How many of you are still Samsung loyalists after all this?


Trusted Member
Sep 16, 2012
As disappointed as I was with Samsung, I still believe they make quality products, so I will still purchase their products over others. How I see it, mistakes happen, and this mistake cost Samsung BIG and I'm sure they will be much careful next time. I still like their other products though.

Anyone else still Samsung loyalists? Or has this given you a reason to drop Samsung?

I am not intending for this to be an argument thread...I know it can get like that sometimes.
I'm one of them. Being a SBO things happen but if you can resolve the matter while being transparent within reason and efficiently resolving the problem you'll save face in the eyes of a huge amount of your existing clientele. If you sit on your tail and hope it just goes away the exact opposite happens.

I love Sammy products. Personally I think they are well built and the company goes above and beyond with CS. I'm all for their comeback and I hope it's huge.
Mostly out of convenience. I have a business so my Note 4 is perfect for that (because of the pen). But otherwise, I get something else in a heartbeat.
They make good products and so do others. I use whoever I want :P.
I won't say that I won't ever buy another Samsung product again - however due to the entire incident and how they handled the recall, Samsung won't be my first/primary choice.

Also - assuming that there is a new device that peaks my interest, and I do decide to buy it, I won't be the first in line buying it like I did with the N7.

Essentially - whereas before Samsung typically was at the top of the list of my choices especially with regards to the Note line, it's now in the middle of the pack.
Unless someone else comes out with an S-Pen type device I'm not interested in changing brands. If they do, I will consider it but it will need to be a lot better than the Note line for me to switch.
I was very disappointed with going through the note 7 ordeal twice, but you better believe I'm going to check out the S8 and hands down the Note 8 if that does come out. Tried the LgV20 for me it's the only other comparable phone but I keep coming back to Samsung.
I loved my S4 but it was the first Samsung I ever had. My wife got the same phone. But when it was time to upgrade a couple months ago I went with the v10 by LG. So I was not really a loyalist but it was down to this and the Note 5. I was never going to get the Note 7 because I wasn't going to spend that kind of money!
I picked up a galaxy view 18.4, galaxy tab a 10.1 with s pen, and the new samsung gold tabpro s in last 2 months..if this doesn't show loyalty then I'm not sure what else could show it....just waiting for the s8 edge for now...still using lgv20 as my phone
I will still buy their products even though I bought a v20. I have the S7 and S7 edge still. I wanted a larger and flat screen and V20 is the closest thing to the Note 7 so I bought that the other day. I would still prefer the Note though!

I doubt I buy the S8 Edge unless it is larger than the S7 edge and has a less pronounced curve then the S7 Edge and even then I'd wait at least two months to make sure it doesn't flop or have issues. I'm not getting burned like I did this time on the Note 7! Since I bought the V20 I'm likely to wait until the Note 8 then.
In my case, i dropped, i had two devices, two evil devices, for nevermore have another.
I did not like what i seen, and i won't see anymore nothing from this mark...
I try to keep an open mind on such things. That said, I have been using Samsung devices since before the Note 1 (Includes WM devices & all generations of the Note) I feel they are well made and the company is innovative. I have also had Samsung non-phone products and been very happy with them. I want to see what they come up with next. I would be open to looking at other devices if they had equivalent s-pen functionality.

I buy everything except Samsung, still have a sour taste from this experience, N7 still the best phone ever well almost except for the fail ooh well
I buy everything except Samsung, still have a sour taste from this experience, N7 still the best phone ever well almost except for the fail ooh well

Agree, everything is good. Minus semseng, and their lie explosive batteries, and their ridiculity knox.
I'm still a Samsung fan. I've owned a few brands and I'm just more satisfied on Samsung products overall. I will likely buy a Note 8, but will wait a bit for any bugs to show themselves. Didn't think anything could replace my N7, but I'm really impressed with the S7E. I do miss the s-pen, though.
Not a loyalist, but I don't think the Note 7 issue impacts any other devices, past or future as long as it doesn't repeat. If it repeats, IMO they're done in this game.
As disappointed as I was with Samsung, I still believe they make quality products, so I will still purchase their products over others. How I see it, mistakes happen, and this mistake cost Samsung BIG and I'm sure they will be much careful next time. I still like their other products though.

Anyone else still Samsung loyalists? Or has this given you a reason to drop Samsung?

I am not intending for this to be an argument thread...I know it can get like that sometimes.

I'm in with Samsung... I'll preorder 2 Note 8's just in case one catches fire or something... ;-) KIDDING!!!

Still, between my husband and I - S2, S3, S4, S5, Note 2, Note 3, Note 4, Note 7, back down to Note 5... We're all in.

<edit> ...and I forgot to add the Galaxy Tab S 10.5 for hubby and my Tab S 9.4... and my Samsung frontloading washer! yeah... all in! LOL
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Not a loyalist, but I don't think the Note 7 issue impacts any other devices, past or future as long as it doesn't repeat. If it repeats, IMO they're done in this game.

Agree, agree... what concerns me some is that you KNOW there are going to be people trying to cash in somehow that are going to intentionally somehow catch their Note 8's on fire and try to blame Samsung to make a buck. Hope they get found out quickly when it happens.
I was going to upgrade to the Note 7. Now I'll wait to see what happens with the Note 8. (I just prefer S-Pens.) If they mess the 8 up too, I'll look at someone else. (But it's still going to be an Android. If I got a new iPhone for free, I'd put it on Swappa before I opened the box.)

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