I think my phone has a virus/malware

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Android Central Question

Disclaimer: I dont know nothing about technology like this so anything i might have found suspicious may not be and *viceversa*

I downloaded a 2 "sinful" lets say. Apk games. After my realisation that i didn't want this game i deleted it from device storage and uninstalled it. Because i believed that the game was unsafe i factory reset my phone. I dont know if the app has downloaded anything that installs on startup or something.
This is a samsung j3 2016 phone

Lets start from the beginning. When i start up my device from factory reset (which i have done repeatedly) i sign into my gmail so i can update the apps on google play such as youtube to be able to use the app. I then click on youtube. The ads at the top that normally show up are device cleaner. Clean 99% or a jackpot game. Which i dont think is normal but i dont know. I also dont have ad personalisation on.

2. Eg.
When i go onto my files i get to this

And this of i click cache file instead


I think there was another one to do with maps but i cant find it at the moment

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
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Welcome to Android Central! I don't think the ads are particularly unusual. The YouTube cache files are also not alarming -- I can't say exactly what they are, but they're generated by YouTube, not a virus. I think you're fine -- just stay away from those apk files from now on.

Here are a couple of other guides that might be helpful:

“I’ve been hacked” - Android Forums at AndroidCentral.com
[GUIDE] How To Avoid Malware - Android Forums at AndroidCentral.com

Please register on this forum, which will allow you to engage in discussion more easily, as well as post images. https://forums.androidcentral.com/ask-question/409154-join-android-central-community.html


Feb 23, 2011
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As you admit, you don't know much about tech. There is nothing wrong with that in and of itself, but I would advise you not to snoop around for reasons like this. File names and folder structures are named such to make sense for development, not for casual everyday users to understand. In fact, you would've had to dig relatively deep into the system to find those files, which is itself not something casual users do. That sort of poking about by someone that doesn't know much about tech is more indicative of their own paranoia than anything nefarious.

Let the apps do their thing, and try not to let anything alarm you. It's best that you only stick to file locations you specifically need to store your own files, and not make an immediate leap to being hacked any time you see something you don't understand or an app glitches. It's extremely hard to hack into Android, and not something that just happens. You would have to approve the install of a malicious app for anyone to get to any of your data. This is why sticking with the official Play store is the best protection when you want to install an app. Google routinely scans the apps in the store for malware, and Play Protect will scan your device as well if you have it turned on in the Play Store app settings.


Jun 29, 2021
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As you admit, you don't know much about tech. There is nothing wrong with that in and of itself, but I would advise you not to snoop around for reasons like this. File names and folder structures are named such to make sense for development, not for casual everyday users to understand. In fact, you would've had to dig relatively deep into the system to find those files, which is itself not something casual users do. That sort of poking about by someone that doesn't know much about tech is more indicative of their own paranoia than anything nefarious.

Let the apps do their thing, and try not to let anything alarm you. It's best that you only stick to file locations you specifically need to store your own files, and not make an immediate leap to being hacked any time you see something you don't understand or an app glitches. It's extremely hard to hack into Android, and not something that just happens. You would have to approve the install of a malicious app for anyone to get to any of your data. This is why sticking with the official Play store is the best protection when you want to install an app. Google routinely scans the apps in the store for malware, and Play Protect will scan your device as well if you have it turned on in the Play Store app settings.

Do you know why i was getting the strange banner ads that said device cleaner. I know i am a bit paranoid right now. There was a device cleaner ad that was just a youtube video but on that video many were saying how it is not safe or dangerous. When i refresh the page pretty much the same ads show up and not many different ones. I have screenshotted some of them such as the ufreegames.com ad where it showed games like among us and a stickman game. I feel like ive messed up by not being cautious enough and now i feel like i cant return back to safety. I know i am clueless on the matter but something doesnt feel right even if thats just my paranoia speaking.


Jun 29, 2021
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For some reason i cant see if my reply has been sent so i will try again

Why am i getting device cleaner ads on the youtbe home page. Whenever i refresh the page i get the same ads everytime except some new. One device cleaner ad was a youtube video. There were some comments saying it was good but the majority were saying it was dangerous and could give a virus. There was a roblox ad that didnt look well made or posted on an official website bit i dont think that is a problem. There were multiple devicle cleaner ads and a ufreegames.com ad where it showed a banner that gad games like among us ad a stickman game. I have screenshotted a few.i messed up and regret it and didnt think about safety and now i feel as though i wont return to that feeling of security. The only time i dont feel worried is when i am writing or reading replies since you guys are the experts but i think i am scared since i am clueless and out of control of this situation. I know its my fault.
Ive realised that the comment gradually turned into me letting out my feelings.
Ive got the avast and avg antivirus app just in case but only the free version


Jun 29, 2021
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Ive made an android central account so it is me that made the initial comment.

