HTC One Battery Life/Stats Discussion

Dwight Rata

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Apr 23, 2013
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Anyone switching from a note 2 I would like to know how much a difference these two are. I know its not fair but just curious
I traded my Note II in for the HTC One and couldn't be happier, its quicker, has better colors, the front speakers are what all phones should come with and they sound great, and not to mention the size is just right. I very seldom used the stylus on the not or the duel screens so again the HTC One was a no brainer for me.
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May 13, 2011
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Here's what I got today. Had Spotify playing for probably nine hours at work. All of it was stored locally on my phone though. Also periodically checked Facebook/twitter. Brightness was set to low most of the day since I was indoors. This evening I used it much more heavily. Overall very impressed. I think I'll go one more day with this type of usage and then go a day on power saver mode just to see what kind of impact it makes.


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Jul 7, 2011
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I am pretty happy... almost 13 hours and still have 74% of my battery left. My Evo 3D would deplete to 50% just sitting at my desk towards the end of my work day


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Barney Lerten

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May 13, 2012
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So is everyone in agreement that you shouldn't charge until in the red? On my HTC Inspire I just traded in, I usually always plugged it in overnight, then didn't need to plug it back in until the next night - BUT it got much worse in last couple-3 months or so on the 18-month-old phone - it would charge fast BUT it would drain fast to. For most of that time I was using a beta of Zimbra's Android app for corporate e-mail, and it was syncing ALL the time. But I'm a light user - a few pix now and then, mostly I do lots of news apps.And now, BlinkFeed reading and updates (love that thing). I worry about the last, oh, 6-8 months of the 20 months between phones. If I plug it in each night as I used to, will I be screwed? Without a landline any more, I can't take too many chances;-


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Apr 19, 2011
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With the one i am doing things diff than the crappy evo 3d i had. i charge it at my desk at work at 7am ... takes maybe a hour or 2... so lets say 9am... tale it off and use it all day ... usually by midnight im in the 30 % to 20 % i than just leave it alone... no charging data off and screen off and go to bed. wake up and go to work and at work when i notice its down to bout 10 % or less thats when i charge
been good and trying not to over charge


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May 14, 2011
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I'm getting 14hrs-ish of continuous use. Showing it off to friends, surfing the web, fb, listening to music, YouTube, and such. Really happy with the battery life!


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Barney Lerten

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May 13, 2012
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So even the latest batteries still can be 'overcharged' and thus suffer in the long run? Guy at Batteries Plus Bulbs in town here said he recommends letting phones drain to turn-off point once a month. But someone else here says that's a baaad idea for a non-swappable battery phone. Any other input/advice?


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Oct 18, 2010
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So even the latest batteries still can be 'overcharged' and thus suffer in the long run? Guy at Batteries Plus Bulbs in town here said he recommends letting phones drain to turn-off point once a month. But someone else here says that's a baaad idea for a non-swappable battery phone. Any other input/advice?

Use your new phone and enjoy it. Don't give this stuff so much though. You will be swapping it out for the HTC two long before any of this stuff is going to matter. :)

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Sep 9, 2010
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Happy with the first day on a full charge. I have wifi, bluetooth NFC on all day. 3 Gmail accounts syncing, blink feed off weather widget syncs every 3 hours with location about on hour and a half of podcasts and music streaming through bluetooth some Web browsing and 2.5 hours of phone calls and over 2 hours of screen on time. Should get better in the next couple of days. View attachment 65472

Sent from my HTC One
I noticed that beneath your battery usage graph it says "Average battery life 7h 17m"
Does that mean you'll be averaging 7hours of battery life per day?


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2011
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So even the latest batteries still can be 'overcharged' and thus suffer in the long run? Guy at Batteries Plus Bulbs in town here said he recommends letting phones drain to turn-off point once a month. But someone else here says that's a baaad idea for a non-swappable battery phone. Any other input/advice?
Technically they can be overcharged, but realistically the hardware and software in your device keeps that from happening. You also don't ever need to "condition" a lithium-ion or lithium-polymer battery when you use it by fully draining and then completely charging it after every use. You should, however, allow it to charge to 100% the first time it is put on a charger, but you want the charge cycle to be long, say beginning at less than 50% charge, so that the software can calibrate itself to the individual battery. The software has to learn how to gauge the actual battery life and that requires a few charging cycles. Even when you hit 100% it is okay to leave it on the charger. The system recognizes the charge and will actually slowly discharge the battery a bit and then charge it back to 100%. This keeps the battery from overcharging and helps the system calibrate itself to the battery.

And there isn't really a charge memory like you would get with NiCad batteries, but there is something called a digital memory in a lithium battery. It doesn't require the constant full-discharge that a NiCad does because it's not an issue with the battery chemistry per se, but every month or so (like your battery guy suggests) it is a good idea to fully discharge the battery before a complete charge. It actually helps the system keep the battery gauge calibrated, because it loses some of it's accuracy after lots of shorter charging cycles.


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Jan 13, 2011
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I am not sure why anybody hasn't mentioned anything regarding charge time? HTC disabled quick charge, so my concern is how fast can you charge your phone if you have to go home and leave within 1 hour or so?


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Mar 11, 2012
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Happy with the first day on a full charge. I have wifi, bluetooth NFC on all day. 3 Gmail accounts syncing, blink feed off weather widget syncs every 3 hours with location about on hour and a half of podcasts and music streaming through bluetooth some Web browsing and 2.5 hours of phone calls and over 2 hours of screen on time. Should get better in the next couple of days. View attachment 65472

Sent from my HTC One
What is the icon to the right of the Bluetooth icon?Can't find any info.Thanks


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Apr 22, 2013
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Not very far in an hur sadly. I can't give you an exact percentage but since the phone has a larger mAH it takes a bit longer to charge. A lot of people have been complaining about the charge time on the HTC ONE.


Retired Moderator
Dec 28, 2011
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Not very far in an hur sadly. I can't give you an exact percentage but since the phone has a larger mAH it takes a bit longer to charge. A lot of people have been complaining about the charge time on the HTC ONE.

Takes forever on USB.


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2012
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Takes me 3 hours to get a full charge. Not much different to anything else I've had I don't think. Makes it thru the day and gets full overnight.
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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2010
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Geeze.. Battery life on this thing is pretty good. I came from an Epic 4G on Sprint, which was pretty bad in terms of battery life (but much better than the old Palm Pre I had. RIP Palm. Love you guys). Usually averaged 3 hours of screen on time with the Epic 4G on LOWEST brightness, all the fun stuff turned off.

But THIS phone? I had all the fun stuff on, auto sync, LTE, played scrabble, Jurassic Park, browsed the web, texted on IMO, facebook messenger, and texting, connected with bluetooth audio headphones, and got 5 hours of screen on time over a span of 8 hours of which I deem to be pretty heavy usage. I'm pretty blown away to be awesome. Like I said, my last couple of phones were the Palm Pre, Epic 4g, Pre 3, and Lumia 900. This is like the holy grail of battery.

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