How's your learning curve been?


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Nov 4, 2009
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A lot of us have had all weekend and a few days to play with it now, how's the learning curve been for you? Are you struggling? Having a hard time? Having fun with it? What's your verdict so far?

With the exception of the first couple day, I've been loving it. I love the setting it up the way I want it, I've been giving my home screens some trial and error tweaking things and enjoying the whole experience, I find that to be part of the fun. I would say the toughest part of the whole thing was getting the keyboards down which I am pretty well off now.

How about you?


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Nov 4, 2009
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Learning curve has been quick for me. Hardest thing so far has been getting emails all correct and getting used to having to access the different accounts separately.


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Nov 8, 2009
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I'm having a bit of a time figuring out skins and other applications and still getting used to the keyboards but overall it's been a fun phone to learn.


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Nov 7, 2009
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I have had a blast doing many things. I decided tonight that I am going to learn how to sync my calendar and all that with google. Haven't done that yet.

Then maybe I can sync my outlook with google as well? Then I am all synced up lol.

I love this phone just haven't had time playing on it enough. I love the physical keyboard I am faster on that then I have ever been at typing on a phone I don't mind chatting and that on it. I used to ahte it.

Cory Streater

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Sep 21, 2009
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24 hours later and the learning curve has been really steep for me. My prior device was the Verizon HTC Touch Pro 2 running Windows Mobile 6.1, with TouchFlo 3D. My biggest struggles so far:

- The keyboard is absolutely abysmal compared to the TP2. The TP2 keys are well spaced and have plenty of feedback. I don't believe there's a device on the market that can top the TP2 in this regard, nor did I expect the Droid too, but I was hoping for better than what's there. This really inhibits my ability to pound out long emails and/or text messages. There will never be an on screen keyboard that I will be as comfortable doing this on.

- Having to unlock my screen every time the backlight goes out, is a huge hassle. Nor can I find any way of turning it off. If I get a text message when the screen is off I have to 1) push the top button 2) unlock the screen 3) pull the notifications panel down, 4) select the message I want to open. This is too many steps!

- My inbox is separate from text messaging so I find myself toggling back and forth between these 2 applications to get to where I need to be. It seems really inefficient.

- Hanging up a call, while on the speakerphone is a challenge. You have to re-engage the backlight and then hang up.

There's many more frustrations, but that's the main ones for me.


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Nov 4, 2009
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Hang in there 8notime. I think the keyboard is the biggest learning curve. I found it very frustrating at first. I couldn't figure out the right way to hold it, position my fingers, or where on the keys to type without pressing other keys or typing really slow. What I did was kept openning a compose email when I had a few minutes and typed long messages over and over. I found the way that was most comfortable to hold it, and found the sweet spot on the keys to press and I am finding the keyboard to type almost as fast as the one on the Blackberry Tour....just keep at it.

As far as the notification tab, you don't have to go through that step. When I get a message, I see at the top of the screen if it is a text or email and tap whichever it is, and the message is right there.

I have to agree with you as far as not being able to combine all messages in one application though, hopefull that is something that could be addressed in a future update.....

I hope your experience improves with it. It's coming from the habits of one device and forming new habits with its replacement which is why I began this thread.


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Nov 11, 2009
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I am enjoying the learning curve for the most part. It has yet to frustrate me. There are some things I miss about the blackberry that are habit and I am used to, but not nearly enough to warrant going back with all the other improvements on Droid.


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Nov 6, 2009
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touch keyboard is probably the best in the industry... i rarely used the physical keyboard, but im trying... i keep hitting search, instead of the BB end key... um... other than that, im getting better... Getting used to this mail is pissing me off tho it's not the true instant push email like BB... Even set on 5 mins, it rarely forces mail every 5 mins, nor does it always notify you... which is annoying..


Retired Moderator
Nov 2, 2009
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It's been fun learning the Droid except I'm not able to sleep. I'm staying up at least 2 hour past my bed time because I can't put this phone down but besides the lack of sleep I'm lovin it!!

@D-LuX... I have all my emails forwarded to my new Gmail account and I'm getting them on the Droid as fast as my Black Berry would.


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Oct 30, 2009
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Basic learning curve is over for me, or at least i think it is. Now just learning the fun stuff. Starting to get into the VOIP aspects. That is what i need to get going. Will be traveling soon and would love to be able to VOIP through WiFi but stumbeling on that.


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Oct 28, 2009
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I'm getting better and learning something new everyday. Only thing that's still giving me a hard time to get accustomed to is the physical keyboard. I still find myself just using the virtual keyboard to reduce the pain of using the real one.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2009
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24 hours later and the learning curve has been really steep for me. My prior device was the Verizon HTC Touch Pro 2 running Windows Mobile 6.1, with TouchFlo 3D. My biggest struggles so far:

- The keyboard is absolutely abysmal compared to the TP2. The TP2 keys are well spaced and have plenty of feedback. I don't believe there's a device on the market that can top the TP2 in this regard, nor did I expect the Droid too, but I was hoping for better than what's there. This really inhibits my ability to pound out long emails and/or text messages. There will never be an on screen keyboard that I will be as comfortable doing this on.

- Having to unlock my screen every time the backlight goes out, is a huge hassle. Nor can I find any way of turning it off. If I get a text message when the screen is off I have to 1) push the top button 2) unlock the screen 3) pull the notifications panel down, 4) select the message I want to open. This is too many steps!

- My inbox is separate from text messaging so I find myself toggling back and forth between these 2 applications to get to where I need to be. It seems really inefficient.

- Hanging up a call, while on the speakerphone is a challenge. You have to re-engage the backlight and then hang up.

There's many more frustrations, but that's the main ones for me.

Well the more features a phone has the more steps it will take, plus windows a trainwreck


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2009
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I just got mine. My main struggle is with using the keyboards. The
touchscreen keyboards are in accurate/ don't pick up every key you type, while the physical keyboards keys are flat and small.

Roy Aguilera

I just got mine. My main struggle is with using the keyboards. The
touchscreen keyboards are in accurate/ don't pick up every key you type, while the physical keyboards keys are flat and small.

Takes some getting used to. It took me a minute to adjust.

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