I went to trade in for a Nexus and got slapped in the face!


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Nov 16, 2011
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Um... removable "soft" buttons are part of Ice Cream Sandwich, not specific to Samsung or the Gnex...and ICS will not show the buttons on any phone with older capacitive buttons so really you won't lose screen space showing duplicate buttons. ICS hides the soft buttons for video content so yes you get that .35" back then but otherwise it's still about 4.3".

And I hope the Google search bar on the top of ICS screens is customizable to go away....about 1/4 to 1/2 inch of screen space lost there too when it pops up.


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Oct 22, 2011
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Honestly I'm loving my Galaxy Nexus

I really enjoyed my time with the Rezound but I had several issues with the screen turning a distorted color till I turned off the screen

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Apr 26, 2010
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why do we debate this stuff?
To each his own.
I went in and picked up the nexus and it felt cheap. really cheap. screen pushed in easy etc.

The rezound albeit boring seems more solid, but the guys at best buy told me it's just the dummy model and the screen is a piece of cheap plastic.

I think it's great that we have all these choices and should be happy with the evolution of the OS and devices.
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Jul 21, 2011
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Samsung backs do not fall off by themselves (my wife has a Droid Charge). I was in the Verizon store today, and when I picked up the Nexus - the cable spring was tight enough that it caused the back to "flex".

Note, when a flat plate flexes into a dome, the sides NARROW. This created a separation between the back and the frame - a completely unnatural deformation of the back plate.

It was not designed to withstand being sucked off by a vacuum cleaner!

It never fell off while I was using it, but it was because I felt the tension and held my hand behind it. I saw somebody come in after me, grab it by the edge and jerk it up. Yup, vacuum-spring-cable sucked the back off.

Meanwhile, it is only slightly longer, and the same width, as my wife's Charge.

I'm still getting used to carrying a "Pop-Tart" in my pocket, compared to my "feature-phone" (about the size of 2 boxes of matches, with a 18-day standby battery)...


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Feb 12, 2011
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I'm a bit curious how the rezound has become somewhat of a sleeper hit, in the face of the initial "meh" reaction to the product.


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Dec 18, 2010
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im in love the rezound and i was orginally going to change out for the nexus but i decided against it. plus a lot of apps seem to still need to be updated for ICS.

My friend is using my htc droid eris from 2008 and it still has no damage. My nexus s from dec 18th of last year broke at 9 months and it was because of the cheap plastic and buttons. just throwing that out there but i still love most androids and will never be 100% loyal to one company


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Nov 16, 2011
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I rented a rezound and yes it was well built but that is where it ends. Nexus is by far the best device ive ever owned. As far as the screen goes i feel they are about the same. I liked sence but now with a stock ui i can say for sure is way less laggy


Nov 9, 2009
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It sounds like you are happy with your decision in keeping the rezound and that is good. However the arguments you are bringing up dont have much merit to a number of people. The door coming off is very well explained by an earlier post. And as far as build quality none of us know how well either phone is going to hold up over the next year. Personally I think that if you drop either one of these phones often they will break. I take care of mine and keep a case on that will protect against a drop.
The software plays a huge part and even when the Rezound gets ics it will still be bogged down with sense . If you like sense then keep buying htc but there are a lot of people who dont so the galaxy nexus is the perfect phone for us. Lets just be happy that we have an awesome os in android that gives us varity
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Apr 7, 2011
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I freaking love my Galaxy Nexus and its only been 14 hours. I have to say that I do love HTC though. I had a DInc and that was one of the best phones I ever had but now with ICS I just don't think skins are needed any longer and I wanted a bootloader so I can play with kernels and what not. This phone has virtually the same hardware as the Razr with a better screen. The Rezound does best it by a tiny bit hardware wise but it still has a very powerful processor and the GPU while dated has a better geometric performance which is becoming more and more important than fill-rate which is the current important ability of mobile GPU's. I don't see how the hardware is so horrible especially compared to the Razr which it is practically identical to inside but with a better screen and removable battery but no microsd. The Rezound on the other hand is a little bit better though hardware wise but unless someone is rooting it is wasted with the HTC Sense once 4.0 comes to it. THAT IS MY OPINION not trying to cause a stir because people get defense with phones but I certainly recommend the Rezound over the Razr.
EDIT: Actually the Razr has the OMAP 4430 and the GN has a 4460 so it is actually better hardware wise in almost every way.
Last edited:


Feb 22, 2011
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Let's all face the facts that without ICS this phone can't stand up to the rezound. And when we get ICS the rezound will BLOW past this over hyped phone!!!!!!!!!


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Jan 6, 2011
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Let's all face the facts that without ICS this phone can't stand up to the rezound. And when we get ICS the rezound will BLOW past this over hyped phone!!!!!!!!!

