ICS Browser


Apr 27, 2010
Hello All,

I have a T-Mobile Nexus S and the only thing that has annoyed me is the browser. I currently use Dolphin Browser HD and it does okay. Opera mini or mobile (can't remember which) did really well but some of the pages would render weird. So let's get into it. When Ice Cream Sandwich drops, do you think the stock browser will be updated? Honestly, the stock browser just isn't good currently. I can run flash well and do other things but it's super choppy when trying to scroll before and sometimes after the page has loaded. My wife's Sensation stock browser rocks. I like being able to touch the screen before something is loaded and have it feel responsive. I would rather have checkerboarding than what feels like lagging and freezing.

I don't want/need a new Nexus; I love mine. But, I need a new browser. If I were to root and flash a rom, could I get another phone's browser? Thanks for all the help!
I think so, the big features of Honeycomb is the great browser would love the slick tab UI or the side menus, especially the incognito mode

Sent from my Nexus S
Good point. I hope it has all of that. I just want a fast touch browsing experience. No more lag on the browser. Thanks for the reply! I can't wait for next Tuesday night...
The browser is baked into the OS. There's no reason it couldn't be updated along with everything else in ICS. I suppose it's possible they could decide not to, but I can't imagine why.
The browser is baked into the OS. There's no reason it couldn't be updated along with everything else in ICS. I suppose it's possible they could decide not to, but I can't imagine why.

The ENTIRE OS will change when your device gets ICS. The reason for ICS to change every aspect of the OS is so the tablets and the phones all sync and share information seamlessly.

The browser on ICS will be replace the browser in Gingerbread, Froyo & so forth. Watch more videos on the browser for ICS and you'll see what I'm talking about.

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