How many use password managers?


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Nov 11, 2014
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After seeing a few promotions here on AC for password managers I'm wondering how many here actually use them and are they cumbersome to set-up and use? The 1Password promotion seemed interesting but I need to look at this more in-depth to make a decision...any feedback on these programs?


Retired Moderator
Nov 21, 2012
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I use LastPass and really like it.... on mobile, being able to fill in the really complex passwords is a pain in the butt... well, near impossible to keep track of when you use unique 12 character passwords with all bizarre manners of combos. I haven't checked out 1Password... yet.

Ideally, all this would be rolled into Google... they added in the Smart Lock Password stuff recently, but not all that many devs have adopted the API.


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Apr 17, 2012
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I use LastPass as well. I absolutely love it. Every single password for every site / login I have is a generated big password (20, 30, some even 70 characters) from them :). Also the add on for Chrome is awesome as well as the mobile app.

LastPass only costs $1 a month ($12 a year) so it is well worth it.

Jims S5

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2015
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So when signing up say for last pass, do you have to put in every site and password 1st? Then next time you visit the site it uses a unique password?
Couldn't the last pass site get hacked? Trying to understand.


Retired Moderator
Nov 21, 2012
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So when signing up say for last pass, do you have to put in every site and password 1st? Then next time you visit the site it uses a unique password?
Couldn't the last pass site get hacked? Trying to understand.

It can import passwords stored in chrome, Firefox, etc. But the app can monitor you as you log in and store them as you go.

As for being hacked... It's my understanding that in order to get your data, they would have to have your password. Lastpass clearly says that your data is encrypted and you only have access to the data.. For instance, if you forget your master password, they can't just reset it... There are recovery options, but they are by no means easy. No site is hack proof, but lastpass seems to be on the ball.


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Sep 24, 2016
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I'm trying a new one I found called "Password Pig", after Whisper32 kind of died. I loved the simplicity of Whisper32 but it was only on PC and I want to use an app on PC, phone and tablet at the same time. There are a ton of apps around but this one is nice and simple and cheaper than the others. It doesn't try to invent passwords for you or to insert them in the boxes (I got irritated with dashlane that did that and got in the way, though otherwise was quite nice). Password pig seems pretty simple doesn't restrict functions till you pay up, and although I don't see the PC version yet, looks like a more modern version of what I had before with Whisper. I'll test the PC version alongside my phone and tab but so far it looks quite promising.


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May 11, 2010
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I use Safe In Cloud myself. And given that I have a few hundred logins, I'd be lost without it because I never use the same password twice (though I'm sure that would be true of whichever of the popular password managers you's choose to use). Works across all platforms, simple and easy to use, and can sync with pretty much any cloud solution (whether you trust a popular public solution like Google Drive/OneDrive/DropBox/Yandex etc.., or any public/privately-owned hosted cloud server that supports WebDav).


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2015
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I use Roboform. I have tried Lastpass and I think Lastpass has a better interface, but after researching them all I like the way Roboform stores data more so than Lastpass. Plus, I have been using Roboform for a few years and I really don't feel like switching over.

Roboform has improved their Android app as of late. But I do think it still lags Lastpass.

I also think that Lastpass is a "juicier" target for hackers. And Lastpass has had a couple of "incidents" over the years. But the reality is none of password managers are 100% hacker proof. But I feel it's pretty much impossible to manage ones passwords securely without a 3rd party password manager unless one is "All in" with a single tech company such as Apple or Google. I use Microsoft, Android, Chromebook, and IOS devices so a password manager is very useful for me.