Agreed. And this is coming from someone who seriously questioned his decision to keep the Rezound in favor of the forthcoming Nexus. Check my recent posts on this topic ("Why should I keep the Rezound?"). It's only when I met the Nexus that my decision was made.

And no, the back popping off was not the only thing that disappointed me.

...Sent from my Tab


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Aug 18, 2010
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I'm within my return period for the Rezound and there is nothing groundbreaking about the GN that would make me consider returning it. If i were unsatisfied with the Rezound, the Razr wold be the contender or I'd simply ask for my money back and wait for Q1.

The GN craze is sound very iPhone-ish to me. Dated hardware with iOS. GN? Dated hardware with ICS. But unlike iOS and the iPhone, we're not forced into buying the GN to get ICS. All we need is patience to get it.

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Nov 25, 2011
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I'm sure I must be missing something. The nexus is Google's Flagship device, right? Google has 3 phones (well, 2 1/2, since Verizon owns the other 1/2) . The nexus phones are not meant to be the flagship Android phones, they are meant to set the next benchmark for the rest of the phones to follow. Anybody remember why the nexus line even started? Because all the manufactures were making HTC Hero quality phones and Google wanted better hardware. Nobody would do it, so they contracted HTC to make the Nexus. They also wanted developers to have a phone that was easy to mess with so making apps was easier. The nexus S and G-nex though came out, both with pretty much on-par stats, because the first nexus got Google's point across. The S pushed internal storage up, but lets face reality, Google Wallet is only going to take off when Apple decides what kind of tech "apple wallet" is going to use. If they go with anything other than NFC, Nexus phones NFC is gonna be like owning a laser disc player. What is the G-nex gonna add to phones? 1 gig of ram? HD screen? Dual core processor? These are developers phones. I can't even really say Google is selling this as the Iphone5 everyone wanted, but some crazy fanboys over hyping it on the Internet. Google I think, is saying, for ICS to work properly, this is the phone you at least need to make. To be as boss as the nexus 1 was back in the day, we would have had to see a quad-core, 2gigs of ram, a 1080p screen, and as thin as the Razr. Those are the specs required to make the G-Nex as relevant for as long as the first Nexus was.

I wanted a G-Nex pretty bad, but got my rezound for free, and my wife got a Razr for free. I just wanted it for a bloat-free experience, but saving what ended up being somewhere around $600 (both phones), waiting was stupid.

BTW, how many guys demanding vanilla android have actually used vanilla android? My old desire I could switch to vanilla (with home switching app, not rooted). It sucks balls compared to anything the manufactures put on the phone. If vanilla is so great, why do most custom roms have ADW or some other home screen? I can't judge ICS, because I don't have it, but really, didn't it just catch Vanilla up to GoLauncher? Most people getting the G-nex now, may in fact be the guys rooting and rom'ing the hell out of it, but most people are to scared, and/or won't care to do this stuff. I'm sure if your a developer, you rightfully so should be pumped. But just what if Sense 4 kills Vanilla ICS like it kills vanilla Gingerbread? I'm a GoLauncher guy, but will take Sense over Vanilla any day of the week. I think what people want is bloat free Android.

Lastly, isn't this the Rezound forum? Did they not get the G-nex forum up for you guys? The original post says something about the Rezound not being such a stupid idea, but why all the Apple fanboys showing off their Nexus' in the Rezound forum? Are the same posts in the Razr forum as well? I mean, it's cool the guys who trading in their rezound coming in and saying why, but the dudes who never used one? Go troll in the Iphone forums, show 'em how fancy you are (if you actually own one yet).


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Nov 25, 2011
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PS, on antutu, the gnex only wins on CPU float point, (basic math not so important processing). Gets killed in CPU integer (hard processing) and killed in 3D graphics. So on a more efficient os, it's beating my over all score because it can add and subtract well.


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Jan 12, 2010
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Let's all face the facts that without ICS this phone can't stand up to the rezound. And when we get ICS the rezound will BLOW past this over hyped phone!!!!!!!!!

Except the Rezound will get a buggy over rought version of ICS with lag. And that wont be until june. Asvfar as the battery door falling off my GNex, i dont have a bunjee cord strapped to the back so i havent encountered that one isolated problem. I will take constant and continuous updates over a overweight bloated tank like the rezound. Razr is a far better piece, save for the screen. The fact that beats doesnt work with Google Music is an epic fail. All phones have shortcomings. Its just the Nexus phones get fixed in the software areas when others dont.


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Apr 2, 2010
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I'm a step behind the power curve, still rocking the tbolt, but the last nexus and the current nexus are not a good representation of android, android is open and flexible, my biggest problem with them is the lack of SD expansion, SD is freedom and simplicidy. The phone I'm really lusting over is the note, for please bring it to vzw


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Apr 19, 2010
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I love my Nexus, you love your Rezound. If we're all happy here, why does everyone seem so confrontational? They're phones. We're all allowed to like different things.

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