Sprint Samsung Epic 4G.
I am still surprized how much time I spent on fixing Epic 4G!
It seemed like a decent phone, but had several serious problems:
1. Short battery life = upgraded to thick 2x battery with a thick cover.
2. Spring has very poor coverage = after a year of suffering discovered, that roaming and data roaming are free and now always use roaming option no matter what. That solved signal problem but there is no 4G anymore.
3. The physical keyboard skipps keys especially if a key is repeated twice. I was really disappointed about that for 1.5 years.
Gingerbread update, as appears now doesn't solve this problem.
So what I did:
(originally I rooted my Froyo (old android os) and installed a keyboard fix. Rooting is a process that allows modifying the Android system deep inside. The original fix didn't fix the problem. ) Then I discovered that my phone doesn't install the gingerbread update that was feeded by Sprint. After a couple of months, I decided to force it and succeded.
(This set of instructions was great and educational, but didn't work for me -
the phone would beep (1+3) vibrations signaling about the system crash after restart.)
Here are the steps that worked:
1. Download "App list backup" from market.
Backup the list of apps to sd card. The program then helps installing the apps from the market one by one. Since there is so many of them it remembers which ones were installed. Not more than that.(Titanium backup is great except it requires rooting which I am not sure I want anymore since rooting prevents automatic upgrades).
2. Followed this instruction to Flash/Restore to Froyo EC05 (Procedure #1)
3. Manually upgraded Froyo to Gingerbread.
4. Installed a custom kernel with a keyboard fix.
Epic GB kernel sources! (11/22/11 EI22 keyfix kernel) - xda-developers
A quick test shows that the keyboard lag has been fixed. Otherwise it is an official Gingerbread eligible for further automatic updates.
Here are the files I used.