How many of ya are finna sell your S3 and get the Droid DNA?


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2010
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As one that has had an Android phone since day one and the OG Droid, I have NEVER had an Android phone that didn't require a batter pull ever so often to get it going again. Even with the GS3, they are required ever so often. The fact that the DNA doesn't have a removable battery scares the you know what out of me. Not to mention the lack of SD card. I love my GS3 and have my eye on the Note 2, but the rumors of a new 440+ ppi Sammy device coming in 2013 has also peaked my interest. So with NO upgrades in hand, it makes my decision very easy. Don't get the DNA.

Devices with built in batteries have a way to reset the phone as if the battery was pulled so that would not be an issue. If your device gets stuck you are able to reset it.

I will overlook the lack of MicroSD slot, if HTC releases a 32GB or 64GB version.
Until wifi becomes available on ALL commercial airliners, I cannot understand why
companies like Google keep trying to push us to the cloud. I fly almost 90,000
miles a year and mostly on TATL & TPAC flights. No data connection means no
access to the cloud.
That plus with service providers now with limited data plans does the cloud really make sense to use? With providers f'n over it's users with these plans internal storage should be a large part of the selling points to these devices. People know they have these crappy data plans know so the least amount of data they need to use to access their media the better.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2011
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The S III is my baby and I won't be switching anytime soon. :)

Galaxy S3 on CM10 v 4.1.2 :D

I probably need to enroll in some kind of support group or therapy... I just realized that I almost
never sell my old smartphones when I buy new ones. They just keep piling up....The only smartphone
that I ever sold/traded-in was the HTC Rezound. Off the top of my head, my drawer has almost 10
old smartphones.(examples: iPhone 3, Droid Charge, VZW Samsung Fascinate, Blackberry, Galaxy SII,
and a couple of Windows smartphones) This doesn't even include all the analog dumbphones and brickphones
that I have in the basement. They date all the back to BellAtlanticMobile(which became Verizon)


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Nov 18, 2012
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Got my S3 on launch date as soon as Verizon opened. Had many Android phones and all the latest and greatest. In my opinion the S3 is best Android phone I have ever had and I mean the best. I recently sold my GNEX and almost had withdrawal symptoms but my S3 is great and I even bought my wife on in October on her birthday. She is not much into phones but I can tell she loves this one and she had a Razr. Not trading and to all the phone junkie or as my wife calls me a phone whore. I feel your pain.

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