I got my Nexus 5X (First Impressions, User Reviews)

Dec 4, 2011
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Re: Some early comments from a new Ice Blue Nexus 5X owner on Verizon who came from a Moto X 2014

Haha minus the color we are in the same boat. Did you consider the Moto X Pure? I LOVED my X 2014 but it bricked and I couldn't resist the allure of Nexus, although now I'm reconsidering even with the giant 5.7 size and my small hands. (like legitimately tiny, my shorter friends even have bigger hands)

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Jun 30, 2010
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Re: Some early comments from a new Ice Blue Nexus 5X owner on Verizon who came from a Moto X 2014

Haha minus the color we are in the same boat. Did you consider the Moto X Pure? I LOVED my X 2014 but it bricked and I couldn't resist the allure of Nexus, although now I'm reconsidering even with the giant 5.7 size and my small hands. (like legitimately tiny, my shorter friends even have bigger hands)

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I didn't consider it at first due to the phablet size but started re-considering it when the 6P was first announced however when Motorola dropped support for the carrier Moto X 2014 after less than a year I just couldn't consider giving them my business again until I see if they can get their act together.
Dec 4, 2011
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Re: Some early comments from a new Ice Blue Nexus 5X owner on Verizon who came from a Moto X 2014

I didn't consider it at first due to the phablet size but started re-considering it when the 6P was first announced however when Motorola dropped support for the carrier Moto X 2014 after less than a year I just couldn't consider giving them my business again until I see if they can get their act together.

Definitely a legitimate concern I share. I guess I'll see how my 5x feels this week and go from there.

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Oct 13, 2015
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Martin, I'm torn between S6 and 5X. On UK Amazon they're about the same price, and I cannot for the life of me decide which one I want. Which would you recommend and why?

Personally, the N5x is better in the following areas:

Stock Android - either it's a factor for you or it isn't
I personally prefer the clean look of stock on the N5x. Touchwiz is better than it used to be but is still a bit gaudy in places although the new theme engine can help.

Radios - I found the radio reception to be abysmal on the S6 one 3g. One went back for replacement and the next was better but overall I found web pages etc loaded really slowly.

Fingerprint sensor - if this is a big thing for you then the N5X is so much better. The S6 regularly didn't work for me where as I'm in nearly every time on the N5x.

Lag - no lag or hiccups on the N5x, the S6 did slow down sometimes.

Buttons - I prefer the soft buttons on the N5x. For me the change in tactile experience on the Samsung with an actual home button and capacitive buttons then the screen all feeling different was something I didn't like.

And the S6...

Screen - is probably slightly better and colours are punchier. The N5x screen is very good though.

Build - I did like the metal and glass and the Sapphire Black looks a really nice blue in some lights.

Cameras - I'm not a photo expert and would say both are good enough for me.

Battery - the battery on the S6 is probably good for 5 hours SOT which is around 1/2 hour better than I've got out of the N5x.

At the end of the day, I've been on board with the Nexus program since day one and this probably sways my thoughts on this device. I also had a Moto X Style in the last 2 weeks and I know I'm going to stock with the N5x for a while after going through the other 2.

Hope this helps. If you are on the fence, go into CPW and have a play and see which you prefer.


Oct 22, 2015
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Personally, the N5x is better in the following areas:

Stock Android - either it's a factor for you or it isn't
I personally prefer the clean look of stock on the N5x. Touchwiz is better than it used to be but is still a bit gaudy in places although the new theme engine can help.

Radios - I found the radio reception to be abysmal on the S6 one 3g. One went back for replacement and the next was better but overall I found web pages etc loaded really slowly.

Fingerprint sensor - if this is a big thing for you then the N5X is so much better. The S6 regularly didn't work for me where as I'm in nearly every time on the N5x.

Lag - no lag or hiccups on the N5x, the S6 did slow down sometimes.

Buttons - I prefer the soft buttons on the N5x. For me the change in tactile experience on the Samsung with an actual home button and capacitive buttons then the screen all feeling different was something I didn't like.

And the S6...

Screen - is probably slightly better and colours are punchier. The N5x screen is very good though.

