is abysmal, but it is to my own fault. I never put may phone down. I am constantly on it textkng, mailing, IMing, browsing the web, listening to podcasts, listening to music, playing games, reading books, Facebook, Twitter, watching movies, taking pictures, just about everything. I never give my phone a break. I don't think that I have ever had a phone in my hand so much, not even when I had an iPhone did I use a smartphone like this. I get maybe 8 hours on a full charge. If I used it sparingly like I did my BlackBerry, I would probably get twice as much out if my battery.


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2010
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First you should check out this thread: lots of really good advice.

And to answer your question, I get on average about 12 to 14 hours out of my stock battery.

About an hour, hour and a half of music on the way to work and home(combined), around 20 or so text, around an hour or so talk time through out the day, maybe 10 or 15 emails(received and sent), 20 to 30 minutes of web searching and a few pics here and there.

Today I woke up at 8am and took my evo off the charger around 9am. Did all that stuff I listed above, got home around 8pm with exactly 50% battery left.

If your new to your evo don't worry, your battery life will steadily get better. I always found that the biggest battery killer is "New Toy Syndrome". After you get it all setup to your liking and past that just got to show it to everyone phases. You'll start to notice a steady increase in battery life.

And one more bit of advice, looks likely your new to AndroidCentral. Use the search function, it works great and some of the other members get a bit punchy if ha don't.

Welcome to the club M8 and have fun!!!!!


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2010
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Mine lasts anywhere from 12 to 18 hours depending on usage.

I took it off the charger at 8:30 this morning. It's now 9:20 PM and I still have 35% left. That's with moderate surfing, email, text, about an 1 1/2 hours of talk and a little Robo Defense.
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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2010
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I've been unplugged for 14 1/2 hours...casual to moderate use and no task killers...only at 55%. The battery is amazing now!


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2010
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I normally get around 16 hours on a charge with around 5 hours of display time and whatever I am doing to keep it on

That is about my average.. 16 hours with about 20 - 40% battery remaining just depending on how heavy or light I am on the device.

I Average about 90 minutes of internet time, 20 - 30 minutes of talk, about 50 -75 text messages, check Facebook 5 - 10 times per day, take about 10 - 20 pictures, e-mail 2 - 3 and upload 5 - 10 to Facebook, receive and send about 10 - 20 e-mails per day combined, listen to tunes or stream music for maybe 15 - 20 minutes a day, no games though... I have my e-mail set to sync every 30 minutes, weather set to every 3 hours, Facebook is set to hourly update, Only radio I keep "OFF" is the 4G radio and WiFi unless I am at home and uploading/downloading a large file then I switch WiFi on, screen brightness is set to the middle setting unless I need it brighter then I just turn it up.. I manually use Advanced Task Killer 2 or 3 times per day but it's not set to run constantly... when I kill Apps I kill ATK as well... I just use it to clean up things after I am done switching between Apps to make sure she is all shut down.


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2010
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I also have been getting around 16 hours every day lately, with regular usage that includes texting, viewing web pages, reading email, and making/receiving phone calls.


Jul 27, 2010
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a couple of days ago i would be lucky if i can get 6 hours but i did a factory reset about two days ago and today alone i got 13+ hours!!!!!!!! i really wish i knew what was killing my battery so fast before


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2010
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a couple of days ago i would be lucky if i can get 6 hours but i did a factory reset about two days ago and today alone i got 13+ hours!!!!!!!! i really wish i knew what was killing my battery so fast before

I had a similar problem... Right out the box it lasted 12 - 14 hours going from 100% to 15% and then all of a sudden I was getting less than 6 hours on a full charge.

Installed Spare parts to get a better look at battery use. There was a block under battery use that was at 100%... Awake and up times were exactly the same. Used ATK and killed all Apps... Nothing helped.. Did a factory reset and started getting my regular battery life back.

After the 6/28 update my battery life got even better....

Still have no clue what was draining my battery... SOMETHING got hung up...


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2010
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I typically get about 8 hours, but I am a heavy work user. Also at my office the signal is pretty crappy, which drains the battery faster. I keep a charger at work and I have 2 extra betteries, just in case. On the weekends, I typically get 14-16 hours with much lighter use. Overall it is about the same as the life I got out of my Pre, but the only drawback is the EVO seems to take longer to charge (Or maybe I was just used to my touchstone) and the battery is harder to change (I have the innocase for my EVO, but my pre was naked)


Well-known member
May 3, 2010
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Signal plays a big part in terms of battery.

On just wifi and light texting and browsing, I could get 40+ hours on stock 2.1 after Ota.
Baked Snack would almost double that number.

Cm6 ..... I only get like 10-14 hours.. And that is with me doing hardly anything... Oh well, the rom is too good to give up.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2010
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Really looking forward to testing the battery life on my Evo. Now just to see when it finally gets here. I am still waiting for it to arrive.


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Jun 4, 2010
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When Im just on 3g all day, I can usually go about 13 hrs. with moderate use. When I turn on wifi, because I have it at both my apartment and at work, I can easily go 18+
And I would say Im using the phone about 6-8 hrs a day


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2010
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Thats a pretty loaded question. With some talking and texting 15+ hours.
If i am using GPS, and say google navigation for an hour drive, then 4 hours.
But an average day is very minimal usage at work and email and twitter at lunch then back to minimal usage after lunch at work, then home to heavier usage and right before i go to bed still about 30-40% battery. The real answer is, just depends on what kind of user you are. :)


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2010
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So the poll has options ranging from 4 to 12 hours. Seriously, no option longer than 12 hours? Is this an EVO-hater trolling? iPhone lemmings feeling threatened because of the POS iPhone 4, I guess.

In light use, I get 60 hours before my 15% battery alert. In regular use, I get 35 hours. In near-constant use, I get 15 hours. Stock battery, stock ROM, not rooted.
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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2010
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I normally get 22-24hrs or so.
I rarely actually talk on the phone though. All text, email, fiddling, camera, interwebs and sometimes pandora.
Time without signal is always high too because i work in a freaking fall out bunker