Sorry if my other replies have actually been sent

What about the banner ads on youtube that show device cleaner. I keep getting the same ads when i refresh the page with some exceptions. When i refresh the page there is usually some ad that helps boost or cleans android device. I got a device cleaner ad that was a youtube video and the comments were saying how it wasnt safe or gave a virus. Some said it worked but the majority said it was dangerous. Not all the ads are to do with device cleaning but i have seen way more than before on youtube. There was also a roblox youtube video ad that didnt look well made or from an official channel but i dont know if thats very important. I have screenshotted a couple device cleaner ads and a ufreegames.com ad that showed games like among us and a stickman game.I know ive messed up and didnt consider safety but now , maybe due to me worrying, i dont feel as though i can return to that feeling of security. I think i am scared and out of control of the situation due to my incompetence. Ive realised this comment has turned into me letting out my feelings

Anyway ive installed avg and avast antivirus app. And they both say i am protected but i am using the free versions if that changes much
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Feb 23, 2011
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Those ads are nothing to be afraid of. They won't do anything just by watching them. If they link to a Play Store listing, then about the worst they can do is cause your battery to drain quicker. Android is great at its own housekeeping. Cleaner apps are not dangerous per se, but they run counter to how Android is designed to function.

Take memory for example. Android is meant to keep memory mostly full so task switching is quicker and more efficient (it takes less power to switch to a dormant app than to initialize it from a killed state). One of the biggest selling points of cleaning apps is a memory booster to arbitrarily kill background apps. Free memory is wasted memory in the Android world because it used the same amount of power regardless of how much is actually occupied, so the OS will see this freed up memory and initialize apps in the background again. The cleaning app kills them off, and the cycle repeats continuously.

Anti-virus apps aren't much better. They may offer some benefit to people installing from non-trusted sources (which we obviously don't recommend doing, stick to Play or Amazon's store), but pretty much zero benefit when you stick with apps from official sources like Play or direct from a developer's listing. Like cleaning apps, they just sit in the background using up your battery power needlessly because of how well protected you already are. Have a look at this article. It does a good job explaining the various ways the phones protect themselves and just how little risk there is of being compromised.



Feb 23, 2011
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Don't get me wrong, it is technically possible to get malware on your phone, but you have to basically be trying to do so and take purposeful steps to circumvent built in protections. Even that isn't always enough, because exploits are often found quickly and usually patched in OS updates so the suspect malware doesn't work even if you manage to install it.


Super Moderator
Feb 6, 2017
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Those ads are nothing to be afraid of. They won't do anything just by watching them. If they link to a Play Store listing, then about the worst they can do is cause your battery to drain quicker. Android is great at its own housekeeping. Cleaner apps are not dangerous per se, but they run counter to how Android is designed to function.

Take memory for example. Android is meant to keep memory mostly full so task switching is quicker and more efficient (it takes less power to switch to a dormant app than to initialize it from a killed state). One of the biggest selling points of cleaning apps is a memory booster to arbitrarily kill background apps. Free memory is wasted memory in the Android world because it used the same amount of power regardless of how much is actually occupied, so the OS will see this freed up memory and initialize apps in the background again. The cleaning app kills them off, and the cycle repeats continuously.

Anti-virus apps aren't much better. They may offer some benefit to people installing from non-trusted sources (which we obviously don't recommend doing, stick to Play or Amazon's store), but pretty much zero benefit when you stick with apps from official sources like Play or direct from a developer's listing. Like cleaning apps, they just sit in the background using up your battery power needlessly because of how well protected you already are. Have a look at this article. It does a good job explaining the various ways the phones protect themselves and just how little risk there is of being compromised.

Don't get me wrong, it is technically possible to get malware on your phone, but you have to basically be trying to do so and take purposeful steps to circumvent built in protections. Even that isn't always enough, because exploits are often found quickly and usually patched in OS updates so the suspect malware doesn't work even if you manage to install it.
Well said

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