Build - I did like the metal and glass and the Sapphire Black looks a really nice blue in some lights.

Cameras - I'm not a photo expert and would say both are good enough for me.

Battery - the battery on the S6 is probably good for 5 hours SOT which is around 1/2 hour better than I've got out of the N5x.

At the end of the day, I've been on board with the Nexus program since day one and this probably sways my thoughts on this device. I also had a Moto X Style in the last 2 weeks and I know I'm going to stock with the N5x for a while after going through the other 2.

Hope this helps. If you are on the fence, go into CPW and have a play and see which you prefer.

That's brilliant thanks. I'm still on the fence, and have decided that either would be good enough, so that's great advice to go into the shop and check them out physically, and then I guess I'll go from there. Thanks again ☺

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Oct 9, 2010
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Re: Some early comments from a new Ice Blue Nexus 5X owner on Verizon who came from a Moto X 2014

Also in the same boat. Coming from a 2014 Moto X to an Ice 5X. Do you regret your purchase of the 5X?


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Jun 30, 2010
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Re: Some early comments from a new Ice Blue Nexus 5X owner on Verizon who came from a Moto X 2014

Also in the same boat. Coming from a 2014 Moto X to an Ice 5X. Do you regret your purchase of the 5X?

I don't so far as it's definitely a solid phone that should fit my needs. I am a bit upset that Motorola dropping support for the Moto X 2014 made it a required decision as I was very happy with my Moto X 2014 for the most part but there was no way I was going to go another year with that after they announced no further support.

I think my only regret is now knowing how freely available the 5X is I wish I would have ordered the 5X later if the 6P didn't work out as opposed to using the 5X first while waiting on the 6P. However given past years Nexus sales there is no way anyone could have predicted the 5X wouldn't have sold out as well so hard to second guess that.


Nov 23, 2010
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Just got my 5X on Fi yesterday. One quirk seems to be charging with an older USB power supply (it's 1A) The lock screen quickly updates as if I were plugging and unplugging the charger and keeps the screen on. this might be due to an underpowered power supply but I was hoping it would still be compatible.


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May 8, 2013
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Re: Some early comments from a new Ice Blue Nexus 5X owner on Verizon who came from a Moto X 2014

I'm looking forward to getting my Ice Blue 5X tomorrow. 😀

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Dec 4, 2011
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Re: Some early comments from a new Ice Blue Nexus 5X owner on Verizon who came from a Moto X 2014

For what it's worth, I'm really happy with it after a half an afternoon. Stock/Vanilla is a MUST priority for me. I miss being a Jedi and I'm sure on my next desk job I'll miss spinning my phone on it's back. Haha I loved how the Moto felt in hand too, but the 5x doesn't feel like a toy the way my S4 did so I'll get used to it quickly. There's no way I could use a bigger phone than the 5X, it's fairly wide feeling. The finger print reader is a ton of fun!


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Nov 6, 2013
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Re: Some early comments from a new Ice Blue Nexus 5X owner on Verizon who came from a Moto X 2014

This isn't device-specific, but I'm really digging Marshmallow. One of the biggest reasons, if not the biggest reason, to buy a Nexus is to get the unadulterated software experience and this year it's got a level of polish I wasn't expecting after Lollipop. If you've ever used an iPhone, you can see how the hardware was built in tandem with the software and unfortunately for most Android phones, that's not always the case. It is with the Nexus, however, and this year with Marshmallow is excellent.

Some more side notes: The vibration during notifications/calls is pretty obnoxious and takes a phone that doesn't generally feel cheap and makes it feel cheap. If you're an audiophile, this phone is not for you. If you could care less about these things, the speaker isn't terrible. Performance has still been excellent, but there's no question this isn't the fastest phone available. It teeters between being a budget phone and a flagship depending on how you use it. Battery life has been pretty good so far, but again, it's too early to get a full idea on how it'll perform going forward. For those that question the value of this phone, use the camera. The fact they included this type of camera on a phone under $400 is special and something I don't want to take for granted. The camera app could use some work, but not so much in the lack of features. HDR+ is still slow for a phone in 2015 and takes way too long to process.

