
Well-known member
Apr 3, 2012
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Ok I've read some of the comments here regarding jb and what's changed. But real question I want to ask is it worth upgrading to JB? If you could go back would you stray back to ICS or stick to JB? I had the Galaxy S2 on GB upgraded to ICS and hated it at first. But I did factory reset and gave it another chance and loved it. First one pro or con to 10 I'd probably roll with that decision

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Sep 12, 2011
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I had horrible battery life at first. Turned some stuff off in Google Now and it has been better. Also not happy ATT removed the Data toggle.

I am finally convinced to root and go the custom ROM route. As soon as I have the free time, I will.

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Apr 3, 2012
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Ok so seems like one con or nay so far. I just got this phone, don't want to void my warranty just yet.

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May 17, 2012
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It is worth it and I would never regress to a prior OS version. My GS3 is snappier and more fluid than with ICS. Not having mobile data toggle is not a big deal.

Sent From My Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Tablet


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Feb 15, 2012
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It is worth it and I would never regress to a prior OS version. My GS3 is snappier and more fluid than with ICS. Not having mobile data toggle is not a big deal.

Sent From My Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Tablet

I second this. Even if there's a few bugs, an operating system upgrade happens for a reason. The pro's have ALWAYS outweighed the con's for me.

Sent from my Galaxy S3


Nov 29, 2010
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Well you are not going to be able to put the upgrade off for long unless you root. 90% of the issues that anyone is having can be solved by doing a wipe, upgrading and then wiping again. Or if you want to just upgrade and see if you get issues you can, but at the first sign of problems, do a wipe and they will clear up.

I do not think that I would go backward ever. I am getting a cheapo tablet and I was playing around with ics on it. Yeah it is better than gb, but it is no jb

Sent from my X-Band Modem... TY Genesis


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Jun 29, 2011
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I have been following all of the threads on JB and for now I'm sticking with ICS. No bugs, no having to turn off tons of things for other apps and settings to work and no looking all over the forum or Google for "fixes". I rejected the update and I'm not the least bit bothered by still using ICS. When JB gets some updates and becomes more stable, I'll mess with it but it's a no go for now. Seems like the people who updated are toying with their phone for countless hours just to get it to perform how they want it. To me the only thing that sounds good so far that ppl are saying is that the phone runs faster and that alone is just not a good enough reason for me to update at the moment. Just my opinion. These statements do not reflect the views of Android Central or its staff lol. Just those of the brotha who wrote them

My GS3 sleeps in the bed and I make my girlfriend sleep on the couch


Nov 29, 2010
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I have been following all of the threads on JB and for now I'm sticking with ICS. No bugs, no having to turn off tons of things for other apps and settings to work and no looking all over the forum or Google for "fixes". I rejected the update and I'm not the least bit bothered by still using ICS. When JB gets some updates and becomes more stable, I'll mess with it but it's a no go for now. Seems like the people who updated are toying with their phone for countless hours just to get it to perform how they want it. To me the only thing that sounds good so far that ppl are saying is that the phone runs faster and that alone is just not a good enough reason for me to update at the moment. Just my opinion. These statements do not reflect the views of Android Central or its staff lol. Just those of the brotha who wrote them

My GS3 sleeps in the bed and I make my girlfriend sleep on the couch

Like I said to have the best shot at a problem free upgrade, spend the hour and do a wipe. It will save you two hours looking for fixes, which most of the fixes are wipes anyway.. Lol

Sent from my X-Band Modem... TY Genesis


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Jun 29, 2011
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Like I said to have the best shot at a problem free upgrade, spend the hour and do a wipe. It will save you two hours looking for fixes, which most of the fixes are wipes anyway.. Lol

Sent from my X-Band Modem... TY Genesis

If that simple thing will fix everything, Why doesn't everyone do that and there will be no problems?


Nov 29, 2010
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Because it is easier to just upgrade and see what happens and with windows 90% of the time you do that, not a full wipe so that is what it is compared to

Sent from my X-Band Modem... TY Genesis


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Jun 29, 2011
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Ok. Have you got JB now? Did you do a wipe and have no issues? I'm so not into the whole buggy thing and playing with my phone for hours to get it right. I love my phone but I got better things to do

My GS3 sleeps in the bed and I make my girlfriend sleep on the couch


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Apr 3, 2012
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Ok leaning towards doing the update. More yay than nay, if I understand it right do the upgrade, take battery out for 2 min or so. Power on and do factory reset? Is that correct?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Android Central Forums


Nov 29, 2010
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Yes and I have been through quite a few upgrades overall. Check out the issues threads, most of them are solved by a reset.

Sent from my X-Band Modem... TY Genesis


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Jun 24, 2012
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Jelly Bean made my GS3 much snappier. I loved the GS3 with ICS but performance enhancements are always nice. Haven't had a problem with JB so far.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Android Central Forums
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Nov 23, 2012
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Just wanted to mention that this upgrade to JB is only 4.1.1, not the latest 4.2.1. It is basically half a$$ed as is usually the case with att. Upgrading to JB will have some consequences such as the loss of flash support. There is a workaround with Firefox, but dolphin and chrome won't even try to load it.

My nexus 7 has JB 4.2.1 and it is great, but I'm not totally sold on all the trouble just to get a now outdated upgrade on my s3.

Having said that, I will probably go ahead and upgrade in the next week or so when I get the time.

I think it is also interesting that AT&T has tried to put the consequences of a necessary and appropriate upgrade on its customer's shoulders by requiring them to update through kies rather than ota. This just serves to highlight how Google is doing things right by offering unlocked devices to the consumer.

More incentive to root I suppose.


Well-known member
Apr 3, 2012
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Just wanted to mention that this upgrade to JB is only 4.1.1, not the latest 4.2.1. It is basically half a$$ed as is usually the case with att. Upgrading to JB will have some consequences such as the loss of flash support. There is a workaround with Firefox, but dolphin and chrome won't even try to load it.

My nexus 7 has JB 4.2.1 and it is great, but I'm not totally sold on all the trouble just to get a now outdated upgrade on my s3.

Having said that, I will probably go ahead and upgrade in the next week or so when I get the time.

I think it is also interesting that AT&T has tried to put the consequences of a necessary and appropriate upgrade on its customer's shoulders by requiring them to update through kies rather than ota. This just serves to highlight how Google is doing things right by offering unlocked devices to the consumer.

More incentive to root I suppose.

OK so you say no flash beyond JB as in no flash videos? Can anyone confirm that? Not calling you a liar, just hadn't seen that con in the posts I've read on.


Nov 29, 2010
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Actually it was no flash on ICS, but if you had a phone that already had it, and upgraded to ICS it still worked find. Adobe support officially died in ics

Sent from my X-Band Modem... TY Genesis


Trusted Member
May 17, 2012
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Ok leaning towards doing the update. More yay than nay, if I understand it right do the upgrade, take battery out for 2 min or so. Power on and do factory reset? Is that correct?

After the update is complete, a battery pull should be sufficient.

1) Download and install the most current version of Kies
2) Enable USB debugging, disable strict mode, and screen update in Developer Options.
3) Open Kies and connect the GS3 with the OEM cable that came with the phone.
4) Once the process starts, don't disconnect.
5) Update will download and install. The install is indicated by Lloyd on the screen and a message to not disconnect the target or the GS3.
6) Once PROMPTED by the screens during the update process, disconnect the GS3.
7) Pull the battery and leave it out for a minute. Replace the battery and battery cover. Restart the phone.

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