How to get BLE and wifi network working at the same time with 5.1.1


AC Question

I am having a problem with my phone using wifi networking while the low power / BLE bluetooth is running.

I have an HTC Evo 4G LTE currently running DirtyUnicorns Official-9.6 which is Android 5.1.1. I also have a Fitbit Charge HR. My wifi router is a NETGEAR wnr2000v4.

1) I have my device connected to my home network over wifi and everything works fine.
2) If I turn on wifi and connect a bluetooth speaker or headphones to my phone everything is still fine.
3) If I launch the fitbit app (which uses BLE / low power bluetooth) and start that app synching, it fails and also the wifi connection no longer works. While the device stays on the wifi, the network and/or internet connection no longer works.
4) If I stop bluetooth or kill the fitbit app, the wifi connection works again.
5) If I disconnect from the wifi (use cellular) the fitbit app will sync and everything is fine.

Can someone help me fix this?

More info:
I was previously running CyanogenMod 10.1 with my fitbit and had no problem.

When I upgraded to CyanogenMod 12 (Nightly) the problem started. However, from what I recall, the wifi would still work if I was on my work network, but not at home. With my current DirtyUnicorns ROM, BLE doesn't work with home/work/any wifi connection.

I have read a few other forums around with people experiencing the same problem, but I am hoping someone has a fix.

Thank you!


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2011
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I'm sorry for the Necro, but did you ever get this working? Has anyone else seen this?
I am having the same exact problem and I cannot find a fix for it either!

I'm running the stock software. I tried a hard reset but that did not help. I have not rooted or tried any roms yet, I just haven't been in the mood to do all that yet on this phone.

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