There's times I look at this phone and feel like Google cut corners for profit---this is still a business, so I get it. Most of the time, however, I look at this phone like I used to look at the original Moto X. The appeal to that phone is that it didn't get involved in the spec wars and tried to focus on the core experience. Lower resolution screen, sufficient CPU, one-handed usability, and a great software experience. This phone takes that a few steps further and includes a great camera that competes with the $600-800 flagships, a really good 1080p display with accurate colors, and a fingerprint scanner that not only works just as well as the competition, but changes the way you use your phone. If you're like me and go through an inordinate amount of phones per year, it's refreshing to use a phone that makes you have to adjust how you use it because it offers something useful. This all gets wrapped up with the fact that it still evokes the same emotions from it's successor, too.

In a world where larger phones with metal/glass designs are the status quo, it's refreshing to use a device that goes the opposite way.


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Jul 2, 2011
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Re: Mine has just been delivered

Just got mine yesterday. I've posted some first impressions on the ordering and shipping thread.
To recap: Coming from the Nexus 4 size wise the 5x is the same width as the N4 but longer. The 5x feels a bit lighter than the N4.
And a few more. The power button on the 5x is going to take some time getting used to. On the Nexus 4 is what closer to the top and was more prominent to the touch. With the 5x it's a bit further down and is more recessed and a thus a bit slower at finding. Also I don't like that the power button and volume control are on the same side. It's the same way on my Nexus 10 and many times for example when watching a video and wanting to lower the volume, many times I'll inadvertently hit the power button instead.
Another difference is in the color temperatures of the flashlights. While the N4 produces a light that's nearly pure white, the 5x's light is a bit on the warmer side with a tinge of yellow to it.
Another thing that's going to take getting some use to is the new USB-C connector. To me the micro was more universal. My Nexus 4, Nexus 10, Kindle and even older phones all used the micro USB connectors. Therefore I have a few of these scattered throughout the house and therefore can conveniently charge any device just about anywhere. Now I probably have to end up buying another one for the house plus another one to keep at work.


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Sep 26, 2015
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Bought the N5X for my wife and so far she's totally happy, but she's coming from a LG flip phone. I don't want to offend anyone, but for me, coming from a Note 4, stock android is almost a downgrade. After setting up her phone and using it for a few hours I have a new appreciation for my Note 4.
I have made a few changes to her phone: I installed a custom wallpaper, Textra, Ghostery, and Nova Launcher Prime which have been an improvement. But as I said, my wife is happy so I'm happy.


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Oct 1, 2011
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Re: Mine has just been delivered

Never have I had someone look at one of my ... phones ... and say "Wow, that's gorgeous" or "The metal or glass make it feel more expensive".
I hear that. And maybe the more important question is: why would anyone care? Do people really need that kind of reassurance about their phone?? It's just a little rectangle, and everybody else has one almost exactly like it. It seems a bit like complimenting someone on their choice of shoelaces.


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Feb 3, 2011
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Re: Mine has just been delivered

I come at it from a different point of view: why does a phone NEED to be made of premium materials when even the flagship models are commodities. Phones are made and marketed around a 2-year usage cycle. Why use materials that offer permanence and longevity on a phone the average user is going to have for 2 years and then upgrade to the next thing.


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May 17, 2010
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Re: Mine has just been delivered

For anyone who's coming from a Moto X, are there any things you really miss about the moto apps/UI? I use the 'wave to wake' feature on my x 14 all the time, as well as driving mode and the chop gesture to turn on the flashlight. I know that you can acheive the driving mode like feature with tasker, but it's nice having it baked into the phone.


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Oct 13, 2015
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The ambient display feature on the Moto X Style was better than the N5x. It worked more consistently and was useful to wave my hand over it to take a quick look. I didn't use many of the other Moto features and hated the chop for camera gesture. The whirring of the vibration motor was maddening when the camera app started up.

I don't miss anything else about the X Style. To me, it was big, bulky and ugly (thinking about the camera module and metal surround and the huge expanse of nothing on the back).

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