HTC ONE - camera pwned my friends' phone's cameras


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Aug 4, 2013
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so i wanted to share my experience from last night at an 'underground' bar i went with a few friends.

i consider myself to be quite the unassuming person so i wouldn't take my phone out of the pocket just to show it off - perhaps this is why it took me so long to realise just how fantastic this camara is.

so there i was, in this 'underground' venue with dim lights accompanied by a bunch of friends sitting at a table having a few drinks - the group featuring an assortment of phones of different brands and models - iphone 5's, sony xperias, samsumg S3's etc. i could be wrong with some of the models since i don't really care enough to ask, but that is what i recognised. so people start taking pictures. you could see from their faces they were not quite happy with their first shots, so they fiddled with their settings which as far as i could tell - meant turning the flash on or off. i asked to see some of the photos taken and i wasn't that impressed, but expected that quality given the dark setting. photos were coming out either blurred, or too dark, or lacking detail or proper focus.

so at one point i volunteered to take a photo since i was appearing in all of them myself. i took out my htc one, and to my surprise the face recognition software was spotting all the faces! (my screen was close to dark, so even i couldn't see them properly). and i fire away. WOW!

the photo's all came out as clear, unblemished and defined as if i had been taking them in broad daylight. i was impressed, and at the same time left feeling guilty for putting all my friend's phones to shame.

in the end, they all wanted to know more about my phone, because they were also quite taken with the quality of the screen.

edit: i would love to post the pics here to show you guys but there are faces in them so i can't.


Sep 11, 2010
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"edit: i would love to post the pics here to show you guys but there are faces in them so i can't."

I completely understand. Being in area 51, I'm surprised they even let you have a camera phone. Let alone a phone. Or friends. And having a party. Naked.

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